Post CommentHopefully some more songs from Last Night In Town and Hot Damn! during these shows since it is an anniversary tour. The music that followed was great, but ETID's set lists are balance to heavily to the last few albums. I need me some Logic of Crocodiles.
Whoever named their band angeldu$t should be clubbed to death by antifa. Also, above, go off yourself. Last night in town was terrible, you whiny 1st is the only good album dipshit
Two shows in Denver? The Broncos don't even play football.
LOL, etid cool , all the bands under = terrible
^^ First, Last Night In Town is a great album. Second, Last Night In Town isn't ETID's first album, so you basically sound like a fcking retard right now.
how is Vein and ETID gonna ignore the north east with this line up. Feelsbadman
Al Sargento here someoOne be a nephe2w uncle and grab me a VeIn teesh on this, im asking 5 months in advance, so no excuses.. XXL for my danny devito figure i will be foreV gr8ful thnx nephew. also sell mee aaFtershOck i need to look cool @ this concertt
old ETID wasnt even good haha. Will Haven did their entire sound way better than them, before they even realized "their sound", on the track "If She Could Speak". Listen to that and tell me I'm wrong.
WHITE KNIGHT CUCK HERE , i will not be attending any of these shows one of the boys in Vein dates some nazi chick. Keep on cuckin' cuck
hard back, pinnacle year. put that reprint scheme on back of a breaker in the pre-order bundle just in time for late autumn and shipped in coffin packaging. nu hate 2k18 still going in with plenty of space for your try hard Ls below. leave it 'Beatdown' Jon np: did you mean Australia - the descendant
2000 album is only good one. southern rock blows and they try way too hard on stage. hang it up. these openers are the new mallcore trash. this band was just touring with prior mallcore trash - miw, i9k
anonymous21 minutes ago ^ You're wrong. You either didn't listen or you need to clean the fecal matter that's apparently deeply embedded in your eardrum(s).
Will be at all dates in my MAGA hat goddamnit Keith Buckley won't do shit
this is them trying to make up for touring with nothing but crappy scene and mall core bands, meanwhile what they dont know since they are so out of touch is that the bands they are acting they are "putting over" are already over in the hardcore scene and are surpassing it, hardcore kids aren't down with any of those bands anymore
aren't down with them anymore ** since they are becoming bigger *** i meant
"with our friends" LOL tell me any one of these dudes besides MAYBE justic from tui that those dudes are down with. Go back to touring with letlive , i see stars and motionless in white ya fruit booty's
soon it will be "with our friends Trail of Lies" lmao
"Will be at all dates in my MAGA hat goddamnit Keith Buckley won't do shit" LOL, me too my man, me too. #meToo #MAGA #DonaldPump #IfYouAintDownWithTrumpYou reGonnaTakeABump #FriendsOfTrump #DonaldsDoohickeys #DonnyBoy #WantSomeComeGetSome #ProudBoy #DontLikeMeBiteMe #TeamTrump
none of these turds have ever lifted sheetrock in their life, no one on this tour. Try living my life, sheetrock when i wake up, sheet rock for lunch, sheetrock at dinner, sleep on top of sheetrock at night, then i wake up and carry more sheetrock, repeat repeat repeat
yeah these dudes are way out of touch. playing sissy scenecore packages and then warped. specifically name dropping code orange, knocked loose, old wounds, turnstile etc etc. names that were mallcore two years ago. whack bands all around. taking out bury your dead, evergreen terrace, bleeding through and the agony scene is the right call
Imma make sure to wear my MAGA hat to this one. Honk Honk bitches
Dude the Sheetrock jokes fcking suck get over yourself
Just listened to the Low Teens for the first time. It is crazy how Keiths voice sounds like Alexis Marshall in fcking Invincible
everyone who is under 30 years old will leave after turnstile. Everyone over 30 will stay for ETID. Calling it now
And the normal, not too sageish people will leave before Vein.
Hopefully some more songs from Last Night In Town and Hot Damn! during these shows since it is an anniversary tour. The music that followed was great, but ETID's set lists are balance to heavily to the last few albums. I need me some Logic of Crocodiles. Completely agree. They still rip live, but barely any old stuff. In a recent interview Keith said something like obviously our more recent albums are much better than the first few. so guess they don't like those that much. which sucks ass
zao - resistance < disembodied - 7 stitches < norma jean - liarsenic (grammy nominated) < aild - nothing left (grammy nominated)
"Imma make sure to wear my MAGA hat to this one. Honk Honk bitches" Yes, I too like to advertise how little pssy I get.
"And the normal, not too sageish people will leave before Vein." they're the OPENER you fcking retard
anonymous3 hours ago And the normal, not too sageish people will leave before Vein. ^^ This
as a strong independent black man, I give the webm full permission to use the N word. Guilt Free. here's your n-i-g-g-e-r card, sir.
trying so hard to be cool and relevant with these openers.
Etid rocks and everyone at the show will be having fun while you scroll through instagram.
^ Who the fck isn't these days? "That person gets drunk daily, he has a problem!" fcking liberals and your estrogen filled baby dicks.
"anonymous16 hours ago And the normal, not too sageish people will leave before Vein." ^just wanted to see if it dropped "sage" in there when I copied and pasted it. Because as of now, its not. lol wtf is up with the auto-censor these days? never know if you're gonna get A N A L or "rear" either lol
and it totally put sage in there. how do some people get away with it and some dont
I don't have anything edgy to say. I like all 4 of these bands so I'll be there.
Wears MAGA hat to the Kansas date, makes all the bitches pssy's moist. Gonna need a Shamwow to mop up all that squirt sageas
ETID & a bunch of nobodies present to you the "show up late just in time for Every Time I Die" tour
Hopefully some more songs from Last Night In Town and Hot Damn! during these shows since it is an anniversary tour. The music that followed was great, but ETID's set lists are balance to heavily to the last few albums. I need me some Logic of Crocodiles. ^ not like they didnt do whole tours playing their old albums all the way through like 2 years ago.
^ Did they hit every city in the world? Nope. Would I like to see those songs live again? Yep.
Vein keeps playing the same cities over and over again. How many times can they play the same venues a year? 4,8, 12?! Give it a break already. You're beating a dead horse.
Kyra the nazi and let's not forget the girl who lies about being abused who also makes up stories about guys trying to jump me. . fck criminal instinct, and turnstile. Support my boyfriends band, VEIN.
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Bullshit is right. Hard pass.