The Amity Affliction drop "I See Dead People" music video

Official press release:
Australian metalcore trailblazers The Amity Affliction have just dropped the video for their brutal new single "I See Dead People," featuring late New Zealand rapper Louie Knuxx, who passed away in 2021. Watch it below.
"I See Dead People" is easily one of the most blood-blistering songs in Amity's catalog. It will send chills up and down your spine.
Vocalist Jon Birch shared the following:
The song is about the ongoing and nebulous struggle that comes with dealing with the pain of friends killing themselves while myself dealing with passive suicidal ideation.
Post Comment"passive suicidal ideation" ^ Dr. Phil over here
"I See Dead People" because a dingo ate my baby.
"The song is about the ongoing and nebulous struggle that comes with dealing with the pain of friends killing themselves while myself dealing with passive suicidal ideation." Here's some advice. Stop hanging around losers and stop being in a shitty band
Why hasn't that commie prick Joel joined them? Such a useless frontman for a useless band
LMAO I also just realized they called him "Jon Birch" in this article! Lambgoat needs to get whoever is writing these articles FFS, either that or hire a proofreader so they stop getting egg on their face all the time
Would be cool if these drums weren't programmed Sounds fake AF
Decent tier 3 metalcore band. Don't hurt yourself trying to pretend they're not. Parkway Drive has put out worse.
How do a group of band mates, producers and label actually sign off on releasing this with those drums sounding like they were programmed by an infant? I get it I get it, digital age all drums are programmed these days blah blah blah, but there comes a point where this stuff just sounds completely fake on every level. Probably had someone write it all fit them as well.
durdur vaccine jokes durrrrr durrr shitty manual labor job durrrr everyone else's problem but mine hurrrrdurrr own libs.
How do a group of band mates, producers and label actually sign off on releasing this with those drums sounding like they were programmed by an infant? I get it I get it, digital age all drums are programmed these days blah blah blah, but there comes a point where this stuff just sounds completely fake on every level. ___ This. I tried to give it a chance but it just sounds like 1 million "put something in the trashcan on your computer" noises strung together synchronized with blips of white TV static over top.
Brutal. No bullshit in this song. I like the drum sound. Just enjoy the f*cking music. Respect for putting this ripper out as a single 🤘🏼
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I see low ticket sales and cancelled tours.