Post CommentI'm more concerned about the guy in the ad at the bottom.
This is coming from someone who always thought your music was a joke, but i'm being kind and sincere right now. I'm giving you the best advice available to you now. Quit. Go back to your warehouses or hot topics. You are trash.
^thats a bit harsh I've enjoyed me some byd over the years. Obviously not reinventing the wheel but they've had some decent moshy stuff from time to time
"Godisnotasnitch" here: Will show up for 5 mins to a show, buy Merch and have someone take a bunch of pictures of my poser ass
Bruso is a fat tub of shit now. I remember when he thought he was so cool, because he was 145 lbs and could do 30 consecutive pushups. Lol
"Godisnotasnitch" here: Will show up for 5 mins to a show, buy Merch and have someone take a bunch of pictures of my poser ass Kid is too busy sucking off Ryan Wilson from XSIDEWALKX. Or...whatever that sellout straight edge band from Chicago was called.
That Josh kid is a poseur to the max. First he jocks shit from Ghost Key (embarrassing Peoria softcore), then he goes on Facebook slinging bible verses all over the place, now this chode can be seen hanging out in Wicker Park drinking beers, taking pictures with all the cats who "moved on from hardcore" and now listen to derpy mumble rap and wear gold chains.
Chicks who require you to "have a beard" in order to #getitin and "love dad bods" with 3 kids from 3 different washed up scene dawgs are $toked.
People who live in Indiana, with the Indiana state flag tattooed on them, who run around claiming to be from Gary, saying "down4mine", and talking about Indiana Hardcore while having no idea who BURN IT DOWN is are stoked.
y'all some clowns. BURY YOUR fckING DEAD all day. fck you and the world
if there's not 2 guitarists, it's gonna suck. who cares?
That Josh kid is a poseur to the max. First he jocks shit from Ghost Key (embarrassing Peoria softcore), then he goes on Facebook slinging bible verses all over the place, now this chode can be seen hanging out in Wicker Park drinking beers, taking pictures with all the cats who "moved on from hardcore" and now listen to derpy mumble rap and wear gold chains. ^LOL
Where the fck is slim. No one wants new bury your dead. Play a mix of yhmah and cyt songs somewhere in New England once a year. Thanks.
^ this even though inp was alright too at least worth listening to a few times...at this point tho they really should hang it up
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Hand over the bag of jewelry and get the fck out of here.