Baroness recruit Torche, Pallbearer, War On Women for tour

Post Commentof all the things literally not asked for, this tops the list.
Incels will be flocking by the masses for this
Uh, wheres CA? On the west coast of the US. Runs between Baja and Oregon.
I am stoked for this. Everybody loves Raymond, but I also love Robert and it is exciting to see them finally getting together and collaborating on a project.
Everybody Loves Ramon is a highly underated show. it elevated comedy to heights never seen before. the only better show i can think of is Mad About You
Please, WoW, play a show at the Showbox or HighLine in Seattle. Thx
Sweet Arizona and even California dates jerks
War On Women are so fckin awful. I get your gimmick there but jesus.
War on women and sharp tooth are the successors to bikini kill.
On top of being marxist p.c. garbage, War on Women sound awful as well.
^^^ This person gets it. There is no war on women. There's a war on men and masculinity to take this country down from the inside. Turn ya'll into beta cucks and it's working wonderfully.
beards and ian mckaye style beanies are stoked
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Baroness are my favorite soft rock band. I heard them after Peter Cetera at my dentist's office the other day.