Post CommentCapitalism rules twink. Think you'd be used to it by now
Modern Life Is War AND Krimewatch in the same night? Who would punish themselves THAT much?
^^ this guy like's being the government's bitch ^^ Boot licking cuck
Muslims are way better at burning down churches than Satanists.
fck capitalism, sheep. ^^^^^ Here's a proud member of the Free Shit Brigade. I bet this snowflake chimps out when the welfare check is late.
Iowa Fest 2019 Modern Life Is War Slipknot Too Pure To Die
non-welfarist/Marxist socialism rocks private property ownership rocks you can have both. right vs left is an illusion, ya'll.
fck capitalism, sheep. ^^^^^ Here's a proud member of the Free Shit Brigade. I bet this snowflake chimps out when the welfare check is late. ^^ typical retard response lol. Guy pry doesn't even have a GED
fck capitalism, sheep. ^^^^^ Here's a proud member of the Free Shit Brigade. I bet this snowflake chimps out when the welfare check is late. ^^ typical retard response lol. Guy pry doesn't even have a GED ^^^^^ Hey, you're the one who thinks the government will solve your problems.
non-welfarist/Marxist socialism rocks private property ownership rocks you can have both. right vs left is an illusion, ya'll. ^^^^^^ Name anywhere on Earth where that has ever worked.
Is the 400 pound drummer who took cops on a high speed pursuit still in the band? This band peaked 15 years ago. Next.
fck capitalism, sheep. ^^^^^ Here's a proud member of the Free Shit Brigade. I bet this snowflake chimps out when the welfare check is late. ^^ typical retard response lol. Guy pry doesn't even have a GED ^^^^^ Hey, you're the one who thinks the government will solve your problems. ^^ nice assumption, showing your pathetic logic. Eat shit loser.
I wish those cucks who were fighting with each other up above never stopped.
lambfcks who preach political bullshit in the comment threads of MLIW tour threads on lambgoat do it for one reason... and one reason only. Y'all don't get any. What's it like to not have lives anyway? Please fill me in. Go assfck your faces. If y'all were slayin' it, you'd have more important things on your minds than politics. Bitches. MLIW is the shit btw.
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fck socialism.