Modern Life Is War cancel appearances with Bane due to drummer Luke Rauch's battle with cancer

In February, Bane announced a handful of shows in the Northeast along with The Suicide File, Colin Of Arabia, Modern Life Is War and others. Shortly after that announcement, MLIW shared that drummer Luke Rauch had been diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer and would seek treatment in hopes that the band could still perform on their upcoming shows, even while Rauch was undergoing treatment.
Today the Iowa hardcore outfit shared that they will sadly have to miss those scheduled dates due to Rauch and his ongoing chemo treatments lasting through the month of June. So in his best interests, the band has decided to remove themselves from the events.
If you would like to donate to the ongoing GoFundMe for Rauch, you can do so here.
Killing Time has been named as the replacement for Modern Life Is War.
The band shared the following:
In February our drummer Luke was diagnosed with colon cancer. After undergoing surgery it was determined to be STAGE 3 requiring chemo treatments. We had hoped we may still be able to play the upcoming Bane shows but with his chemo treatments lasting through June we are unable to do so. As much as we hate to cancel, Luke's health is our top priority at this time.
Post Commentpopped some popcorn in anticipation of these comments......
I don't recognise him in the photo. I'm sure he was a short, chubby looking dude. Different drummer from 2003?
aaron could find a compitent teenager to fill in
Why are they getting canceled? Are liberals really out here defending cancer now?
Imagine how worse it would've been if he wasn't vacksed!
Hopefully the treatments are successful and allow him to live a little.
They thought he'd be done with cancer in 4 months? Are there no other drummers in the state of Iowa?
They should have called his GFM page "Iowa lotta medical bills"
> Why are they getting canceled? Are liberals really out here defending cancer now? Imagine being this retarded.
Aaron "Big c-ck" Bedard here, there appears to be some confusion about this "Final" European tour from my influential and positive hardcore band Bane. Allow me to clarify, this will be the FINAL chance to see Bane in Europe.. Last chance to dance kids, so represent until we return of course for our 2016 package tour
" Imagine being this retarded. " tfw you're they/them and hope more cis heteronormative breeders die so you cancel sick people
Cool of Bane to share the dudes GFM on socials tho, since he has cancer, and now no income. Oh wait, they didn't. Just announced his bands replacement at their shows. But they told him they loved him. Maybe he'll get a hoodie. Sorry dude #Baneforever but #f*ckcancer is reserved for Bane members only
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