NewsAugust 17, 2018 8:37 PM ET13,318 views

Korn frontman Jonathan Davis' wife dies at age 39

The wife of Korn vocalist Jonathan Davis has reportedly passed away. Davis' estranged wife, Deven, died earlier today at age 39, according to TMZ. Deven Davis, whom Jonathan married in 2004, has allegedly been battling substance abuse for nearly two decades, says TMZ, who also reports that Jonathan filed for a domestic violence restraining order today, August 17 (prior to Deven's death), and the judge apparently issued a temporary order blocking Deven from having custody or visitation rights for the two children she and Jonathan share. A cause of death has yet to be disclosed.
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unvisitedgrave 8/17/2018 5:43:14 PM


XSHAT_CREWX 8/17/2018 6:01:48 PM

family values

anonymous 8/17/2018 6:03:48 PM

Might be a bit of a relief for Jonathan, but still difficult. Man. That's rough.

anonymous 8/17/2018 6:03:59 PM

so weird cause last time i saw korn they had her on stage saying it was their 20th anniversary and we're so happy about it.

anonymous 8/17/2018 6:47:36 PM

Must be hard to deal with the fact that you caused her death. Your fck ass white trash drug positive music is why she turned into a junky. It's your fault Jonathan. Your a murderer. And you filed the restraining order which was the final nail in your coffin. A real killer but I bet he gets less time than Tim because he's a liberal puppet.

anonymous 8/17/2018 6:56:22 PM


anonymous 8/17/2018 7:03:45 PM

^^^ Good Will Hunting

anonymous 8/17/2018 7:04:07 PM


anonymous 8/17/2018 7:15:47 PM

The next Korn album should be good!

anonymous 8/17/2018 7:21:45 PM

Gloria Cavalera ruined Sepultura. Dez's wife ruined Devildriver. Coincidence?

anonymous 8/17/2018 7:23:40 PM

Really you saw them on stage talk about their 20th anniversary when they've only been married since 2004 ??

anonymous 8/17/2018 8:36:05 PM

She wasn't very good at math

anonymous 8/17/2018 8:44:35 PM

Don't rip off Anders look you shit bag.

anonymous 8/17/2018 9:07:35 PM

new single 'mommy'

anonymous 8/17/2018 11:03:52 PM

Having to listen to his "music" for so long really takes a lot out someone

anonymous 8/18/2018 12:53:11 AM

White trash with money. Why KORN is still mentioned and gets any press is beyond me? Bitch was a drug addict and a lesbo porn star; lowest common denominator. John Davis is the biggest whining man-child who happen to make some money with the worlds most horrible band back in the late 90s. These people are the worth trash on the planet. I have no sympathy.

anonymous 8/18/2018 2:27:18 AM

You can't turn a whore into a housewife.

anonymous 8/18/2018 3:44:12 AM

Yeah, I wanted to kill myself after hearing his solo album, too

anonymous 8/18/2018 4:03:05 AM

nu-metal is turning the freakin frogs gay

anonymous 8/18/2018 4:43:29 AM


anonymous 8/18/2018 4:46:16 AM

She took a black d1ick to her white slanted... anything goes whenever you're a porno ho!! Open them legs wide, get ready to die!! Take a fcking knife, and stick it to your wife... take her life... die bitch die!! YO YO YO !!!!

anonymous 8/18/2018 5:27:01 AM

In Jonathan's words, you not rrrh rot dot n dot n dot per rotdot n not n dot per BYE!

anonymous 8/18/2018 6:45:58 AM

Lol at the person that said someone other than devildriver "ruined devildriver"

anonymous 8/18/2018 6:46:42 AM


anonymous 8/18/2018 8:27:40 AM

BREAKING NEWS: Jonathan Davis eulogy for wife transcript leaked! "My beautiful wife, I'll never forget the first time you came up to me and said, 'BOOM NAH NAH OOOM NAH NAH EEMAH!'"

anonymous 8/18/2018 9:39:39 AM

Telemundo is all over this breaking news. BTWDTA

anonymous 8/18/2018 12:59:06 PM

Guess she ain't got the life

anonymous 8/18/2018 2:57:49 PM

her crease smelled like Monster energy drinks

anonymous 8/18/2018 3:48:45 PM


easyhateoven 8/18/2018 6:26:21 PM

donathan javis

anonymous 8/18/2018 6:34:21 PM

Good news, now he gets full custody

anonymous 8/19/2018 6:38:11 AM

Jonathan...while you'll likely not read thoughts and prayers go out to your family. Please be well.

anonymous 8/19/2018 7:51:00 AM

Most of the current "hardcore" bands you kids jock took their sound from bands like Korn. Keep talking shit, newjacks.

anonymous 8/20/2018 8:21:10 AM

Couldn't of happened to a better dude

anonymous 8/20/2018 11:54:06 AM

^ Couldn't have*

anonymous 8/20/2018 12:41:38 PM

chick goes on ONE DATE with Tim Lambesis now look. cryin shame this world we live in.

anonymous 8/21/2018 7:26:39 AM


anonymous 8/21/2018 10:05:37 AM

Must be hard to deal with the fact that you caused her death. Your fck ass white trash drug positive music is why she turned into a junky. It's your fault Jonathan. Your a murderer. And you filed the restraining order which was the final nail in your coffin. A real killer but I bet he gets less time than Tim because he's a liberal puppet.<-- do you even re-read the shit you post?,you sound a little too invested in their lives Sporto-take up a hobby or something...

anonymous 8/22/2018 5:53:06 AM

These people are the worth trash on the planet. I have no sympathy. ^ da fuq yew tawkin bout?

anonymous 8/22/2018 5:54:45 AM

"worth" trash on the planet? spell czech anybody....?

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