NewsJune 3, 2022 2:11 PM ET19,407 views

Dance Gavin Dance singer Tilian Pearson taking break from band to 'seek professional help'

In the wake of the sexual misconduct allegations against Dance Gavin Dance vocalist Tilian Pearson, the group has announced that Pearson will be "stepping away from the band in order to seek professional help." Dance Gavin Dance will still play all of their upcoming tours and release their new album as scheduled.

The band's statement reads as follows:

The recent allegations against Tilian are something we take very seriously, and we have been in deep discussion regarding the appropriate action.

Effective immediately, Tilian will be stepping away from the band in order to seek professional help.

Jon, Will, Matt, and Andrew will continue on with all currently scheduled tours. The band will also be proceeding with the release of Jackpot Juicer as planned.

We all worked incredibly hard on this album, and it is also the last recorded body of work from Tim -- we want to be sure we give it the full release attention that it deserves to honor his legacy.

We know that this is a very upsetting and trying situation for all those affected, and we ask people to please be as understanding as possible while everyone works through this.

We appreciate you always.


Post Comment

anonymous 6/3/2022 11:20:35 AM

Rocket Raccoon dies in Thor: Love and Thunder, and so does Iceman at the end of Top Gun Maverick

anonymous 6/3/2022 11:23:58 AM

Stop throwing your friends under the bus to appease these whores.

anonymous 6/3/2022 11:24:32 AM

Why's he taking time off to seek professional help if he didn't do anything wrong? JK, don't care.

anonymous 6/3/2022 11:33:24 AM

This band cannot find a singer that isn't fvckin weird.

ej 6/3/2022 11:34:23 AM

"hey guys our bassist died, but we're still gonna tour and put out that album!..................ok our singer is maybe a raper???? can't really tell, but guess what... tour and album!!!!"

NorthFromHere 6/3/2022 11:37:41 AM

^^^ Nailed it. Also Will Swan is massively overrated. This band is a joke.

anonymous 6/3/2022 11:42:32 AM

Soliciting a prostitute

evil_hero 6/3/2022 11:45:59 AM

this bands got a lot goin on due to substances

anonymous 6/3/2022 11:49:25 AM

Downtown Battle Mountain 3 on the Horizon

anonymous 6/3/2022 12:01:07 PM

This band looks like the definition of cokehead. Also the bassist dies and no one bats an eye, singer is pedo and all of a sudden needs "professional help".

anonymous 6/3/2022 12:26:28 PM

Maybe stop f*cking your fans and this shit wouldn't happen in the first place.

anonymous 6/3/2022 12:27:56 PM

Nothing can stop this band!

anonymous 6/3/2022 12:34:57 PM

I bet he raped the bassist to death.

anonymous 6/3/2022 12:35:46 PM


anonymous 6/3/2022 12:39:39 PM

He's probably seeking professional on how to better cover his tracks with all the whores he's boned.

anonymous 6/3/2022 12:44:21 PM

rape gavin rape

anonymous 6/3/2022 12:48:15 PM

Just sue these women and be done with it.

anonymous 6/3/2022 12:56:59 PM

"We're so fragile we can't handle some bad PR for a bit so we're gonna boot out this supposed friend of ours." what phagz.

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:22:07 PM

Listen, some girls like it rough. Some don't. You need to ease into it. You can't just assume at the start of the date that she wants to go home with cauliflower ear.

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:27:14 PM

Dance F@550T Dance

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:38:45 PM

Jonny Craig is stoked

ej 6/3/2022 1:40:37 PM

UPDATE THAT WEBMASTER WON'T PROVIDE: uh oh for the band, he apologized for this one one reddit lol

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:52:55 PM

I'm seeking help but also I didn't do anything wrong.

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:54:21 PM

the Lambgoat micro-penis mob always comes out in full force for these types of things. You fellas are rock solid.

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:57:31 PM

in4 backing your bros and blaming the chick.

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:57:46 PM

anonymous 2 minutes ago the Lambgoat micro-penis mob always comes out in full force for these types of things. You fellas are rock solid. FILL YOUR HANDS, YOU SON OF A BITCH

anonymous 6/3/2022 2:03:46 PM

DGD should've broken up after JC left. they suck. their fans are annoying whinny brats who can't seem to grow up and when they decide to major in stupid degrees that lead to work retail all their life

anonymous 6/3/2022 2:47:27 PM

He should be kicked out. If they approve of this kind of behavior in their band then theyre all pieces of shit not just Tillian

anonymous 6/3/2022 3:06:48 PM

"Maybe stop f*cking your fans and this shit wouldn't happen in the first place." Nothing wrong with using your hard earned status as a touring musician to get laid if they're of age and down. Sounds like he was being forceful and weird though

anonymous 6/3/2022 3:21:06 PM

Going to take a wild guess, and assume the smiling twink is "Tillian Pearson" ?

anonymous 6/3/2022 3:37:59 PM

They're a business venture and brand first, which at their level is cool, beats a shitty day job.

anonymous 6/3/2022 4:26:45 PM

Try suicide

anonymous 6/3/2022 4:43:39 PM

He should join Regulate (Rapeluate.) They've been able to play shows, fests & tours since their drummer publicly admitted to sexually assaulting a girl six years ago

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:06:38 PM

Burt Reynolds

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:38:06 PM

"professional help" uh for liking vagina? sounds like DGD fans need to get the sand outta their ass and accept that they are groupies, nothing else

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:55:36 PM

This band throws everyone under the bus and then promotes the album off of it. Jesus f'n Christ man….

lake_flaccid 6/3/2022 7:13:55 PM

The first accuser is literally on onlyfans with a profile that says "open to anything" cmon now

anonymous 6/3/2022 7:42:45 PM

The irony is the bassi and the vocals were the two best things about the last album and latest single and now one is dead and the other on his way out due to cancellation. Why even continue? Who is going to do vocals on this tour? Are their fans going to just stare at a karaoke machine or some shit?

anonymous 6/3/2022 7:52:05 PM

Who is this shit band?

anonymous 6/3/2022 8:13:59 PM

"Maybe stop f*cking your fans and this shit wouldn't happen in the first place." Nothing wrong with using your hard earned status as a touring musician to get laid if they're of age and down. Sounds like he was being forceful and weird though. As I said before, maybe stop f*cking your fans and this shit wouldn't happen in the first place. Your comment didn't change this as a solid solution. Lots of these women aren't "down".

anonymous 6/4/2022 1:19:08 AM

Is this Sheeeeitrape?

anonymous 6/4/2022 3:41:15 AM

The fact he's willing to try gay conversion therapy says a lot about his character. I wish him all the best on his journey to fix his mental illness.

anonymous 6/4/2022 6:30:22 AM

I make more than $12,000 a month banging groupies, filming it without their knowledge, and selling the footage on the dark web.

anonymous 6/4/2022 6:57:22 AM

quit being a lil bitch

anonymous 6/4/2022 8:26:24 AM

People who use the word cringey and think it's cool, are stoked!

anonymous 6/4/2022 10:04:06 AM

Hey guys - I've read Tilian's open apology which yeah, is all I've heard from him. That said, I do now have his phone number blocked since I deeply have no interest in speaking to him further. Regardless, we've both said our piece. I understand how painful this is - for the fans, the band, the past victims of SA/rape who had to read my account. I know DGD's music has been a safe space for a lot of people. It was for me too. We're all on this sub because we love this band and this all f*cking hurts. I want to thank everyone for the support over the past few days, it's truly meant a lot. For any victims past and present, I'm with you. This will be the last post I make on this account. Here's to a path of big healing for all. With love always, C (Spookypooky8)

anonymous 6/4/2022 10:22:58 AM

"Maybe stop f*cking your fans and this shit wouldn't happen in the first place." Nothing wrong with using your hard earned status as a touring musician to get laid if they're of age and down. Sounds like he was being forceful and weird though. As I said before, maybe stop f*cking your fans and this shit wouldn't happen in the first place. Your comment didn't change this as a solid solution. Lots of these women aren't "down". Sounds like you've never been in a band before. My old band played a single local show and I met two girls there that I hooked up with (separately) in the days after…it's pretty easy to tell if girls are "down" or not right off the bat. Nerd.

anonymous 6/4/2022 10:41:11 AM

The amount of incel nazis on Lambgoat is f*cking astounding. Gonna report this site to the FBI.

anonymous 6/4/2022 11:09:38 AM

Wow You really think that adult women should take responsibility for their choices instead of offloading their regret? Bunch of Incels in here

anonymous 6/4/2022 11:25:25 AM

y'all need to chill, dude is clearly struggling and needs help! seriously, all you keyboard warriors sitting in your mom's basement wearing your unwashed Limp Bizqit shirts and your Adidas sweatpants and your monster energy wristbands while listening to Coal Chamber 24/7. dude is struggling! just think about how many blowies this dude has to give each night, his throat is shot! he needs some pro's to help him out and show him how to properly open up his throat when going down on dudes

anonymous 6/4/2022 3:06:26 PM

Dance Gavin, dance. Dance like you've never danced before. Anyway…this band always sucked

anonymous 6/4/2022 5:21:46 PM

Wow, our society has become publicly whores. Everyone needs attention, no matter how you get it. It's cool to have the spotlight on you. This country is falling apart, day after day

anonymous 6/4/2022 7:33:28 PM

You're ableist off you make fun of him because he's going through mental issues.

anonymous 6/4/2022 7:50:39 PM

Hahah, at the guys trying to brag about getting laid because they are in a band. Hahah.

anonymous 6/5/2022 5:16:03 AM

Could you fellas please stay off my grass? Thank you.

anonymous 6/5/2022 6:56:37 AM

Lame virtue signal combined with rampant white cancel culture equals this. This dude and his band are pussies and they all look like pussies too. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck

anonymous 6/5/2022 6:57:05 AM

^^^ whore cancel culture I meant.

anonymous 6/5/2022 8:14:10 AM

anonymous 1 day ago Listen, some girls like it rough. Some don't. You need to ease into it. You can't just assume at the start of the date that she wants to go home with cauliflower ear. This x1000. You guys are a bunch of amateurs. Rules for bangin scene girls is part of Tour 101 along with always having someone sleep in the van. I'm seriously thinking about putting together a course on this and selling it on Amazon.

anonymous 6/5/2022 2:25:09 PM

Joining this band is like watching the video tape from The Ring

anonymous 6/5/2022 3:16:12 PM

Groomer music for aspiring groomers to groom

anonymous 6/5/2022 5:22:28 PM

what the f*ck, man. All these whores throw the pussy to anyone in bands and then when the band members don't f*cking propose they cry rape. -anyone who listens to sleeping with sirens.

anonymous 6/5/2022 7:57:57 PM

Tilian here. Jokes on you!!! Im not even straight

anonymous 6/6/2022 12:17:21 PM

The amount of incel nazis on Lambgoat is f*cking astounding. Gonna report this site to the FBI. ^^^ Pussy

anonymous 6/9/2022 1:29:08 PM

These comments are off the hook! Im scared to be alive these days, I am not tough enough for ya'll!

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