Capsize appear to break up after more allegations surface
Additionally, another account of impropriety was shared via Twitter:Daniel Wand from Capsize is a predator and I'm finally not afraid to say something. It's time to stop supporting this band.
— ? silver fox ? (@pastelwife) February 22, 2019
This was hard for multiple reasons and I don't take it lightly.
Not surprisingly, the band has also been removed from their recently-announced tour with Blessthefall.hey so this is why you shouldn't fuck with capsize and it took a lot for me to write this out bit they have done this to multiple girls and i cannot stand seeing people support them anymore.
— dani (@firelorddani) February 21, 2019
In the wake of these allegations, the band deleted both their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Obviously, there doesn't appear to be much of a future for Capsize, who formed roughly ten years ago.Due to recent news, Capsize will no longer be joining us on our spring tour. For tickets and more info head to
— blessthefall (@blessthefall) February 23, 2019
Post CommentHahahahahaahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahaHahahahah aahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahaHahahahah aahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahaHahahahah aahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahaHahahahah aahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahaha This band sux
Wow 10 years as a band ended by a facebook post Truly capsized
You thought our sex was consensual? Well guess what I felt pressured and manipulated and never said anything so it's abuse now bigggot.
Heard a rumor they had an unreleased B-side titled "Do Not Diddle Kids"
Oh wow.. I would've never thought that half naked social media THOT has ever been sexually abused #grassisgreen #wateriswet #comeswiththeterritory
They don't even know how hold he is lol would be funny if he was underage at the time and she wasn't lol
Odd these people are allowed to speak up yet when a parent compares me to their nut sack growing up it's a different fcking story.
Now if only someone would put those nerds in counterparts
revenge season here 2019 reunion tour in the works catch us at your local pizza shop
I want to start a band. Nvm I've had sex before.
here is the thing, if I didn't fcking sexually assault someone and they were claiming I did and I KNEW it was consensual, you wouldn't catch me breaking up my fcking band! These little kids fcking did it and they are running now. fck em!
"you wouldn't catch me breaking up my fcking band!" just goes to show that all of these bands/people that fall under this are so desperate for universal acceptance. it's really goddamn pathetic.
if you didn't stop him & waited hella long to say something, you're a little annoying bitch that just wants attention
Silver fox and her nsfw twitter, which sells subs to a nsfw Snapchat, really seems like a legit source of information. Nothing shady about that at all.
every damn band gets outed for this shit now. Not sure if it's shitty people in bands or shitty women
Why is their only proof of "assault" coming from a paragraph that reads every basic abuse scenario with minor details and no wording on where and when it happened on their notes app. No messages that they claim any band member sent them has been shown to back them up, zero, nothing. Meanwhile Silver Fox sells nudes promoted on her nsfw twitter and that Dani girl just pinned that she sells art she stole from tumblr. Lol ok #filechargesorbullshit
*has sex* *years later* Oh man I didn't want to do that, but I still consented, can I take back consent years after? Let's find out. *logins to twitter* Time to promote my premium Snapchat and shut down a boy who never texted me back ??
Has anyone considered that they just deactivated their accounts so when it's brought to justice that this is all for attention they don't have to worry about the group of angry emo girls commenting rapist on their posts in the mean time??
"Silver fox and her nsfw twitter, which sells subs to a nsfw Snapchat, really seems like a legit source of information. Nothing shady about that at all." "sex positive" thots are gonna thot and generally be hypocrites.. #shockingiknow
These girls are very clearly ridiculous people though All parties involved should hop in an SUV and drive it off a cliff
Seems like you either have to be celebate or have a girlfriend at this point. Learn and adapt fellas!
Band sucks. Not supporting them or otherwise but, whatever happened to "pics or it didn't happen"? Screenshots of your fcking diary 4 years after the fact isn't compelling enough evidence, sweetheart. Sorry. Bring a little more heat. File charges. Properly do this shit and wreck a rapist. I have ro laugh. As if the music scene and the venues that supported it weren't boarding up their doors faster than a mall in the midwest, the scene is fcking OVER.
Dudes who like to cheat on their gfs are stoked to be total douchebags forever. fckface
I felt pressured into having sex with him - I didn't say no but I gave it to him anyways... after few times we had sex... here I am... 1 year later... a strong independent WAHMEN... announcing this guy abused me via a Twitter post. No evidence. Just believe me and watch his life get destroyed over my little twatter post
Just go gay. It worked out for Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer.
Hey guys, don't break up just yet, Joe Hardcore has an open slot for a band with at least one sexual assaulter on This Is Hardcore 2019. He booked abuseulate (Regulate) so maybe he'll hook up you guys and make a statement about how you didn't do it cuz he said so like he did with abuseulate. Joe's got your backs! Oh wait - he has to wait three years to book you on TIH like he did with abuseulate, so hang on.
Jussie Smollett here, boy do I know a few things about hoaxes, just don't get caught lyin' ladies! Or you'll end up like me! Jk in the screamo/hardcore/Samoan Bob scene it doesn't matter if the girl lied the band's career is fcked. Jesus Christ just because some dude in a band didn't text you back doesn't mean you have to ruin some one's life because you had bad missionary sex with them 3 years ago. We should all report this bitch to the IRS for tax evasion tbh
If she is selling her own photos while making such a claim...this world has gone to hell.
I'd be so mad if my 10 year music career was ended by someone who makes money by selling nudes to creepy Arab dudes
I get how it was so hard to say no to a shitty movie exec but not being able to say no to some guy in a shitty band? c'mon now.
THIS is why Jami from Chode Orange stays a virgin
ctears · 2h dude, all ur girlfriend really wants is: - ur hoodies - attention - idk a note - ice cream - a letter? - to suck on her breasts - a puppy? - to choke her -retweeted by the chick with grey hair and the body of a 74 year old.
Dudes who sing for upstate NY metalcore bands are stoked to be shitty DEADBEAT dads and unfaithful, lying little douchebags forever.
That girl Chelsea is actually a dumb bitch who pretends to be friends with a bunch of band dudes and sends nudes to everyone. Such an ugly ass loser.
This scene is sad & I'm glad I'm not apart of it anymore. Didn't know allegations are the truth now. It sucks because some victims actually go thru a terrible tragedy like this but it's really a grey area unless there's real proof. statements should not be the end all be all. I'd say go to the cops but surprisingly women even lie about filing a police report. That's just as a bad as being a rat. I wonder how many people are burning their capsize merch right now. Time to break out consent forms
Whores. Gold digging whores. They asked for it.
"Whores. Gold digging whores. They asked for it." There's not much "gold" in calling out a washed-up/never-was metalcore band. Sorry bud.
"I'm not saying who in the band bc I'm scared"? Are you kidding me? I call bullshit.
This is what non toxic masculinity looks like
Silver Fox hooked up with me and my friend, not at same time, then would txt us after to buy her a gas card, or Target cards, amazon stuff. She sleeps with guys and guys would buy her stuff after. Then if you don't, she tries to scam you or back stab you.
Neo-feminists trying to level the playing field of men in bands.
Chicks who thought 50 Shades of Gray was an actual BDSM movie are stoked.
"this generation of girls switched guys from dming us "send nudes" to "do u sell nudes?" wow our power." To all the "young women" of modern day "hardcore": kill yourselves.
Lol ain't no one buying nude pictures on 2019. Why buy some ugly girls photos when you can look at higher quality girls for free? If dudes were consistently buying her nudes t She wouldn't be begging for gas money and gift cards
Girls crying abuse of the 21st is the boy crying wolf tale of the 11th century
Girls crying abuse of the 21st is the boy crying wolf tale of the 11th century
This behavior by daniel has plagued him his whole life , even going back to when he wasnt in capzise and played in the local san diego scene , he was accused of raping two girls ... anyone trying to defend him does not get it .. he has always been like this and I've witnessed it along with many of his friends or former friends.
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Heard this is why Code Orange is so quiet right now too