Bad Omens drop off The Amity Affliction, Senses Fail tour

Post Comment"unhappy about the size of their name on the artwork" Not a surprise for a typical Jewmerian records band.
you think they'd be a bunch of women; "nah, too small for my liking. i'm out."
Fake news. Truth is they Found out that Sam Patt and the Belmont boys have been getting away with fcking more underage chicks than them and they couldn't handle the competition
LOL at the audacity of some of these young entitled Kickstartercore bands.
Also, good for the headliners on how they handled it. Oh, you want to complain about font size? Ya fired. TRUMPED.
Real talk on the "existenceflip" (LOLd by the way) and "TRUMPED" comments.
Exceptionally fcking terrible band so who cares.
Jim Acosta here, Bad Omens has been wronged and this hate mongerinf campaign by the amity affliction needs to end. I'm asking the tough questions
now this is a problem for phil swift and flex tape
this is a whole new take on Tiers. Bad Omens was felt they were tier 2. the headliners billed them as tier 4. in all reality they are tier 8.
Imagine being such a centrist pssy that you call a band bullies one sentence and then the next you're wishing them all the best on their tour. Grab your goddamn nuts and speak what's on your mind, not this weird PR stunt.
This whole thing sucks. Let me put context to that. When I say that this whole thing sucks, I mean every single band listed SUUUUUUUUUCKS.
Imagine listening to these pussies. Then, imagine wanting to tour with these pussies. Finally, imagine becoming such massive pussies that you get bullied by these pussies and drop off your dream pssy tour. Pussies.
I'm guessing Bad Omens voted for Bernie Sanders.
Senses Fail and The Amity Affliction is D tier post garbage filled music. They were only good because they directly cater to betas. Good for bad omens, I wouldn't want to tour with such trash.
F00king millennials think they are so entitled... do you see Tim Lambesis and AILD crew complaining about being booted off festival bills ?? Exactly... work hard for what you want... and if you are a pr1ck then admit to your mistakes and move on... no need to make a stink about it on social meeeeeeedia!! Stupid black n1g n0gs
patiently waiting to hear what Fronz has to say about all this drama involving Senses Fail. He has experienced their said "bullying tactics" on many occasions
How will the 20 or less fans on each stop know to come to the show if they cannot see the band name on the flyer? Geez guys. Give em a break. They should hand out free glasses or contacts on the tour so people can see the small names.
anonymous14 hours ago Beta male culture is reaching critical mass This. grown men do not complain of being "bullied" you liberal pussies.
Please call them Bad Opeople, there is no need for patriarchy.
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If this is not only considered news, but the direction society is going, just let the nukes fly and be done with it. Existenceflip.