Downset return with new album 'Maintain' and its lead single
Downset's first new album in 8 years was engineered and co-produced by Nick Jett of Terror.
Official press release:
Los Angeles' groundbreaking rap/hardcore pioneers, Downset, will make their long-awaited return this spring for the release of their first album in 8 years, Maintain, that's due out June 10th from Nuclear Blast. On their 6th album, the band draws inspiration from their early hardcore and hip hop roots while reigniting their passion for the streets and fury for the current societal and political injustices.
The band has now revealed full details of Maintain, as well as the record's first single "The Place To Be," which is accompanied by the video that can be seen here:
Commenting on the new single's origin of sound, guitarist Rogelio Lozano states: "This was one of the first tracks written with the new members Bobby Ponte and Philip Gonzales. With Nick Jett (Terror) engineering and co-producing, our first objective was to try and revisit the original downset sound of the first ever recorded demos. To try and recreate the tone, we first unwound our guitars and basses back to drop C, and then created heavy rhythmic beats and riffs to facilitate a platform for Rey Oropeza's Hard Rap flows."
Lozano adds about the lyrical content: "The lyrics to this song combine several subjects into one song and at the end all tying in together. Represent yourself with class, responsibility and courage. Setting a good example for our youth is my interpretation of the message.”
Maintain track listing:
01. Maintain
02. Blackest of Days
03. New Respect
04. Won't Forget
05. Wreck It
06. On Lock (Only the Defest)
07. The Place To Be
08. Your Power
09. Positive Mind
10. Hear Me Now
11. Deeper
Post CommentThis is embarrassing. He sounds like he has Down syndrome and slurring. Their performance at TIHC a few years ago was also embarrassing. Another band that should have hung it up back in the day.
How did the engineer recording this let him lay down those vocals? He is so off
Remember when we were kids and we thought it'd be awesome if our grandparents listened to "real" hardcore? Turns out that wasn't a great idea, and we were just as retarded as our parents said we were.
And to think this was the best track they chose to showcase their upcoming album
I'm a huge fan. But wow… very embarrassing. How did they get signed to nuclear blast?!? Worst comeback EVER
California, oh I mean Commiefornia showing its true colors yet again. Those colors are the shade of total dogshit. I hope an earthquake comes in and swallows that shitpit into the Earth.
This band blew the first time around. Nick Jett is the real life version of the recording engineer in Boogie Nights: you pay him, he'll record it no matter how much it sucks. You got thuh touuuch! LOL. Nick got Todd Jones to write the new Terror album in its entirety cuz he, Jordan & Martin can't write a good one themselves.
This Ezec level cringe, Jesus Christ >>> He makes Ezec sound like Nas LOL. How bad of a rapper is Ezec? You know Slaine, Ill Bill, Necro, Dante Ross etc. privately think he suc ks as s. He's the crazy neighborhood dude you say hey to but don't get too close.
Big downset fan in my teens, man, this wasn't good, surely this wasn't the best song off the album Music sounds fine, but that slooow delivery is not the one.
Anyone else think bands put out an inferior track before a superior one thinking people will say the superior one is better & are more likely to buy the record on that? Better to put out the lesser track first. Again, what the band thinks is better.
Bobby blood real deal yo. Killed like 3 dudes n walked each time
This is what happens when you become a cover band of your original selves. Why are you trying to write new material with two new members who obviously haven't progressed passed high school level musicianship? I hope Puma sues him for this embarrassment
Nothing hard about those bitch tits made from Doritos in that promo pic
I'm a huge fan. But wow… very embarrassing. How did they get signed to nuclear blast?!? Worst comeback EVER Same here. This is just wildly f*cking bad. This is what happens when you sign "legacy acts" without hearing demos first.
Little pussies who do merch for gatecreeper are stocked. Hi "gwilhammer"
I made it 32 seconds into the video before I had to turn it off. Steve Buscemi is stoked. How do you do, fellow kids?
Yep lot of posers from 20 years ago are popping up to praise this garbage. Don't believe the hype yall, this is poser bullshit.
LOL bitch ass EH turned an about face so quick! Don't be that guy bro!
Yep lot of posers from 20 years ago are popping up to praise this garbage. Don't believe the hype yall, this is poser bullshit. ^^^^^^ What comments are you reading? Everyone hates this song. While I'm at it, the singer was always the weakest part of this band. The music on the first two albums is okay but the singer is cringe city.
Details are Bobby blood killed 3 dudes in 3 seperate incidents and walked each time (stand your ground self defense). He was an Iraq veteran as well . Dont mess with him
^^^^^ He went to prison for beating the shit out of a cop.
This is for suburban nu-metal white kids playing gang stars. Individually weak. Collectively embarrassing.
This actually makes the new Skarhead album sound listenable. Wtf is this? How can you release this with any integrity and be proud. Wow… this is a former fan of their work in the 90s. He should be a lesson for anybody 40 or older still trying to be a wigger or ghetto cholo.
The worst part of the song might be the ending breakdown. No one will get that far so just listen to the intro and skip to the end.
I mean I like downset. But what are they doing?
What crackhead at nuclear blast thought this was a good idea to put out?
This actually makes the new Skarhead album sound listenable. >>> No it doesn't but I hear ya on how bad it sucks. I bet they'll play This Is Hardcore 2022. Which lousy Cali band will hug this band's nutz to open for them? A. Sunami B. Section H8 C. Drain D. Scowl E. Momentum F. Terror
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He looks like a back alley Tunisian knife fighter
Modern 311 is less cringe than this.. do you realize how hard that is to say in 2022? Looking forward to this on Catatonicyouths
This is worse than just regular bad. It's depressing.
Its a shame because the music is good.....but the vocals are HORRIBLE!! they should be called UPSET now. Shame on you Nuclear Blast. Coming soon to your local dollar store.
"He looks like a back alley Tunisian knife fighter" Ha Ha HOO-LEE SHIT!
Great Value Brand Hoya on bass. >>> Someone deflated Hoya. Dude lost mad weight. Paper gangsters Pain Of Truth who don't own a gun between them.
I usually just come on the comments section to see how terrible the world has become but this is real bad. Y'all have at it…
Diablo really said I am my fathers son? His father was a corrupt NYPD cop lol
not everyone is sophisticated enough to revitalize crushing deathcore riffs instead of f*ck around with some goofy rap-rock
Despite all the negative comments, Drake proved to the world that faking Down syndrome got Rhianna to put out for him. I don't get it either but I do get why it is.
I saw a dog farting on tik tok the other day and I enjoyed it more than this
Emma dying wish here… I'm on livestream doing Bukkake parties
1. Ezec is not wrong for calling out someone who threatened his girl. 2. Necro legitimately backed him/put him on. Even did an entire album with him (Jewish Gangsters). Necro a real dude, he wouldn't back Ezec just because he is "the crazy neighborhood dude". I have no idea about their current relationship. 3. Bobby Blood is probably the realest dude in hardcore
Diablo really said I am my fathers son? His father was a corrupt NYPD cop lol >>> Yep he actually said that. Ezec is pro-cop cuz of his dad & beyond that.
1. Ezec is not wrong for calling out someone who threatened his girl. ONLY NO ONE THREATENED HIS GIRL OR WHY NOT @ HIM 2. Necro legitimately backed him/put him on. Even did an entire album with him (Jewish Gangsters). Necro a real dude, he wouldn't back Ezec just because he is "the crazy neighborhood dude". I have no idea about their current relationship. EZEC PAID NECRO TO DO THAT & WHEN'S THE LAST TIME NECRO, ILL BILL, SLAINE ETC. HAD EZEC OPEN FOR THEM? THEY ALL THINK HE'S A WACKJOB - THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY DISLIKE OR HATE HIM, HE SCARES THEM 3. Bobby Blood is probably the realest dude in hardcore WHY CUZ HE ALLEGEDLY KILLS PEOPLE? FOHWYBS. Ezec was, is & always will be a wannabe.
lol Ezec and Necro are both pussy ass wanna be gangsters.
^^^ Word up - from the twice almost stabbed to death 0-2 loser Ezec himself: MY LADY & I ARE DOING A PHOTO SHOOT TOGETHER 4 A CLOTHING COMPANY NEXT WEEK IN LONG ISLAND. I LOVE WORKING TOGETHER!!! BEAUTY & THE BEAST!!! 😂😂😂
This is easily one of the worst songs I have ever heard in my life.
This sounds like the Gervais rap section on Equality Street?!
If at the time of Do We Speak album they watched this as the future them… and also now compare the singer to same age bands like SOIA - heartbreaking
Bobby blood murdered 3piece not a gangster just an artist who had nothing to do with whatever whack ass soa mayans beef he'll probably shoot someone at TIHC for jumping on stage then finish the set. Realest dude in HC ok whatever just another psychopath that didn't get the memo that vegan straight edge isn't a thing anymore
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