Official press release:
Critically acclaimed post-metal band Earthrise has revealed their final single, "The New Man," ahead of next week's release of the band's long-awaited sophomore album, "Until We Rest Beneath the Winter Way," due out October 14th. The "epic, crushing new single" was first revealed at MetalInjection.net, and is now available for streaming on all services.
"Until We Rest Beneath the Winter Way" frames vignettes into the life and times of Laika, the first animal sent into Earth's orbit. Each track on 'UWRBTWW' represents a slice in history, as she endured it. The album culminates with the launch of Sputnik II, the second major event in humanity's reach to the heavens, symbolized by a lifeless canine body orbiting the Earth for months on end -- a somber meditation on humanity's innumerable self-inflicted tragedies, as if stuck in orbit, forever.
"Our third single, The New Man, is the first track on the album and sets the political lens through which Laika's story is viewed. After the successful launch of Sputnik I in October 1957 signified the dawning of the Space Age, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev gave a surprise announcement that Sputnik II would launch in November as a further demonstration of Soviet prowess. By establishing space superiority, Soviet leaders aimed to show that communism would allow The New Man to emerge - idealized citizens made possible by an overabundance of Soviet resources and scientific development.
This idea of The New Man was propaganda. It soon became clear that advancements in the Space Race were not made solely in the name of scientific progress, but to exhibit capability of nuclear payload delivery. Soviet leaders intended to prove the USSR'S military dominance to the world and would not let anything stand in their way - least of all an insignificant stray dog.
The New Man standing as a harbinger of nuclear catastrophe is the foundation upon which Until We Rest Beneath the Winter Way is built." - EARTHRISE
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