Post CommentComing to a realization that whom has always been an idol...most likely abusive.
The unfortunate trauma this band experienced doesn't make them a good band.
nice fade in 10 seconds into the song, 100 bucks gets you a fade out and also DCJ catching a fade in the pit getting murked due to soft gayness and hard L holding. calf high spin kicks going hard for BDJ room during practice sesh.
Is that legless gay still playing drums for them?
TY all from the police department and the Maryland court system along with family and a employee with NSA...while I get scammed or forced by your family members...when I try to open up...TY for directly causing a massive mental breakdown where whom I know will probably claim the same what I have said time and time again about years ago or even any of you.
Sounds like the last couple records only even worse, cool
If you are in toronto and are open to just hook ups hmu at 416 277 1682 im trying to learn some new techniques and would like to try it out on someone. Both girls and guys send me a pic of your body and i'll send you mine back. lets get kinky
^ uses the term "mallcore" seriously. thinks killswitch engage is tier 1.
uses the term hardcore to describe any band after 1991 that tours from maine to florida. thinks homosexuality is tier 1.
The Ghost Limb inside. "3 limbs and counting" But honestly, I genuinely miss this fcking band. I'm still holding out for that comeback. fck all the actual shit talkers on here. You know yall were pitting hard as fck to TGI's entire set before you up and got too cool and started acting like Knocked Loose was Jesus Christ, returning to save everyone with rehashed 90s power chords and blatant On Broken Wings lifted riffs.
the vocals sound like Chad from "Shai Hulud"
Knocked Loose was Jesus Christ<--- knocked loose is just as horrible as the person who wrote that post.
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