NewsJanuary 21, 2022 7:42 PM ET4,651 views

Trivium frontman Matt Heafy debut first single from Ibaraki project

Official press release:

Trivium singer and guitarist Matthew Kiichi Heafy is delighting fans today by releasing the first single from his long-awaited and much-anticipated Ibaraki project.

Today, Ibaraki have shared the video for "Tamashii No Houkai," featuring special guest Ihsahn of Emperor fame. Watch the video here:

"'Tamashii No Houkai' means 'the breaking of the soul' or 'soul collapse," explains Kiichi. "It's a Japanese term that didn't exist before, but one we forged to reflect the song's meaning."

Kiichi, who is of Japanese heritage, continues, "'Tamashii No Houkai' is co-written by Ihsahn — the legend behind Emperor and a musician who has been a longtime influence and mentor to so much that I do in music. The writing of this song was the turning point for Ibaraki — it summarized everything from the past, present, and future of what I thought black metal was, is, and could be."

Kiichi finishes, "'Tamashii No Houkai' is the perfect summary and representation of everything that Ibaraki is… and will be."

Ibaraki — the name for a terrifying Japanese demon taken from feudal legend — is the end-result of Kiichi's continued journey to find his voice. It's personal, it's deep, and its inspirations include everything from an adoration for the extremes of black metal and beyond.

It was Kiichi's exposure to Ihsahn's solo work that would inspire the gradual craftsmanship that would eventually become Ibaraki. It was also the beginning of a friendship and creative collaboration that would eventually compel Ihsahn to take a leap of his own into a newfound role as producer on the project. While much of the material for Ibaraki was assembled over months and years — as much a songwriting process as an exchange of ideas between friends — it wasn't until the pandemic that the space was created and the idea could really flourish.

And "Tamashii No Houkai" is just the beginning.


Post Comment

anonymous 1/21/2022 4:47:52 PM

Mart Heafy is the biggest pile. No wonder they've had so many drummers. The egg lookin guy and the red faced alcoholic just let him run amok.

anonymous 1/21/2022 4:52:40 PM


anonymous 1/21/2022 4:54:38 PM

Working with someone that enables hate crime convicts. I bet Paolo is thrilled

anonymous 1/21/2022 5:02:42 PM

Pass. Not enough Ihsahn in the music either

anonymous 1/21/2022 5:14:50 PM

Hopefully they this take this on the road. The Dome in Bakersfield perhaps?

anonymous 1/21/2022 5:17:47 PM

Not enough meth jams for bakersfield.

anonymous 1/21/2022 5:27:14 PM


anonymous 1/21/2022 5:28:38 PM

Webby cosplays as a female night elf in hopes Matt Heavy will f*ck him.

anonymous 1/21/2022 6:35:13 PM

Remember when Matt Heafy's dad bought them their record contract?

anonymous 1/21/2022 6:38:11 PM


anonymous 1/21/2022 6:40:57 PM

Code Orange's ACCT here, do not make fun of bands for buying contracts. You have to spend money to make money.

anonymous 1/21/2022 6:51:48 PM

Heafy makes too much music. He's starting to resemble Boris with the sheer quantity of mediocrity.

anonymous 1/21/2022 7:23:41 PM

Trendium still sucks. shadows fall war within >>>

anonymous 1/21/2022 7:44:10 PM

Yes, Ihsahn is embarrassing these days. Unfollowed him after he posted the black square to fit in with the right crowd. So rebellious!

anonymous 1/21/2022 8:40:36 PM

get rid of the cleans homeboy, pan the vocals as well. f*ck this is embarassing.

anonymous 1/21/2022 8:56:02 PM

I don't hate it

anonymous 1/21/2022 9:05:58 PM

This song to normal people might seem bad, but if you listen closely, you can actually tell that the notes and vocals used in this song is actually very unique and intricate. As a professional musician, I am capable of seeing that. This song actually breaks the law of music theory, and that might sound bad to you, but it's said that it can only be done by a genius. The drums have a subtle ting to it, and the chords are even able to give people shivers of pure satisfaction. The way the wave of the synths moves is just simply incredible. According to history, Mozart once actually said that he had tried to make a song with these notes before, but he eventually gave up after trying countless times as it was too hard for his mind to comprehend. However, we can clearly see that this, this artist who made this song, is simply a genius.

anonymous 1/21/2022 10:31:00 PM

^ this guys comment screams failed musician

anonymous 1/22/2022 4:37:12 AM

Guys who whine about being bullied by the headliner are stoked

evil_hero 1/22/2022 5:45:54 AM

anonymous 12 hours ago Hopefully they this take this on the road. The Dome in Bakersfield perhaps? lol. i was at "dome fest" one of the years when blood stands still fought the venue security and the security got their ass whooped and quit the fest in the middle of the fest. then it devolved to chaos. all the fire extinguishers got shot off. there were multiple fights. and the fat effeminate mexican dude whos dad owned the dome was crying "dome fest is MY BABY" hahahahahaha

anonymous 1/22/2022 9:11:16 AM

^ this guys comment screams failed musician exactly. melodies are predictable as f*ck. I honestly think he's trolling but then again, he could shut his hole and apply his theory to the new Immolation song, now that's breaking music, well, bone breaking anyway.

anonymous 1/22/2022 10:04:05 AM

Keith Buckley here. I'm so happy to see Matt finally communicating his Truth to the world. Love and Peace is all we need. I'll be speaking with my lawyer. Talk soon

anonymous 1/22/2022 10:53:38 AM

"The egg lookin guy and the red faced alcoholic just let him run amok." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

anonymous 1/22/2022 11:37:59 AM

Bowie Kuhn commissioner of Major League Hardcore here. After successful GM meetings this week in Boca Raton we are looking to reinstate Hatebreed from their lengthy ban from MLH. After Florida Frank completed his stint with the leagues substance abuse program, and their failed attempt to be added to the 2nd leg of the Metal Tour Of The Year we are happy to sign them to a 2 year MLH contract. Welcome back!

anonymous 1/22/2022 1:49:22 PM

BabyMetal >

anonymous 1/22/2022 4:13:20 PM

Comment 20, going on about ass kissing, what a f*cking xenophobic piece of human trash. Kiichi is literally half Japanese you twatwaffle.

floorpuncher 1/22/2022 5:49:37 PM


anonymous 1/23/2022 4:02:50 AM

Xenophobic, ha ha. Guess you've never been to Japan dumbass. The entire country is xenophobic.

anonymous 1/23/2022 4:45:57 AM

Jang seei, bing bong dukatsi mai balls. Berry goo. Fehftane mineh.

anonymous 1/23/2022 5:02:32 AM

Waiting for the next single called Bukkake

anonymous 1/23/2022 8:04:21 AM

^^^^^ Dino here, I can't WAIT for the bukkake single

anonymous 1/23/2022 10:47:24 AM

Hopefully they this take this on the road. The Dome in Bakersfield perhaps? Saw Summer Slaughter 2008 there. No AC in the summer. That place was like a walk-in armpit.

anonymous 1/23/2022 5:32:04 PM

I don't remember any cleans in black metal. Love trivium but idk what this is...

anonymous 1/24/2022 12:39:32 AM

Cultural exploitation at its finest. If this dude is Japanese, drop trou and prove it.

anonymous 1/24/2022 7:58:43 AM

from his long-awaited and much-anticipated Ibaraki project from his long-awaited and much-anticipated Ibaraki project from his long-awaited and much-anticipated Ibaraki project from his long-awaited and much-anticipated Ibaraki project from his long-awaited and much-anticipated Ibaraki project first I've heard of it.

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