Post CommentAll y'all are dick riders. The Contortionist has more music in their toenails than lambgoat's entire peanut gallery of critics. fck your faces.
Why do they have music IN their toenails? How do they listen to it? Does their toe have a headphone jack, or does it support bluetooth? Is there a USB port so they can load new music, or is it web-based like Spotify, and if that's the case do they have to connect their toe to WiFi or does it have a cellular plan?
Doesn't this tour/line up happen multiple times a year? No care ever
The "They Must Have Sent Our Summer Slaughter Tour Invites to the Wrong Address" Tour 2019
EVERYONE asked for this. Can the Contortionists really contort?
Dick Between the Buttcheecks. Alaska had somebreakdowns but i rather watch the 12 looks like you.
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Who is the targeted audience for this tour? Deaf people don't go to concerts, and anyone who can hear wouldn't be caught dead at one of these stops. I am baffled.