Post CommentYep, those dirty white Americans are just looking to victimize all you poor nomadic Asians...Pfff, unless you own a Chinese takeout or Laundry, right?
I know English is a hard language to learn for most people but at least have someone who is a native speaker read your press release before hand so you don't sound like a dumb dumb.
I was hoping the comment section would prove him right.
Unfortunately, this comment section got bombarded with white power trolls(or just one) in the past month. Not sure why they think it's funnier than vanflip or sheetrock comments, but nevertheless, they persist.
That's a damn shame. One of the most innovative metal bands today
Oh shit thanks Glamboat for introducing to this new band aaaaaand they're broke up.
Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.Yet for an artist, these are the biggest lose.
For you have entrusted your heart and soul to these people, only to get them butcher you.
Tengger..........that some kinda Eastern thing?
https://patthepanther.net/ blog/blog/the-end-of-tengg er-cavalry-an-inside-persp ective
i worked one of this bands shows and like 5 people showed up. boring shit. who cares.
I know that there are extra greedy people in this world and they knew what they were doing...will miss seeing TC in action and can only help you will form another band that incorporates everything that makes your music yours Nature...I am sad - in Phoenix, AZ
wow these comments are cancer. Nature is a super chill dude and these comments just prove him right in his assertion...
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A Ching a Ching chong I cant understand you get outta my country white power