Falling In Reverse's Ronnie Radke ignites feud with Monuments' Andy Cizek over assault allegations

Ronnie Radke (Falling In Reverse) and Andy Cizek (Monuments, Makari) have been engaged in a social media feud that has continued for the past few days, all starting when Radke was recently accused on Twitter of physically assaulting a woman eight years ago in response to a Loudwire article. Radke has vehemently denied the allegations and defended himself by attacking the accuser online.
Cizek then got involved in the situation and drew Radke's attention, leading to a war of words that can be viewed across social media. Radke bemoaned about smaller bands using his name for attention, as Cizek continued to poke the bear. Radke created a TikTok video and accused then Cizek of slander on Twitter by amplifying the accusations.
Eventually, Radke accused Cizek himself of sexual assault stating "I could literally ruin this guys fucking life" and sharing unsubstantiated DMs on Twitter accusing the Makari vocalist of sexual misconduct. Cizek denied the allegations stating "Not me. Makari had another vocalist before me. There may have been some *behavior* but he has been out of the band for a very long time."

Radke went on to say:
Dudes in bands for 14 years with 7 albums out playing 300 cap venues empty selling 400 dollars in merch telling me my music sucks, have to switch to false allegations and character attacking, you get more likes talking about me than what your band sells in merch NIGHTLY.
Cizek then retweeted his March 9th Tweet stating:
"I will not be intimidated by bullies in the music industry. Our complicity is a big reason why horrible things continue to happen. I am sick of it. I don't care who doesn't like it. This is who I am. This is our space and we have a responsibility to protect it and be better."
Post CommentYou know who never gets entangled in some Nancy ass hogwash like this? M!ke Goo, that's who
Who cares about either one of these gaywads? When your entire fan base is made up exclusively of girls under the age of 16, it's a red flag.
They should end this once and for all and suck each other off. Whoever cums first is the winner.
I don't even know who these clowns are. Maybe they should try writing good music.
Both are a couple fruits and their music is all gay. Radke seems like a total wiesel piece of shit but is also right that the other guy is totally pandering for attention. Hope they both get raped by bbc
Monuments dude is such a f*cking loser "I will not be silenced" as if there's anything safer than tweeting bull shit at a guy continents away. Radke is right in saying this dude would absolutely not say shit if they were in the same room. That being said all of this is woman behavior.
what a sad world we live in when these two posers call each other names on a CIA monitoring platform and it's considered "news"
The fact that people believe women in 2023 is beyond me. It's common knowledge that women will jump on bandwagons for attention. People love to hate ronnie radke and that's a position he put himself in so any chance people get to try and slander him they will take it even if it's not true. A prime example is that porn star who accused the bassist of Attila as well as others of sleeping with her underage which was eventually proven to be a lie. People hate Atilla so they were quick to jump on the bandwagon.
Look, I won't defend Ronnie or anything, but Andy's comments were unnecessary and pretty much bandwagon jumping.
If you're not fûcking crazy whores you should be fine. These dudes are way too old to get duped by some psychotic narcissistic woman with daddy issues. There are plenty of normal broads out there. Grow up.
^and are they quadruple boosted. Very important.
Ronnie has been an uptight bitch ever since he got booty tapped in prison with no heroin in sight.
aren't there like 5 bands called monuments? proved RR's point, a nobody band using Falling In Reverse to get their name out there. lame! and yes 8 years is too long. holding onto that nugget all this time like a weirdo
Masks? Boosters? Pronouns? Funds donated to Ukraine? I need more information before I can like this band. -Mike (they/them)
Is his hair literally coated with semen? Wtf ew man, y'all see that? Nature's moisturizer.
That chick is a pig. Dude got that info correct fo sho.
You won't like Ronnie Radke when he's Ronnie Madke. Whether he's Ronnie Gladke or Ronnie Sadke, he's always Ronnie Badke
I always try and avoid being a toxic human being. But godamn how is this Ronnie c*nt still alive. Shite music, seems like a shit tier human.
"anonymous 1 hour ago I always try and avoid being a toxic human being. But godamn how is this Ronnie c*nt still alive. Shite music, seems like a shit tier human." Imagine living every second based on what fragile crybabies think of you. sounds like slavery but you do you pal!
Never heard either band but can tell they're both a joke, no care ever
anonymous 15 hours ago The more free will and autonomy you give females, the more they revert to their natural state of being slandering, lying psychotics. They're not even aware that they're lying as they've convinced themselves their fantasy is reality... hence also why they believe they now have adhd, autism, ptsd, etc. And when they group together, they perpetually infect and sabotage each other, exacerbating their fantasies. ^ Yup. There was a reason why every culture put restrictions on women, and it's not because men were "afraid" of their power or some other numbnut cuck fantasy reason...it's because everyone knew women can't handle that kind of freedom responsibly, and the men that rightfully ruled over the women in their household were legally responsible for their womens' crimes. And with all the freedom women have today in the west 99% of them STILL can't take accountability. how much longer do we have to put up with this shit?
Why is someone on fire in the picture what happened
Blacked out arms AND neck? Even if you had never heard of this illiterate chode you'd know for certain that he is a piece of shit from that alone.
everyone who has commented so far is currently recovering from bottom surgery and needs space to sort out their complicated feelings about rape
Both of these guys look like dipshits. Monuments guy trying to be all high and mighty, and Radke for flipping out. Both lose
No NO. Ronnie Radke is BASED guys. Women = :( I like Ronnie now! Go Ronnie! Team Ronnie!
European venue owners scrambling to astroturf any article on this
Lots of no neck, mouth breathing incels on here. Gotta love how the mention of a woman sets off their small d*ck energy. Unfortunately, you'll have to get a job and move to Romania to get the full Andrew Tate experience, and that'll probably be hard to do on disability checks alone.
They should just f*ck one another and be done with it. This foreplay is boring, imma have to pop a cialis to stay interested.
Dan rivas (who books the meatlocker) and Amanda bratoutofhell start go fundmescam from fake "Assault" https://lolcow.farm/snow/res/1594746.html
All these newjack soyboy fairies on here pretending lambgoat is for them. This has always been an incel site and you normie pricks aren't welcome here
" Lots of no neck, mouth breathing incels on here. Gotta love how the mention of a woman sets off their small d*ck energy. Unfortunately, you'll have to get a job and move to Romania to get the full Andrew Tate experience, and that'll probably be hard to do on disability checks alone." LOOOOL the comments got you so hot and bothered you had to use every every "insulted" parroted by those dweebs on twitter/reddit. Shut up nerd.
There isn't a single band in this shot music scene that doesn't have at least one creep in it. Ban this shit
"LOOOOL the comments got you so hot and bothered you had to use every every "insulted" parroted by those dweebs on twitter/reddit. Shut up nerd." Nothing screams "my whole personality is a music genre" like sticking up for sexual deviants for clout.
"All these newjack soyboy fairies on here pretending lambgoat is for them. This has always been an incel site and you normie pricks aren't welcome here" Imagine being proud of that fact. I'm sure if your parents weren't so sick of you living in their basement they'd be proud too.
Both bands are whack and everyone involved should practice self-immolation.
https://beaverbong.com It's 4:20 Got a Beaver? Interesting concept--a dildo bong that allows you to literally puff out os a g eirl's pussy. The smoke is drawn into the tube by the water and you then breathe the smoke out of the pipe. Here the bottom or water end, which seems to have a hole in it, goes in the girl's pussy, "so that the pussy juice infuses the water"
That Monuments kid comes off like a straight up beta male white knighting pussy. I saw that interview he did with Finn Mckinty and his facial expressions constantly look like he's about to cry. I guarantee he will be cancelled in a few years for being a creepy sex pest with some chick and then grovel like a little bitch in hopes it will save his fledgling "career." Screen cap this.
"Nothing screams "my whole personality is a music genre" like sticking up for sexual deviants for clout." Nothing screams "my wife's boyfriend is standing right behind me as I type this" like believing attention whores.
These band dudes are acting like the women they supposedly assaulted. Social media is shit and men who air their drama on it are fake and gay
Came here to laugh at the comments but didn't realize how many of you losers are so misogynistic. Goddamn. Its hard to take your critical comments seriously when your brains are set to the year 1943. Morons.
misogynistic men are a fraction compared to lying women looking for attention and praise, especially in the music scene.
"Nothing screams "my wife's boyfriend is standing right behind me as I type this" like believing attention whores." Lol. I'm glad you think so highly of me to suggest I even have a girl to begin with. I guess you wouldn't know what that's like, since nobody would mistake you for someone with a social life, let alone a woman who would willingly want to spend time with you without being financially compensated.
"She's not going to f*ck you" I would say the same, but given Raping Ronnie's disregard for consent, that's not really a guarantee. Maybe not willingly, at least.
"Yup. There was a reason why every culture put restrictions on women, and it's not because men were "afraid" of their power or some other numbnut cuck fantasy reason...it's because everyone knew women can't handle that kind of freedom responsibly, and the men that rightfully ruled over the women in their household were legally responsible for their womens' crimes. And with all the freedom women have today in the west 99% of them STILL can't take accountability. how much longer do we have to put up with this shit?" Tell us you've never been with a woman without actually telling us you've never been with a woman.
"let alone a woman who would willingly want to spend time with you without being financially compensated" Lets shame sex workers and put the men who legally pay for services in a negative light. 90% of these women would be working at the dollar tree if it wasn't for Onlyfans and iPhones to chat and take butthole photos for the men willing to give them charity
Ronnie deleted all of his false allegations towards Andy as they were 100% fake. Ronnie was trying to "prove a point" (due to him not being able to properly read) about allegations he *thought* Andy was making towards him.
" Lets shame sex workers and put the men who legally pay for services in a negative light. 90% of these women would be working at the dollar tree if it wasn't for Onlyfans and iPhones to chat and take butthole photos for the men willing to give them charity. "Charity" would suggest you're doing it by choice, but given the amount of misogyny on here, I would say it's probably your ONLY choice. I guess I'd be mad at women too if I had to drop my entire paycheck on one so they pay attention to me.
i know ronnie to be scum from years ago, but hes answered for that years ago. was involved with an assault resulting in death. however, due to personally knowing cizek, i absolutely believe ronnie and hope the victims come forward. cizek let his head get the best of his, but is the most insecure loser in the music scene and his behavior online with grooming and black listing artists with an issue with him, online bullying that resulted in one ending their life, all leads me to believe he is hiding something even darker. now i know what it is. hes a preditor. hope andy khs tbh. he doesnt belong on this planet anymore.
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Let's see him try this with goo