Post Commentread this with the biggest grin on my face, so happy for these dudes \m/
old men talk more about playing music than actually doing it. VANFLIP ....again
Wonderful... But we don't need a "press release" nor "update" from this "regional" band. This is NOT Steve Perry rejoining Journey for the first time in 20 years. It's a bargain bin metalcore band. GET OVER YOURSELFS, JUST AS WE ALL HAVE.
Dude, there's no future for the bands that actually sell records. You guys are toast.
These guys are so gay, they think they're Dream Theater or something the way they talk about these songs lmao
guess what nerds, all your "fans" have moved on to dance music and shoegaze, unless you're playing coachella they probably won't see you again
i really only come to Glamboat for the bi-weekly updates on The Ghost Inside and periodic confirmation that the Deftones are in fact OK.
this has to be the only band that keeps making music news without making any new music. time to stop babying them and let em get their big boy pants back on. maybe give a report once they record something or book a show.
I hear the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics needs an opening act.
thought the headline said "there is no future" for the band and got stoked for a minute
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good for them, glad to see them bouncing back.