Post CommentYou want our money, we want details. What are we gonna do here?
Wake up, get better and get to work. God Bless
Be poor Attend rallies to denounce universal healthcare Family members get seriously ill due to lack of timely medical attention Rack up insane medical bills — can't pay shit Hold motorcycle rallies to take other poor friends and family money Pay 10% of hospital and burial costs Next community member gets sick, rinse and repeat
middle class kid go to state/community school and start some liberal arts degree listen to a lot of music, smoke weed, party, make some cool art graduate and do some restaurant shit for a few years totally used to living on couches, nasty floors develop metalocylpse idea, start making monet get a 2 bedroom apartment, get a girlfriend (made it bro)
decline health insurance, life insurance, disability — lease new car instead making bank — busy as fck, no time for working out or physicals attending Grammys and all kinds of awards shows buy a house, still no insurance, too big of a hit contract rare shameful disease GF begs whole world for money while you lay powerless and embarrassed #estateplanning
i heard from a reliable source he got.....bloodrocuted
Hi guys... Tim Lambesis here... theres a reason why I called my band AS I LAY DYING...
Hope the guy is ok but it's 2018 and healthcare is accessible so what's the deal.
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if the show were still in syndication this would've mattered... family mattered...