NewsJuly 26, 2018 5:13 PM ET5,141 views

Deafheaven album debuts in Top 125

Ordinary Corrupt Human Love, the new album from California black metal/post-rock band Deafheaven, has debuted a No. 111 on the Billboard after selling roughly 6,700 copies in its first week of release in the United States. The record also landed at No. 11 on the Top Album Sales chart and No. 5 on the Hard Rock Albums chart. For the sake of comparison, Deafheaven's previous album, New Bermuda (2015), sold 7,500 copies in its first week and debuted at No. 63 on the Billboard 200 (and No. 36 on the Top Album Sales chart). Going back further, their 2013 album, Sunbather, bowed at No. 130 on the Billboard after selling 3,700 copies in its initial week of release.


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anonymous 7/26/2018 2:32:02 PM

more like Buttheaven. Does anybody actually listen to these tards?

anonymous 7/26/2018 2:55:43 PM

no. pretentious unlistenable beta-gaze known soft cuckery

anonymous 7/26/2018 3:56:36 PM

Farthest thing from black metal, SJW post rock with some screams and shrieks, what's new there

anonymous 7/26/2018 4:43:28 PM

I'd like to know what all you Deafheaven haters listen to. I just want to be as badass as you all. Please bless me with your omnipotent knowledge of music. Your taste must be so well refined...

anonymous 7/26/2018 5:00:14 PM

^^ band member setting the record straight

anonymous 7/26/2018 5:26:43 PM

i listen to AILD mostly. this band is trash

anonymous 7/26/2018 5:44:49 PM

I hate these guys.

anonymous 7/26/2018 6:04:24 PM

Darkthrone, Mayhem, first 2 At The Gates albums before they went soft, Entombed, Immortal

anonymous 7/26/2018 7:25:43 PM

nah this band bangs. don't melt down boys

anonymous 7/26/2018 7:35:38 PM

I love to listen to sunbather when hanging sheetrock

carveyournamein 7/26/2018 7:38:36 PM


anonymous 7/26/2018 7:38:54 PM

The only american black metal band that matters.

anonymous 7/26/2018 8:53:57 PM

"^^ band member setting the record straight" Typical dipshit answer when unable to list better music. Probably a Lambesis cuck too.

anonymous 7/26/2018 9:01:29 PM

typical triggered band member answer

anonymous 7/26/2018 9:42:52 PM

Id rather listen to the sound of a golden retriever screaming in pain while being stabbed with a rusty philips screw-driver - than listen to this garbage

anonymous 7/26/2018 10:42:54 PM

i'd rather slam my c*ck in a hot oven than listen to this amateur noise. SF is trash city

anonymous 7/27/2018 4:10:35 AM

Todd Jones here. You will never be one of us

anonymous 7/27/2018 4:14:26 AM


anonymous 7/27/2018 4:43:49 AM

The albums amazing, if you don't like it then move on, there's no shortage of bands for you to listen to.

anonymous 7/27/2018 5:08:13 AM


anonymous 7/27/2018 5:37:57 AM

get your gear stolen losers

anonymous 7/27/2018 6:21:30 AM

So I listened to this album. And it's not bad but it's not black metal and historically it's not groundbreaking either. It's literally a modern day early hopesfall. Same riffs, same essential style, instead of hopesfall yelling they have shrieks, that's it. Another way to describe it is explosions in the sky with some shrieks. That might even be more accurate. Post rock for 2018. Nothing new here guys but if you get over your new=shit bias this fits in with most of your old classics.

anonymous 7/27/2018 8:02:03 AM

But Pitchfork loves it, so we must all.

anonymous 7/27/2018 8:34:48 AM

Huh i forgot that Hopesfall had blast beats...

anonymous 7/27/2018 8:42:22 AM

What percentage of the album is blast beats? Like 1%? What percentage of hopesfall music is breakdowns? About the same Both are a part of the sound but superficial.

anonymous 7/27/2018 8:53:02 AM

The new album is really good from front to back. Everyone rips off everyone. At least what they are doing feels somewhat fresh, goes from shoegaze to black metal to catchy melodic riffs and back. Its easily their best album

fourthgradecocktease 7/27/2018 11:21:14 AM

I actually enjoyed Sunbather when it came out but don't really touch it anymore. Nothing else they've done has been as enjoyable for me, but damn. You can like Mayhem and Deafheaven at the same time ya fckin turds.

anonymous 7/27/2018 3:44:14 PM

FÜCK off... good band

anonymous 7/28/2018 1:53:56 PM

i still haev respect

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