Post CommentBand is playing 2000 cap clubs, idiot posts, "how tf is baroness still around"
^half of this site is genuinely excited for the new AILD album, can you really expect them to appreciate Baroness? Looks like I'm going to Downtown Disney for this. fck. House of Blues sucks.
"Thanks to some of you for crushing a childhood dream of going on the road working from a laptop computer, having complete independence in life." Oh hey Rusty
"Looks like I'm going to Downtown Disney for this. fck. House of Blues sucks." The House of Blues moved to the Gardenwalk, which is a ghost town, but easy to get in and out of.
You all in the community; thank you I got to put up with a parent for years on end screaming or throwing shit at me; while shitting my underwear as a child; fck you all. Having a father as an officer; worst fcking experience.
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Thanks to some of you for crushing a childhood dream of going on the road working from a laptop computer, having complete independence in life.