Post CommentI'll be the grown man spin kicking your idiot gf during candy in Worcester. fck you both.
Knocked Loose make awful music for chodes but good on them for taking care of the bands that took a chance on them early on and took them out
The new KL is really good Any real hardcore fan will be at this show
Kyle J here Tired of that fake ass hardcore shit in MY city. Metal core isn't hardcore get it trough that thick poser skulls of yours. You want some real hardcore listen to Abuse of Power FT my boy Yoon and the former bass player of foundation. Yoon has worked his ass off to get to the status he's at now in the hardcore scene. It hasn't been easy for him and you gotta respect his grind. He's one of the top merch slingers in the game . Straight edge the choice remains
it's a great tour. cry about it if you think you're above it.
Toronto Skins will be hosting a "chat" with the tour package to ensure a good gig
it's a great tour. cry about it if you think you're above it. we are laughing at it lol
wonder why rotting out have to sit at a motel 6 and miss the canada shows...
Fight me on 11/1 @ the TLA pussies, this comment section has been weak sauce without me. I'll spin kick each and every one of you right in the kisser.
trash bands - KL, styg, ro, terror and sysc. sweet anti ICE shirt you dainty losers collectively put out from the illegal mountain of human feces and discarded needles you call home. can't wait to see the long faces in 2020.
Lmao I saw an ad in Decibel for the new Knocked Loose album being available @Target LOLOLOL queer hxc wannabe kids who shop with their mommy are stoked!!!
wonder why rotting out have to sit at a motel 6 and miss the canada shows...>> Cuz their singer Walter "Wally Edge" Delgado was imprisoned for smuggling marijuana, but you know that and if you didn't now you do. LOL @ Knocked Loose having to add Stick To Your Guns to fill these venues more and to sellouts what else?
STYG is trash, get that underverse-core off this bill.
Why hasn't Walter from Rotting Out been deported?
Finally heard KNOCKED LOOSE. Great, more shitty Metal that calls itself Hardcore. Just what the world needed! Also - why do so many of these bands have TERRIBLE vocals?
hide all females in these cities from seeyouspacecowboy. these predators are on the prowl
"you dainty losers collectively put out from the illegal mountain of human feces and discarded needles you call home. can't wait to see the long faces in 2020." Don't worry, no matter how bad CA is, our taxes are still paying for your welfare and your mother's medicaid and insulin for her diabetes
LOL @ Knocked Loose having to add Stick To Your Guns to fill these venues more and to sellouts what else? Ya know that was always part of the plan and the realize they went into these venues, right chief?
"and the realize they went into these venues" What?
Arm-flailing, spin-kicking retards are stoked. Remember, these snowflakes will call the cops on you for beating the shit out of them. Liberalism at its finest.
"and the realize they went into these venues" What? And the reason they went into these venues. STYG just finished another tour and couldn't be announced until now.
"and the realize they went into these venues" What? And the reason they went into these venues. STYG just finished another tour and couldn't be announced until now. ^^^^^ In the war against subjects and predicates, America loses. Holy shit...
So siq of hxc legends KL hooking up socal hxc up and comers STYG c u in da pit
knocked loose headlining bigger venues than the devil wears prada...
The last time SYSC rolled thru, they put on an amazing show. The crowd was really into it. Many trans in the middel of the pit we're sucking the c-cks off each other. No flex. Happens all the time then I look over and the kid who does the site brought his tranns girlriend (we're all from the same hometown) Anyhoo, their chemistry was undeniable. It seemed like they were building up to something, like maybe a kiss, but they stopped themselves just short of it. They went for a nose rub instead. He
In the war against subjects and predicates, America loses. Holy shit... That post was actually perfectly acceptable grammar. You'd know that if you got past 5th grade.
"trash bands - KL, styg, ro, terror and sysc. sweet anti ICE shirt you dainty losers collectively put out from the illegal mountain of human feces and discarded needles you call home. can't wait to see the long faces in 2020." transmissions from the balding incel blues lives matter contingent
transmissions from the balding incel blues lives matter contingent 100%
trans-missions from the half breed trans splitting a "studio" the size of a unisex bathroom with six other trans in Mt. Feces California
That post was actually perfectly acceptable grammar. You'd know that if you got past 5th grade. ^^^^^ You never begin a sentence with a conjunction, you meth smoker.
trans-missions from the half breed trans splitting a "studio" the size of a unisex bathroom with six other trans in Mt. Feces California ^^^^^ That sounds like the worst porno movie ever made.
Finally some real hardcore to dance to. ^^^^^ Exactly why this music is dying.
finally some mall music to pose to. same people who back this were into motionless in white and asking alexandria shirts 3-4 years. pull receipts.
LOL @ Knocked Loose having to add Stick To Your Guns to fill these venues more and to sellouts what else? Ya know that was always part of the plan and the realize they went into these venues, right chief? >> Wrong "chief." Knocked Loose thought they would pack these venues then added STYG when the sales numbers said they wouldn't. You add a drawing band who headlines shows themselves only if you need to - Knocked Loose needed to.
Knocked Loose added STYG cuz they weren't selling enough tickets period, end of story, case closed.
I've come here to just say Rotting Out sucks. That is all.
finally some mall music to pose to. same people who back this were into motionless in white and asking alexandria shirts 3-4 years. pull receipts. ^^^^ OMG who fcking cares Don't be salty just because your introduction to heavy music was Five Finger Death Punch
^ If anyone is "salty" it's you and you mentioning Five Finger Death Punch tells me you've listened to them which tells me you're a musical dunce. Btw what does AOW stand for? No one else say or I'll know.
Orange County here and this is annoying to me. Candy is solid, I honestly can't hate on Knocked Loose either. Every other band here, including STYG, can fck off.
Rotting Out = got big off hype about how "true" to hardcore punk they were, sounds like a worse Trash Talk, gets busted for breaking xxx in the most hilarious way possible. STYG = aka Jesse and california career musicians like Josh. Always been cheesy, but at least used to be fun live. I wonder how quitting members and Ash Avildsen factored into that?
SeeYouSpaceCowboy: only commendable thing about this band is the openly transgender vocalist. It's a revival of a myspace genre, and in all reality has nothing to do with the other bands on the bill.
You never begin a sentence with a conjunction, you meth smoker. You realize that was an edit and part of a larger statement from a previous post, right?
Wrong "chief." Knocked Loose thought they would pack these venues then added STYG when the sales numbers said they wouldn't. You add a drawing band who headlines shows themselves only if you need to - Knocked Loose needed to. That's not how it works. You don't add a band that size as direct after a tour is on sale; it was in the plan from the beginning and they couldn't announce until after other dates.
^^^^ Exactly. Dude talks like he knows his shit, yet he's clearly never booked a tour in his life. Just another pathetic attempt to knock Knocked Loose.
It was not the plan in the beginning. Knocked Loose added STYG because they weren't selling enough tickets, you fu cking numbskull. STFU about how STYG was on a tour - so what? They weren't playing cities they're playing with KL in, ok? When you add a drawing band that headlines their own shows like STYG you do that to boost sales what else? STYG adds people KL can't draw thus boosts sales, got it? Good.
Knocked Loose added STYG cuz they weren't selling enough tickets. Why else would they add STYG? What possible reason would KL have to add a drawing band if they don't need one? What drawing band would play for free? A band on tour or about to tour can announce more tour dates. If a band is scheduled to do a Boston/NY/Philly/Balto/DC run they can announce a later Clevo/Detroit/Chicago/Milw aukee/Minny run.
^^^^ It's called paying back respects and going back out with the people who took a chance on you when you were nothing. Why would they wait to announce until STYG/ Terror tour ended, if STYG was really THAT big of a draw? You really think there's no correlation? It's obvious you fcking mouthbreather
It's called not diswaying people from coming out to see. "Why would I make an hour trip to this show next week for STYG, if can see than in 4 months from now 10 mins from my place" Holy shit your dense
Can't believe sysc got that goblin Sal to fill in for them on this tour.
You're the mouthbreather for thinking KL added STYG to "pay back respects". They added STYG cuz they weren't drawing enough for these venues. You don't add a band if you can draw on your own name you fu cking dipsh it. KL can't draw on themselves alone in these rooms.
It's called not diswaying people from coming out to see. "Why would I make an hour trip to this show next week for STYG, if can see than in 4 months from now 10 mins from my place" Holy shit your dense>> Holy shit you are the 3476548th person who spells the word you're "your." KL added STYG cuz they weren't selling enough tickets for these too big rooms. KL thinks who they are and are now humbled. You don't add when you don't need.
Real simple why they waited until STYG/Terror ended: It's standard booking protocol. You announce your next NYC show before a NYC show you have coming up only if that NYC show you have coming up has sold out. Otherwise you announce the next NYC show after you've played NYC.
'Say Code Orange booked a 20-show tour and sold out every show. Why on Earth would they add Turnstile? Why on Earth would Turnstile play for nothing or expenses only? Code Orange sold out without Turnstile so no need to add Turnstile. Knocked Loose embarrassed themselves by adding STYG cuz it shows they're not the craze you herbs make 'em out to be.
^ This dude is right and all you people arguing with him are idiots. When a band announces their tour, add-ons should only be openers. A band announces Cleveland then adds a local to kick it off out of support (and any opener worth their salt should help flyer the !@#$ out of the show to get more opening slots in the future.) Anything more than an opener like STYG is a signal that your sales are lagging.
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