NewsDecember 16, 2018 1:12 PM ET24,810 views

Every Time I Die officially recognized by City of Buffalo

Just in time for their annual holiday show yesterday, Every Time I Die was officially recognized by their hometown, the City of Buffalo, who proclaimed yesterday (Saturday, December 15, 2018) to be "Every Time I Die Day." The honor comes "in recognition of their musical achievements and thanking them for their continued advocacy for The City of Buffalo." You can check out the proclamation below. Every Time I Die Day in Buffalo


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anonymous 12/16/2018 10:22:51 AM

Buffalo leads the country in exports of raw male on male an*l DVDs.

kyle 12/16/2018 10:26:31 AM

Very cool.

anonymous 12/16/2018 10:47:22 AM

Very cool. Waiting for bitter comments from Lambgoaters who were in bands that flopped.

anonymous 12/16/2018 10:48:38 AM

Buffalo has some sick one of a kind soda and also has ETID

anonymous 12/16/2018 11:01:26 AM

I'll be the first then. Who?

anonymous 12/16/2018 11:05:15 AM

In recognition of his various civic...uh....

anonymous 12/16/2018 11:14:15 AM

Let's go buffalo !

anonymous 12/16/2018 11:18:48 AM

This is awesome! Congrats

anonymous 12/16/2018 11:25:28 AM

pretty rad! too bad the City of Buffalo can't afford a proof-reader for their official documents. :P

anonymous 12/16/2018 11:46:22 AM

Eat shit Bruce

anonymous 12/16/2018 11:47:21 AM

Awesome stuff. Definitely deserved.

anonymous 12/16/2018 12:27:42 PM

Dear Tony Brummel; Where I am able to email you...who cares; Glad to know you provide artists I worked with tour advances/emergency purposes...yet your artists are not even capable of paying those who worked hard...with you ultimately pocketing hand over fist.

fourthgradecocktease 12/16/2018 1:51:34 PM

what a world

anonymous 12/16/2018 3:01:46 PM


anonymous 12/16/2018 5:34:58 PM

Buffalo is a shit hole...this literally means nothing. Oh and Congrats.

anonymous 12/16/2018 6:29:26 PM

members remains

anonymous 12/16/2018 9:57:13 PM


anonymous 12/16/2018 10:39:18 PM

I'm pretty sure they have played shows larger than 3,500 lol. Buffalo overcompensating here

anonymous 12/17/2018 1:06:57 AM

buffalo needs a scott vogel day too

anonymous 12/17/2018 1:15:04 AM

My first time at shitmas, and I am honoured to be apart of this. This is the greatest moment of my life

anonymous 12/17/2018 1:54:18 AM

The city of Buffalo must have not actually listened to their dookie music before they made this a thing

anonymous 12/17/2018 3:34:04 AM

3500 tickets sold on the entire bill not just ETID. LOL @ a band who formed in 1998 the absolute rock bottom year for hardcore, metal, and indie rock being given a day by their city. And how does them popping up in their city once a year for their annual rent money cashgrab make them ambassadors to their city?

anonymous 12/17/2018 3:35:42 AM

*for their city? Buffalo is dead for hardcore - DEAD. Metal and indie rock too.

anonymous 12/17/2018 5:44:26 AM

anyone commenting saying Buffalo is a shithole for hardcore/in general has obviously never spent more than a day there. Awesome city with and awesome culture and ETID embrace it fully. 3,500 tickets for a headlining show is crazy for a band like ETID and if you were there, you would know that those 3,500 people were practically bringing Riverworks to the ground lol. Long live ETID!

anonymous 12/17/2018 5:51:04 AM

Oof. Not much going on in Buffalo...

anonymous 12/17/2018 6:03:20 AM

ETID is doing more for Buffalo than the Bills are.

anonymous 12/17/2018 6:11:46 AM

this just in Tim Lambesis officially recognized by the California State Correctional Facility as a convicted felon

anonymous 12/17/2018 6:30:48 AM


anonymous 12/17/2018 7:14:47 AM

Tim has his masters, a gym in SD, three Airbnb and a highly successful band that charts top 10, gets grammy nominated and sells out venues worldwide. He is doing just fine

anonymous 12/17/2018 7:45:53 AM

"WTF this is what we pay taxes for?" -citizens of Buffalo upon seeing this

anonymous 12/17/2018 7:49:29 AM

Whereas , no one cares.

anonymous 12/17/2018 9:13:45 AM

all lies. tim has nothing except a bunch of online college credit courses in a field that won't hire him because of his felony conviction and jail time

anonymous 12/17/2018 9:27:40 AM

all facts and publically verifiable information. sorry you never made it

anonymous 12/17/2018 10:34:30 AM

go ahead, send a link for proof

anonymous 12/17/2018 11:23:56 PM

3,500 tickets for a headlining show is crazy for a band like ETID and if you were there, you would know that those 3,500 people were practically bringing Riverworks to the ground lol. Long live ETID!>> 3500 with help from Snapcase, Bouncing Souls, Turnstile, The Menzingers, Turnstile, 18 Visions, Knocked Loose etc.

anonymous 12/17/2018 11:25:35 PM

If it was ETID and three local bands a show they'd sell out Mohawk Place four nights. Impressive but not key to the city impressive.

anonymous 12/17/2018 11:28:29 PM

Buffalo hardcore and metal are dead. No bands from the '80s, '90s, or '00s. No bands with people from those decades. ETID is not/never was or will be hardcore. Snapcase is a now and then reunion only. There aren't even any bands who formed 2010-15. It's over/been over for awhile.

anonymous 12/18/2018 8:50:49 AM

AILD just played to 400 people in seattle. nothing to see here

anonymous 12/18/2018 10:02:15 AM

^ fake news. we crunched the show numbers and they are exemplary. sold out 90 percent of the tour in multiple continents/upgraded known venues. the merch store has already needed to be restocked multiple times since Us leg. the back end of aforementioned splatter/marble/swirl vinyls will keep them in the green for a decade. i would know

anonymous 12/18/2018 10:51:17 AM

i work at Mb he is correct

anonymous 12/18/2018 4:18:38 PM

nope. seattle venue had a 400 person cap, most of the US venues were that size

anonymous 12/18/2018 6:29:36 PM

sold out show

anonymous 12/19/2018 9:10:43 AM

point being to sell out venues AILD had to seriously downgrade. not enough interest. just a handful of MAGA c*nts

anonymous 12/19/2018 9:48:11 AM

Trump is still your president soy boy and Tim is still making a profitable living playing music and touring continents and selling out operative word- upgraded venues. . they will sell out any hob sized venue as well. big facts. take off the crease hat

anonymous 12/19/2018 1:14:08 PM

as i lay dying was trash and is still trash. duh. old fogies

anonymous 12/19/2018 1:20:56 PM

if they can sell out HOB sized venues, maybe they should have played those. they upgraded from 200 to 400 cap rooms

anonymous 12/19/2018 9:00:53 PM

moron. you don't come back off a hiatus and play Alabama or Clemson week 1. you tune up some POS division two school and get the flow back. this isn't a hard concept to grasp. refrain from talking metalcore or the music industry in general... it isn't your 'thing' show me where Tim hurt you

anonymous 12/20/2018 5:20:17 AM


anonymous 12/20/2018 9:09:19 AM

if they are as massive as you say they are and grammy favorites etc. then yeah, they absolutely can jump right back in where they left off. the fact of the matter is, nobody cares so they are playing smaller places because they just don't have the clout you THINK they do.

anonymous 12/20/2018 9:48:00 AM

they are grammy hopefuls next year and will have a billboard top ten showing (again) in an age where that has become increasingly difficult for metalcore musicians. you don't just snap back into HoB size venues or larger after a five year hiatus. smart move two short Us and Europe tours at slightly lower venue. all in preparation for massive 2019 tour (known support) and new album

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