NewsMarch 5, 2018 2:20 PM ET9,718 views

Chelsea Grin frontman addresses health issues

Two weeks ago Chelsea Grin announced the cancellation of their North American tour due to the "declining health" of vocalist Alex Koehler. Koehler has now issued a statement regarding his issues and his intent to seriously address them:
"As you all may have heard by now, my health has been on a steady decline for the past couple years. Both my mental and physical state were getting hit hard, and it caused us to drop our tour with MIW. Which would have been our first U.S. tour in a year. I've learned a lot of life changing lessons in the past 35+ days, and I'll be making some major decisions in life. Most importantly I made a promise to myself to eat better, exercise more, and strive to be happy with what life has given me. I still have mends to make, and a path of broken hearts to heal, but for the first time in a long long time, I'm holding my head up high. I just wanted to give a HUGE shout out to the fans, friends, and family who have stuck by me on this wild journey. I couldn't ask for a better support system. I truly love you all! Life is too short to spend each day in misery. Put the remote down. Put the bottle down. Put the pipe down, and go outside. We've all been blessed with a life we only get to live once. So don't waste it. I love you all."


Post Comment

anonymous 3/5/2018 11:35:39 AM

These Streets should be on this

anonymous 3/5/2018 2:41:20 PM

So he's a junkie I take it. Will relapse!

anonymous 3/5/2018 3:23:56 PM

Someone's pssy hurts

anonymous 3/5/2018 3:25:35 PM


anonymous 3/5/2018 4:29:20 PM

Biggest piece of shit in Utah.

anonymous 3/5/2018 5:12:06 PM

No health issue was addressed and at the end he told everyone else to basically get their shit together. What a joke.

anonymous 3/5/2018 5:13:27 PM

A path of broken hearts to heal = Obamacare

anonymous 3/5/2018 5:15:21 PM

too many diks in da bootay

anonymous 3/5/2018 5:19:39 PM

Too many dicks on the dance floor.

anonymous 3/5/2018 6:36:38 PM

A path of broken hearts to heal. A path of broken hearts to heal. A path of broken hearts to heal. A path of broken hearts to heal. A path of broken hearts to heal. A path of broken hearts to heal. A path of broken hearts to heal. A path of broken hearts to heal.

anonymous 3/5/2018 6:54:46 PM

Meth is a hell of a drug

anonymous 3/6/2018 3:39:23 AM

best metal band since pennywise

anonymous 3/6/2018 6:52:12 AM

jenkem north, jenkem south. out the balloon and in yo mouth

anonymous 3/6/2018 8:16:33 AM

so basically his "health issues" were "tour" its not that hard to NOT be a piece of shit on tour... dont eat fast food, drink water, dont do drugs and dont drink...pretty simple

anonymous 3/6/2018 8:27:14 AM

"Put the remote down. Put the bottle down. Put the pipe down, and go outside. We've all been blessed with a life we only get to live once." I'll do what I want, Dickhead.

anonymous 3/6/2018 3:11:21 PM

i too suffer from drug and alcohol abuse but at least i dont whine like a little bitch about it #methbabes

carveyournamein 3/6/2018 6:19:36 PM

Band sucks

anonymous 3/7/2018 5:06:27 AM

Did he just tell us to YOLO?

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