Downpresser vocalist Dan Weinraub suffers serious head injury
Dan Weinraub, vocalist of California hardcore/metal group Downpresser, was seriously injured this past weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada and remains in the ICU.
In town for a wedding, Weinraub fainted and suffered a serious head injury, compelling doctors to put him in medically induced coma. A GoFundMe has been launched on his behalf, and is accompanied by the following information from Weinraub's significant other:
As some of you know, Dan and I came to Las Vegas on Friday for a wedding. Friday evening while the 2 of us were getting something to eat, Dan fainted and hit his head very hard. I will spare the details, but I thought I could have lost him. He was put in a medically induced coma with some brain bleeds and skull fractures. Yesterday they were going to slowly take him off the ventilator to see how he was breathing on his own. Dan had other plans and ripped the tube out himself (that's my guy). He is now breathing on his own and the neurosurgeon has decided he won't need any surgery. ——> The bleeds and fractures should be able to heal on their own and as of this morning they have not gotten any worse which is great news. He is able to respond to commands but isn't communicating much yet. He is in a lot of pain and not very happy to be in the hospital, obviously. This will be a long road but I'm praying we can get back to California as soon as possible. He will be moved out of the ICU and into a regular hospital room today which is a great next step. Both of our moms came out immediately and are here which has been a saving grace. ——> This has been by far the absolute worst thing I've ever been through. Dan is without a doubt the love of my life and all I need is to be with him. He is so incredibly strong and I know he will be good as new soon. Please keep him in your thoughts and send him all the strength you can. Everyone that has reached out already, I'm sorry if I haven't gotten back to you. This is obviously very overwhelming but I will tell Dan everything everyone has said and I truly appreciate it all. It helps. I'll keep everyone updated.
A subsequent update revealed that Weinraub has since regained consciousness:
We are still in the hospital in Las Vegas. We are in the ICU still but he's not in need of ICU care necessarily. He is in a lot of pain, very uncomfortable and very unhappy. He also took it upon himself to get up in the middle of the night, take everything off of himself, find his clothing and boots and put them on. He then asked for me and the car keys and tried to leave.. Once again, that's my guy. The fact that he could do that is huge. He is very confused still but so incredibly strong. —>
I was finally able to have a conversation with him today. He told me how much he loves me and made some jokes. He doesn't know what happened or where we are and keeps asking to go home. I am trying to hold it together for him but man is this the hardest thing I've ever done. I feel so helpless and so worried about the future. Again, I know how strong he is and I know it's going to be okay. —>
Again, thank you all for reaching out and sending your love. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts for a speedy recovery. I'm hoping we can go back to California in the next couple of days but everything is still unknown. Let's just focus on his improvement.
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