Extol return to U.S. after 18 years, will play Furnace Fest 2023

This fall, Christian progressive metal band Extol will play their first US live show in 18 years. The group will be performing at this year's Furnace Fest in Birmingham, Alabama. The festival will be held at Sloss Furnaces from September 23 to 25.
The festival's 2023 lineup thus far is:
Between The Buried And Me
Ninety Pound Wuss
Blessed By A Broken Heart
One King Down
Gorilla Biscuits
The Callous Daoboys
Foreign Hands
With reunions happening from:
Head Automatica
It Dies Today
A Plea For Purging
Training For Utopia
Shed Bash which will be held the day before at the same location will feature:
Norma Jean
With Blood Comes Cleansing
With Honor
Walls Of Jericho
Slow Pulse
No Cure
Post Commentwould be nice to see scarlet or spitfire on this
this lineup sucks. get the mid 00s names. haste the day, still remains, walls of jericho, throwdown, bury your dead, evergreen terrace, from autumn to ashes. way better than anything europe put out past or present
^Yeah nailed it right into his boyfriends ass. Haste The Day sucks and you two have never seen any of those bands live. Go back to listening to Code Orange or whatever queer shit you secretly love
this lineup sucks. get the mid 00s names. haste the day, still remains, walls of jericho, throwdown, bury your dead, evergreen terrace, from autumn to ashes. way better than anything europe put out past or present ace of base is better than all those bands. also, ace of base sucks,
"this lineup sucks. get the mid 00s names. haste the day, still remains, walls of jericho, throwdown, bury your dead, evergreen terrace, from autumn to ashes. way better than anything europe put out past or present" every band you listed aside from walls of jericho is complete dumpster water run off.
XGABEX is stoked to buy merchandise at this shit heap and flip it for 3x the price.
With HonorWalls Of Jericho With HonorWalls Of Jericho With HonorWalls Of Jericho
No one in the US actually cares about this band
anonymous 1 hour ago this lineup sucks. get the mid 00s names. haste the day, still remains, walls of jericho, throwdown, bury your dead, evergreen terrace, from autumn to ashes. way better than anything europe put out past or present All these bands except for throwdown played FF in 2021.
With HonorWalls Of Jericho With HonorWalls Of Jericho With HonorWalls Of Jericho With HonorWalls Of Jericho With HonorWalls Of Jericho With HonorWalls Of Jericho
anonymous 1 hour ago ^Yeah nailed it right into his boyfriends ass. Haste The Day sucks and you two have never seen any of those bands live. Go back to listening to Code Orange or whatever queer shit you secretly love Seething! Also Code Orange is better than whatever band you are a member of on this list.
Better get those exclusive furnace fest t-shirts ready to go now!
get himsa, most precious blood, nora, alol, johnny truant, bloodlines calligraphy, nodes of ranvier and fassw. the good shit
"With HonorWalls Of Jericho" never heard of this band
Get symphony in peril, promotions of war, winter solstice, the red death,a perfect murder,keepsake,calico system,Foreveriburn, invocation of nehek
Last time I saw Extol was bamboozle 2005 and 3 people watched them before fear before who had 5
f*ck this band- FF needs to get better bands if they want to survive. They should book BTBAM, It dies today, Norma Jean, maybe Hatebreed, One King Down, etc.
Where the f*ck are Greatest Death, Moroi Mansion, With Haste Makes Waste, Tony Collette, Blander, or Homes for Horses on these fests. All classic bands bigger than these no name reunions
inked in blood, across five aprils, martyr ad, fear before, sinai beach, on broken wings, 36 crazyfists, twelve tribes
What the Christians should do is wait til after the presales have popped off, THEN catfish everyone with announcing all this Jesus-y bullshit.
Libtards suck corporate and globofascist cock at the WEF
If Skillet and/or D.C. Talk isn't showing up consider me out. Do better for Jesus, Furnace Fest!
Liberal here, I'm gay...obviously. My sexuality is my identity.
How many of these bands have booked Seth Myers Show AND have a drummer playing with his backing band? I thought so.
"f*ck this band- FF needs to get better bands if they want to survive. They should book BTBAM, It dies today, Norma Jean, maybe Hatebreed, One King Down, etc" Are you f*cking stupid or can't you read? Every band you listed is on the fest.
great now get Winter Solstice and we got a fest
anonymous 7 hours ago "f*ck this band- FF needs to get better bands if they want to survive. They should book BTBAM, It dies today, Norma Jean, maybe Hatebreed, One King Down, etc" Are you f*cking stupid or can't you read? Every band you listed is on the fest. dense af god damn
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Ninety Pound Wuss Blessed By A Broken Heart> everyone else