Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann questioned by Russian police, performance cancelled
A Russian music festival set to feature Rammstein vocalist Till Lindemann this past weekend was cancelled shortly beforehand following pressure from local authorities.
Police are confirmed to have questioned Lindemann in his hotel Saturday night (photos here). A few reports state that Lindemann was actually arrested for planning to ignore COVID-19 precautions in the Russian city of Tver, however, the festival's organizer says that Lindemann was given a warning, after which time the police left.
Specifics aside, the festival was cancelled and the festival site cordoned off by Russian authorities.
Meanwhile, Lindemann's manager, Anar Reiband, reportedly faces charges for violating Russian immigration laws after allegedly misrepresenting his reasons for entering Russia.
Post CommentQuestioned for what? What he did to those Tatu girls? All his love songs to Moscow and Russia? Split the difference bro and move to f*cking Belarus.
Look at the photo. He was arrested for not wearing a mask while INSIDE his hotel room. That is totally f*cked. Why do republicans want to move to Russia again?
probably arrested for having his penis in a noose in public or some shit idk
I hope Putin steps down after this, it's f*cked that he and the new shadow KGB profile musicians one after another.
Ты меня спросил Вы спросили меня, и я ничего не сказал Будете ли вы до смерти разлучатьсяБудь ей верен на все дни нет
I feel bad for this absolute king. Putin was probably threatened by the bulge.
He can come play the Gathering. He can violate all the COVID precautions he wants. He can dump the virus on the crowd if he wants. We need to make this the biggest and best Gathering yet, before Violent J keels over dead.
Putin was intimidated by how much drywall Lindemann can carry I'll bet.
whoever commented in Russian, go fück yourself
DOOOOOOOO, DOOOO KEN!!!! I'D DO KEN (haduken)!!!!!!!! -Ryu
Lmao can't read Russian and you're mad about it. I'm sure everyone in your life talks about how much of a bitch you are behind your back.
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First and lol