Post CommentWhat the hell is a 45 year old grind guitarist doing at a mall?
before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead on a table before falling and hitting his dead
Is it me, or does it seem like this always happens when a 45 year-old clowns around on an escalator rail above a mall food court?
Someone reached out to hug him, and Josh slipped off the escalator, landing awkwardly with massive force on his fully erect c-ck. He shattered his c-ck (and passed away).
Karma commin back to get this buffoon... I'd like to say I give a shit... but I'd like to stay a keyboard warrior in anonymynity(sp?) falling off an escalator is Homosexual... dude is going to join Seth...
Malls are gay. Dying in a mall is gay. Falling off an escalator is gay. Shopping is gay. Gay.
I wanna be nice but dude lived his life being a horses ass and died being an ass?
Have to agree with everyone here. Falling off an escalator is gay.
What the hell is a 45 year old grind guitarist doing at a mall? Going to a movie?
45 year old who heckles Gene Simmons, clowns around riding escalators at the mall and generally acts like an insufferable idiot. Pawtucket Patriot Ale is stoked
I read your mind like an open book You lost the fire in your eyes You turn to me with a different look And then it's raining looks like it's raining Oh no, tears are falling Oh no, tears are falling Oh no, tears are falling
gene simmons was spotting running from the scene
The shops are closed at 10:45. Dave and busters and the movies are open
hitting his dead hitting his dead hitting his dead hitting his dead hitting his dead hitting his dead hitting his dead
This is an extremely fitting death for an rear c*nt guitarist
I couldn't be more satisfied to hear this news. Hahaha. What a scumbag.
Escalators, Escalators, Escalators! [throws dice] Eels?
i really really wish emmure would get on this
Aaron "Big c-ck" Bedard here, there appears to be some confusion about this "Final" European tour from my influential and positive hardcore band Bane. Allow me to clarify, this will be the FINAL chance to see Bane in Europe.. Last chance to dance kids, so represent until we return ofcourse for our 2019 package tour
Bane doesn't hold a candle to As I Lay Dying.
Ass pssy. Who will hang all the sheetrock? Food court table blunt force trauma. Dave and butthurts should be to blame really alcohol + mall = dumbasses.
Seth back then and he did now. Two more to fcking go. Hope his family cries and follow suit so people can parade and party over this hilarious shit
RIP JOSH on all the foodcourt toilets in black sharpie. Also, Shroud of Bereavement is the gayest name for a band I've ever heard.
What the hell is a 45 year old grind guitarist doing at a mall? leaving work
my son came home and told me this yesterday. I said. "fck you son, you're gay."
"What the hell is a 45 year old grind guitarist doing at a mall? leaving work" AyyyyyyOOOOOOO!
RIP. You obviously contributed so much more to underground music than any of the trolls here will ever come close to.
I just saw the gayest guy on Earth. (He fell off an escalator.)
Aaron "Big c-ck" Bedard here, there appears to be some confusion about this "Final" European tour from my influential and positive hardcore band Bane. Allow me to clarify, this will be the FINAL chance to see Bane in Europe.. Last chance to dance kids, so represent until we return ofcourse for our 2019 package tour Strange... I wrote this like a year ago.
FYI: the asterix (*) is replacing the letter "U". LOL!!!!
i saw you clowning around at a mall and i noticed that you're gay
Are Tim and Shitbreath Fred okay? Someone close to the food court chime in.
The escalators that go to the movies and Dave and busters go up from the food court. What a dumb dumb.
I can't breathe over how funny this is What's left of the rest of the band please follow suit
i'm gonna gobble this guy's dead nuts. it's what he would have wanted. he was gay. im also gay.
Of course Bedard is a cuck. You think a 55 year old can perform with these young 16 year olds? No. That's what a bull is for. Bedard does the prep and clean up.
"Aaron "Big c-ck" Bedard here, there appears to be some confusion about this "Final" European tour from my influential and positive hardcore band Bane. Allow me to clarify, this will be the FINAL chance to see Bane in Europe.. Last chance to dance kids, so represent until we return ofcourse for our 2019 package tour Strange... I wrote this like a year ago." Prove it little boy
He'll go down in the rears of history with a Darwin Award
Zumiez is now looking for a new closing manager.
Gene Simmons ordered an Anal c*nt coffin to put his career and credentials into -he transformed the coffin into a filing cabinet.
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