NewsFebruary 23, 2022 7:07 PM ET17,374 views

The Acacia Strain guitarist Tom Smith leaving band

Tom Smith (The Acacia Strain)

Krissy Marie Photography

Tom Smith, guitarist of Massachusetts metalcore/deathcore group The Acacia Strain, has announced that he will be exiting the band following their forthcoming shows. Smith has offered the following explanation:

"It's weird to be posting this, but I am here to announce that the upcoming shows in March will be my last with The Acacia Strain. There is no bad blood and this decision was completely my own. It's time for me to take some time to finally focus on myself and care for my mental health/overall well being. This is by no means a goodbye to music or to the industry. I don't know what the future holds for me but I'm open to possibilities in and out of music. I'm focusing on living in the present and doing what I need to for my day to day happiness right now. You'll see me becoming more active with T W Smith Guitars and you'll see me releasing music on my own in the near future. But I can't put into words what these last 6 years in this band mean to me and I could not thank all of our fans enough for making me feel like I did something important for the world of heavy music. Thank you to my band mates and friends for having me along for this ride and spending so much of our lives crammed into a van together ❤️ Come see us 3/4 in MA, 3/5 in Long Island, and 3/6 in Albany!"


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evil_hero 2/23/2022 4:14:19 PM

advance auto parts just found its newest assistant manager

rick_tocchet 2/23/2022 4:17:12 PM

This is the most negative band in the history of music. These dudes need to get laid and maybe they will lighten up a bit.

anonymous 2/23/2022 4:20:57 PM

Van flip X1000. No care ever.

anonymous 2/23/2022 4:24:19 PM

Band sucks ass. He's probably just tired of touring in a van with that manchild Vincent and not making shit for money.

anonymous 2/23/2022 4:28:09 PM

advance auto parts just found its newest assistant manager ^^^^^^^ A much better career path than being in a band. Will be able to pay his own phone bill now. The sooner you quit your bands the better.

anonymous 2/23/2022 4:54:41 PM

Get DL back who gives a f*ck

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:01:18 PM

Damn, I'm sure these comments from a bunch of basement dwelling f*ck stains are hurting his feelings real bad guys. GG you f*cking losers.

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:13:47 PM

advance auto parts just found its newest assistant manager ^^^^^^^ A much better career path than being in a band. Will be able to pay his own phone bill now. The sooner you quit your bands the better. >>> The sooner you stop caring about what others do for living and get a job, you jobless bum, the better.

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:14:39 PM

Heard Devin Shidaker is gonna leave too to manage Serpents full time

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:14:41 PM

The day DL left that project is the day they should have changed the name. Has anyone actually listened to their material after he left? It's horrid

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:15:01 PM

Pooped my pants. Got it?

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:15:20 PM

Dude realized it's time to hit a treadmill

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:25:13 PM

evil_hero 1 hour ago advance auto parts just found its newest assistant manager>>> AAP managers make more more per year than Scott Vogel does, which is saying something. Take it from me.

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:29:27 PM

Damn, I'm sure these comments from a bunch of basement dwelling f*ck stains are hurting his feelings real bad guys. GG you f*cking losers. - Vincent "Growing up in a middle class family is tough" Bennett

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:32:02 PM

Devin is easily the size of two full grown men so it's not like the band will stop being heavy.

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:34:50 PM

evil_hero 1 hour ago advance auto parts just found its newest assistant manager>>> AAP managers make more more per year than Scott Vogel does, which is saying something. Take it from me. >>> Yeah take it from the guy who's still smarting over a comment he posted so much he's ragging on himself under the guise of someone else. Email James Vitalo for Vogel's phone number already jeez.

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:38:23 PM

^^^ Way to make sense, idiot. Lol. So salty

_steelpanda_ 2/23/2022 5:41:19 PM

Y'all better watch out or "Vincent tell Me about the rabbits George" will pet you to death of mice and men style

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:43:03 PM

Vincent Bennett here, I need another Polar seltzer from the fridge but I'm too busy playing 35 year old video games that nobody gives a f*ck about on twitch. Will one of you be a dear and grab a lemon flavored for me ??

_steelpanda_ 2/23/2022 5:43:04 PM

evil_hero 1 hour ago advance auto parts just found its newest assistant manager>>> AAP managers make more more per year than Scott Vogel does, which is saying something. Take it from me. >>> Yeah take it from the guy who's still smarting over a comment he posted so much he's ragging on himself under the guise of someone else. Email James Vitalo for Vogel's phone number already jeez. You can tell by the hard name drop lurk posted this.

floorpuncher 2/23/2022 5:43:13 PM

if you ever saw them live over the past few years then you would know that guy obviously had mental health problems.

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:43:23 PM

The day DL left that project is the day they should have changed the name. Has anyone actually listened to their material after he left? It's horrid This.

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:48:21 PM

AAP managers make more more per year than Scott Vogel does, which is saying something. Take it from me. >>> Yeah take it from the guy who's still smarting over a comment he posted so much he's ragging on himself under the guise of someone else. Email James Vitalo for Vogel's phone number already jeez. You can tell by the hard name drop lurk posted this. >>> ^^^ Same guy. You're not fooling anyone dude.

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:50:35 PM

jamey jasta should join up and they can rename to The Jamey Jasta Strain and really start booking venues larger than my bathroom

anonymous 2/23/2022 5:58:34 PM

Vincent here, it cones in waves man.

anonymous 2/23/2022 6:16:37 PM

Matt Fox here, can this guy sing?

anonymous 2/23/2022 6:17:30 PM

Yo this panda, just found out how to post anonymous.

anonymous 2/23/2022 6:20:30 PM

anonymous 53 seconds ago Matt Fox here, can this guy sing? Panda here still, this guy wins it, definitely not lurk, to witty, also does my insulin pump make me a robot? What box do I check?

anonymous 2/23/2022 6:39:57 PM

"Vincent Bennett here, I need another Polar seltzer from the fridge but I'm too busy playing 35 year old video games that nobody gives a f*ck about on twitch. Will one of you be a dear and grab a lemon flavored for me ??" f*ck. I'm old and drinking lemon polar seltzer. My destiny is to live in a van

anonymous 2/23/2022 6:41:27 PM

Vincent here, gonna preach on stage about being positive and welcoming and how everyone in the room is friends and then turn around and be the most cold, antisocial c*nt ever if you try and approach me in person. I've been stuck in a van for 20 years and never grew up please send help.

anonymous 2/23/2022 6:43:19 PM

Jon Schaffer here. I need work and am way better than Vogel and Todd combined.

_steelpanda_ 2/23/2022 7:01:00 PM

anonymous 18 minutes ago Vincent here, gonna preach on stage about being positive and welcoming and how everyone in the room is friends and then turn around and be the most cold, antisocial c*nt ever if you try and approach me in person. I've been stuck in a van for 20 years and never grew up please send help. Might actually be Vince, sounds personal though.

anonymous 2/23/2022 7:10:50 PM

Emmure should be on this

anonymous 2/23/2022 7:18:03 PM

He'a married to an ex of mine lmao

anonymous 2/23/2022 7:44:52 PM

Blake Hardman here, I'm ready to be in my new band

anonymous 2/23/2022 8:02:46 PM

Todd Jones here, Tom Smith will never be one of us.

anonymous 2/23/2022 8:08:22 PM

"He's married to an ex of mine lmao" I too once loved that lady. Nothing bad to say though. Small world.

anonymous 2/23/2022 8:10:06 PM

DL saw the writing on the wall now he's making, not piles of cash, but more cash than TAS playing buttrock with Doc Coyle. I'd have done the same thing.

anonymous 2/23/2022 8:16:41 PM

Many years ago I told Vincent he looked healthy and to keep it up. He responded with "I dunno why people keep saying that, I was never fat," with the same tone that one would typically associate with cool-guying, with a splash of indignant bewilderment. I would've been 19, and barely. Pretty much sums dude up. Anyways. Dino will replace Tom in exchange for 1970's pornographic comic books.

anonymous 2/23/2022 8:24:08 PM

Dudes who can only afford to get tattooed because "they're in a band" are stoked.

anonymous 2/23/2022 8:33:23 PM

Vincent got soft after the Acacia Right kid went on a shooting spree.

anonymous 2/23/2022 8:46:00 PM

Todd Jones here. I will be stepping away from Nails to speak my truth and be the permanent vocalist for Shai Hulud.

anonymous 2/23/2022 9:36:49 PM

vocalist sucks and is a straight edge sissy, how did this shit heap out exist any of the other 'core by numbers trash bands the last 15 years.

anonymous 2/23/2022 11:16:32 PM

the fact someone even remembers who Blake Hardman is is shocking to me

anonymous 2/23/2022 11:58:24 PM

Imagine being named Tom Smith

anonymous 2/24/2022 1:49:10 AM

Every release they have done except DITOM has been killer. DL got way too much in his own head and ego. He put his ass on the line for DITOM and it was a tall guitar tone stroke fest. Getting rid of him was the best thing they could have done. Also Slow Decay is the best thing they've done since dead walk

anonymous 2/24/2022 3:07:53 AM

Nobody believes that. This band died slowly when DL left

anonymous 2/24/2022 5:35:43 AM

This band is a revolving door of people. You could have just said "Another person leaves this band" and it would have been fine.

anonymous 2/24/2022 5:45:31 AM

evil_hero 13 hours ago advance auto parts just found its newest assistant manager oh sick, glad you got the call back homie

anonymous 2/24/2022 6:02:44 AM

Panda here still, this guy wins it, definitely not lurk, to witty, also does my insulin pump make me a robot? What box do I check? ^^^^ Say it again in english

anonymous 2/24/2022 7:38:41 AM

Scott Vogel here. Vincent should just replace everyone in the band with me, including himself, and Acacia Strain would actually start making some real loot.

anonymous 2/24/2022 7:57:25 AM

This band fell off when DL left these other guys suck the stuff after wormwood is trash

anonymous 2/24/2022 8:53:09 AM

Good call, seriously he's better off cleaning toilets for minimum wage than living out of a van with Fat Vince Bennett.

anonymous 2/24/2022 9:38:47 AM

Fat Vince Bennett here. I am not fat and never have been. Fake news.

anonymous 2/24/2022 1:19:20 PM

Jordan Buckley here, the riffs are piling up.

anonymous 2/24/2022 1:38:37 PM

Blake Hardman is sick though, he did Gideon's best record, Hundredth's best record, and Counterparts' last (and best so far) record

anonymous 2/24/2022 2:17:27 PM

"This band is a revolving door of people. You could have just said "Another person leaves this band" and it would have been fine." The funniest thing is that they literally acknowledged that in the liner notes for Gravebloom

anonymous 2/24/2022 2:18:18 PM

Uh huh huh, Blake "Hard-man", uh huh huh huh huh hmm hmm heh heh

anonymous 2/24/2022 6:06:22 PM

I loaned Blake Hardman money once. Haven't talked to him since. I'm not a winner.

anonymous 2/24/2022 6:09:54 PM

Blake Hardman is sick though, he did Gideon's best record, Hundredth's best record, and Counterparts' last (and best so far) record ^ Hey, Blake. You should really pay back the money people loaned you.

anonymous 2/25/2022 1:34:34 AM

Stay puft - Fat Vincent

anonymous 2/25/2022 5:13:30 AM

They just wrote one of the best heavy albums of the last decade (It Comes In Waves), then he leaves. Bummer.

anonymous 2/25/2022 6:08:27 AM

evil_hero 1 day ago advance auto parts just found its newest assistant manager LOL

anonymous 2/25/2022 6:19:13 AM

So much $hit talking what the frick.... I grew up listening to this band and they are definitely legendary for the genre. How many bands can you recall made 10ish albums that were ALL epic and true to their style? Acacia didn't change in to a post hardcore screamo band, or math dubstep disco metal band like every other band that has been around since the early 2000's.... They've been true to their style and every album was EPIC. Much love for tas. Anyone hating on then is prolly just some liberal beta BLM cuck boy living in their parents basement that's never been to a real metal show where people get f*ckED up and then hug eachother. The scene is dead cuz the real ones got old and you purple hair cry babies moved in.

anonymous 2/25/2022 7:05:22 AM

I'm seeing an alarming amount of pronoun misusage in here! Please everyone!

anonymous 2/25/2022 1:04:05 PM

Is this the guy that was on Twitter during the George Floyd riots all like "To all my black friends out there, what can I do to be a better ally?" Lmao. What a cringelord.

anonymous 2/25/2022 3:47:09 PM

Take this job and shove it

carveyournamein 2/25/2022 9:05:57 PM

I need more salt!

anonymous 8/10/2022 1:44:28 PM

Ex Emmure guitarist takes his spot. Can't make this shit up LOL

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