NewsAugust 16, 2022 12:45 PM ET5,519 views

FYA IX fest lineup announced, ticket sale imminent

Tampa, Florida's hardcore FYA Fest will see it's 9th iteration, FYA IX, on January 7 and 8 at the Bryan Glazer Family JCC in 2023. The fest recently dropped a flyer with the lineup, as well as an announcement that tickets will be on sale Friday at noon eastern. 

Take a look at the flyer and the lineup below.

Bands included on this year's lineup:

200 Stab Wounds
Age of Apocalypse
Buried Dreams
Chemical Fix
Cold World
Criminal Instinct
Crown of Thornz
Dead Last
Echo Chamber
End It
Field of Flames
Fool's Game
Killing Pace
King Nine
Live It Down
Life of Agony
Never Again
New World Man
No Pressure
Pain of Truth
Raw Brigade
Seed of Pain
Statement of Pride
The Chisel
War Hungry


Post Comment

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:02:56 AM

Ghetto Josh and Chad Gilbert are stoked

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:11:05 AM

Minimum wage fest

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:13:27 AM

Does Tayler Sue approve of this lineup?

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:14:12 AM

Trump supporters are stoked for Cold World

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:15:38 AM

will the Woman beaters in FSU be present?

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:24:29 AM

Magnitude needs to put out some new music. They play shows and fests constantly but it's the same songs over and over now.

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:27:25 AM

50-year-old men nicknamed stuff like "Manic Mike" with tattooed hands and necks who incessantly wax nostalgic over utter meaningless/infantile crew beefs and scuffles that happened 30+ years ago are stoked.

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:30:32 AM

Terrible. Imagine listening to or liking hardcore in 2022.

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:37:04 AM

Imagine being over 30 and still caring about straight edge. I'll be attending drinking captain and coked out of my mind.

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:42:19 AM

If Life of Agony is the headliner of your festival.. why even bother lol

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:43:30 AM

how is this lineup suppose to draw

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:47:03 AM

McDonalds employees across America just asked for the weekend off

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:52:10 AM

gonna ride my hog down there cause im a biker / barber / whatever trend that hardcore / punk people are into at the moment

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:53:14 AM

havent been since FYA 2, hope they get 1%ers to do security and beat up on women with kids

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:55:40 AM

enough with Pain Of Truth and Gridiron already. tough guy cosplayers are stoked.

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:57:35 AM

Some awesome bands on this lineup for those who know the score 😉 (not the child on here though eh LG?!)

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:58:31 AM

boring bullcrap yet again. Same 40 bands every festival. Hardcore has died.

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:59:48 AM

enough with Pain Of Truth and Gridiron already. tough guy cosplayers are stoked. For real. Gimmick fake tough.

anonymous 8/16/2022 10:59:49 AM

"Oppressed" fake communists who weigh 120 pounds soaking wet living in their parents' basement who masturbate to hentai are super stoked.

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:01:13 AM

Would love to see Gridiron live! The guitarists shred those hip hop beats to f*ck!!

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:02:25 AM

'boring bullcrap yet again. Same 40 bands every festival. Hardcore has died.' Thankfully not for you! 😂

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:07:50 AM

Weird they are headlining the event with a live version of Ru Paul's Drag Race

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:13:44 AM

So in other words, Bulldoze, Life Of Agony, and a bunch of newer bands.

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:15:40 AM

yo danny diablo here

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:15:45 AM

Life It Down(?) PLEASE, tell me -this is a typo!!! the "f" key & the "v" key are relatively close,so.... inquiring minds would like to know,please!!!

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:18:55 AM

Some awesome bands on this lineup for those who know the score 😉 (not the child on here though eh LG?!) Haha dude is early 20s trying to pretend he has any history at all with these bands. f*cking cosplayer

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:24:35 AM

Bob Wilson is the biggest try hard there is. Keep sucking Joe Tardcore's nuts and maybe one day you too can be a "hardcore legend".

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:25:59 AM

Damn Cold Word and War Hungry? Hella down foos

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:27:11 AM

I love when people say fake tough guy hardcore on the Internet , like hmmm talking shit on the internet is tough?

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:36:25 AM

Where is Dead Heat

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:40:18 AM

"I love when people say fake tough guy hardcore on the Internet , like hmmm talking shit on the internet is tough?" the chipmunk from Gridiron has entered the chat

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:40:34 AM

Like playing instruments and singing about your feelings is "tough"? Closeted band camp nerds and wannabe poets. Just enjoy the music.

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:51:19 AM

if you're in a crew and still live with your parents you are a joke

anonymous 8/16/2022 11:56:34 AM

Thank god none of those Chicago try hards' bands got added.

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:08:20 PM

Like playing instruments... ___ These bands can barely play their instruments

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:18:29 PM

anonymous 1 hour ago Terrible. Imagine listening to or liking hardcore in 2022.

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:31:02 PM

Enjoyed this comment section as much as I thought I might

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:31:53 PM

" Thank god none of those Chicago try hards' bands got added." Name names.

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:35:17 PM

Awful, just awful. The same rehashed bullshit year after year. Won't be attending

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:41:32 PM

I love how every retard's response to their LARPer bands not being taken seriously is calling everyone an internet tough guy. Sorry cupcake no one cares these gays write music about the hard life and then sue each other inevitably

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:47:45 PM

The graffiti fonts page of DaFont dot com is stoked.

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:48:05 PM

I love when people say fake tough guy hardcore on the Internet , like hmmm talking shit on the internet is tough? ^^^^still thinks Monday night Raw is real

anonymous 8/16/2022 12:58:33 PM

" Thank god none of those Chicago try hards' bands got added." Name names. Uhhh all of them?

anonymous 8/16/2022 1:34:17 PM

Bob Wilson here. I'm 5'6"! Short king! Straight edge!

anonymous 8/16/2022 1:35:31 PM

enough with Pain Of Truth and Gridiron already. tough guy cosplayers are stoked. I remember when the singer of gridiron got bitched out hard as f*ck on tour when he was in rock bottom for talking shit about some venue. They threw his entire merch table.. but now he's singing about gang gang Shit lol

anonymous 8/16/2022 1:42:35 PM


anonymous 8/16/2022 1:42:58 PM

Joe hardcore here: i havent fixed my shark teeth ahahahbaba hardcore rules.

anonymous 8/16/2022 2:32:55 PM

Will there be any dms versus fsu brawls like tihc had this year? Asking for a local drywall installer

anonymous 8/16/2022 2:39:38 PM

Joe Hardcore is basically the Donald Trump of hardcore and yall still ride his nuts.

anonymous 8/16/2022 2:45:17 PM

enough with Pain Of Truth and Gridiron already. tough guy cosplayers are stoked. I remember when the singer of gridiron got bitched out hard as f*ck on tour when he was in rock bottom for talking shit about some venue. They threw his entire merch table.. but now he's singing about gang gang Shit lol The only thing hood about boyertown is the kkk.

anonymous 8/16/2022 2:54:27 PM

Life of Agony recently played in front of less than 50 people at a local venue in my area. Good luck selling tickets to this ''fest''

anonymous 8/16/2022 3:01:51 PM

Life of Agony recently played in front of less than 50 people at a local venue in my area. Good luck selling tickets to this ''fest'' LOA is good too. The reason they won't draw a crowd is because tough guy hardcore is back. All the 120lb 20 something year olds with face tats will be worn out from crowdkilling women during Bulldoze. I thought Kevone was excommunicated from hardcore anyway? Ah, I forgot about the classic 10 year rule.

anonymous 8/16/2022 3:17:05 PM

Wannabe tough guy goons that work part time at Publix and spend every pay check on tattoos couldn't be more stoked.

anonymous 8/16/2022 3:22:55 PM

I will crowd kill each and every one of you during Bulldoze

anonymous 8/16/2022 3:25:40 PM

I will crowd kill each and every one of you during Bulldoze But I'm pregnant

anonymous 8/16/2022 3:27:08 PM

Never will understand how corny ass bands like life of agony and only living witness were popular in the hardcore scene. Age of Apocalypse are the new shithouse band like that.

anonymous 8/16/2022 3:42:54 PM

Wannabe tough guy goons that act PC online but secretly vote republican are pumped!

anonymous 8/16/2022 4:11:51 PM

Yo this ya boy Dave Chaos/BTL from MH Chaos. We all rode Joe Hardcore's nuts bareback to not be included in this lineup?

anonymous 8/16/2022 4:15:45 PM

Life Of Agony is playing because they couldn't afford to book Year Of The Knife this year.

anonymous 8/16/2022 6:49:13 PM

Comments delivered 😂 Lineup is sick, and brings something slightly different from contemporary fests while maintaining fresh bloodline of younger bands. If I lived closer I'd for sure go. LOA doesn't sell out their club shows because shitty butt rock bands play as support at wack venues, but their set will go off in this type of environment

anonymous 8/17/2022 4:36:33 AM

The hc scene has become more cult like than Scientology especially with the celebrity like attitudes. Have fun at the fest socialites. You all deserve each other you toxic human beings.

anonymous 8/17/2022 6:12:26 AM

Bob Wilson I'm 5'6 in circumference and height

anonymous 8/17/2022 6:13:17 AM

You know hardcore is in bad shape when the Lambgoat comments are trash.

anonymous 8/17/2022 6:15:04 AM

DJ Lethal here... Gridiron is bussin bussin.

anonymous 8/17/2022 6:36:20 AM

love him or hate him you gotta respect bob wilsons ability to leverage his position in hardcore to somehow always date super hot girls hate the game

anonymous 8/17/2022 6:52:25 AM

"The hc scene has become more cult like than Scientology especially with the celebrity like attitudes. Have fun at the fest socialites. You all deserve each other you toxic human beings." Hardcore summarized. Especially festivals. An egotistical, clout chasing circle jerk.

anonymous 8/17/2022 6:54:08 AM

"love him or hate him you gotta respect bob wilsons ability to leverage his position in hardcore to somehow always date super hot girls hate the game" Ugly as shit bf and Generic Clone Gf are all over hardcore, what are you saying?

anonymous 8/17/2022 7:02:43 AM

will that blob from Toronto be there trying to pressure dudes to bang her then yell rape? starts with a E

anonymous 8/17/2022 8:13:04 AM

"You know hardcore is in bad shape when the Lambgoat comments are trash." I knowwwwww this much is trueeeeeeee.

anonymous 8/17/2022 8:13:50 AM

Motherf*ckers who only know how to film clips of "TURN YOUR BACK…TURN YOUR BACK ON ME" are PSYCHED.

anonymous 8/17/2022 11:03:48 AM

girls who are pregnant and like to fist fight are stoked

anonymous 8/17/2022 1:02:03 PM

Add AFI, GWAR and Darkest Hour and I'll consider it

anonymous 8/17/2022 1:57:56 PM

TIHC is dead, united blood is dead, long live FYA Joe Hardcore is crying, ace is licking up his tears.

anonymous 8/17/2022 2:34:36 PM

This is gayer than two gays f*cking each other in the ass at a gay pride parade while talking about being gay.

anonymous 8/18/2022 6:08:55 AM

These comments suck.

Tags: FYA Fest

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