Rest in peace, surrealist metal cover artist Mariusz Lewandowski
Bands and fans of the artist pay their respects on social media

Saturday brings us sad news, as Mariusz Lewandowski, a well-respected arist among metal fans, has died.
His family let the world know through a Facebook photo this morning, saying:
It was a beautiful life. It's time to say goodbye my friends! ❤️🖤💔 A certain era is end. The last farewell will take place in the chapel at the funeral home in Górowo Ilaweckie, Poland, on July 20 at 11:00 a.m.
Bereaved family 💔
Born in Działdowo, Poland, Mariusz Lewandowski was a painter whose work had recently picked up steam in the last five years. Many fans of death metal, doom, and thrash may have seen his work over the years, whether they realize it or not.
In 2017 Lewandowski started working with Bell Witch, painting the cover for their LP, Mirror Reaper. Since then, his unique and iconic surrealist style had undoubtedly found its place within the metal scene.
In the following years, he painted covers for Abigail Williams, Mizmor, Psycroptic, Fuming Mouth, Lorna Shore, and many more.
Bands and fans from all over the world paid their respects on Twitter:
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