Post CommentThat rappers lyrics says ni gga every other sentence, youd think he refrain from using such 'racist' words
Lollll, even baltimore, the pinnacle of morality, are also in doubt
Total bullshit!!!!!! So many idiots out there that don't have a clue about shit, sad.
YOU WILL NEVER BE SJW ENOUGH lolol The so-called "anti-fascists" using ever fascist trick in the book
Antifa is so anarchy bro. So against corporate structures. But wears $200 doc martens has an iPhone probably works at Starbucks. A bunch of deprived hipsters that are probably still on their parents health insurance plan and going to school for a bullshit art degree. They are preaching they are fighting racism but I bet none of them have every been to a real ghetto.
This is just another example of bullshit left leaning pussies taking away our fun. Eric Andre refers to swasticas all the time and it's okay? Taake are hard working Americans, with their nose to the grindstone putting out new music all the time. It's fcking bullshit. Alex Jones is right they must be putting shit in the water to turn people gay. Cause all the venues that cancel are gay as fck
This bullshit is just making way for Trump's second term
I'm all for the democrats/liberals/"the left" finally embracing their full throated totalitarian ideals. When the people can finally see them for what they really are, they'll be rejected for good.
"Taake are hard working Americans" LOL I'm dyin I just pictured the Taake dude with corpse paint and a swastika painted on his chest working in his corn fields in the hot Nebraska sun
Keep the n1663rs out of America. Taake for life
due to an impending Taake there due to an impending Taake there due to an impending Taake there due to an impending Taake there due to an impending Taake there due to an impending Taake there due to an impending Taake there due to an impending Taake there
Too bad they still defend employees that abuse women
" Taake are hard working Americans, with their nose to the grindstone putting out new music all the time. " Gotta be a troll
Note to bands out there: If faced with allegations like this, never "apologize" or even concede what a small number of worthless losers charge you with. These "people" don't care about you. They exist to harm you. If I owned a venue, I'd book Taake in a heartbeat in spite of all of this.
One or more persons ideology doesn't "threaten" the safety of audience members. That's a fcking piss-poor copout. These promoters and venue-owners are cuckholding pussies without a shred of integrity or courage. If they arent willing to stand up for freedom of expression, they aren't worth your monetary support anyway.
Surprise, dipshits. Actions have consequences, and the manbabies crying about this being Antifa's fault need to grow up and learn that.
"Keep the n1663rs out of America. Taake for life" Lol I'm pretty sure it's a bunch of butthurt whiteboys (kinda like you) complaining about Taake to the venues that booked them
meh, I'm not white and pissed. David Bowie walked around dressed as a Nazi decades ago, but still ended up being quoted by Nick Cage in "The Rock." Where were they when Bowie was doing shows? Where were they when "The Rock" premiered?
N.S.B.M (Nails. Sheetrock. Bandsaw. Molding)
^ It's spelled, "moulding" dipshit. Unless, of course, you were referring to your grey matter. If so, carry on my wayward son.
This one time me and Donkeylips collected everyone's spare change to buy hamburgers for the camp. Everyone distracted Ugg as we snuck up the camp road to collect our delicious prized hamburgers
Tumblr culture. If you don't support them, then don't go. If you have an issue, how about show up and have a conversation with them.
Lol at all this. Paid to see Taake last time they hit my town, but these cancellations are worth it to see all the alt-right snowflakes short circuit their keyboards with tears. Hahahaha. Now get back to your shift at Jiffy Lube all you Phil Labonte wannabees.
Dead Prez aren't racist, but they are homophobic. Reverse racism isn't a thing.
How come antifa isn't getting country music events canceled?
Black Metal literally has gays and liberal nut jobs running the show now.
So does Antifa know that they are being the exact thing they think they are trying to fight? The level of stupidity from that group of brain dead morons is astonishing.
How come antifa doesn't protest gated communities or multi-national banks?
We're not gonna Taake it. No, We ain't gonna Taake it. We're not gonna Takke it anymore.
Trve metal neckbeards will always defend the actions of their favorite bands simply because they loved to be cucked by these painted shock rockers. If you wear a swastika in the fashion he did, no context, one should expect to be assumed an jerk or at least a idiot with a reprehensible taste in grim flare. While venues can't always dig deep on every artist you have to assume when someone is legitimately assumed to be a Nazi that they should not have the artist(s) play
I hope that all Nsbm bands can't play anywhere but in their racially pure mom's basements.
Most of these commenters defending the band are guaranteed teenagers or mentally stunted adults. Adult fact of life: Do bad shit, bad shit will happen to you. pretty simple.
Lolololol all you antifa sucks are so easily baited by lg trolls. 90% chance this is the first time you've ever been here. Welcome. Everyone is laughing at your tryhard attempts to be pc whiteknights. See you at the next hot topic issue most likely linked from tumblr :))
Nazism will never die. fck Talib Kweli and fck sages
"Reverse racism isn't a thing." No shit, I believe it's just called, um let me think... oh yeah! It's called "racism". Only a lobotomized fool would believe that black people can't be racist.
"Trve metal neckbeards will always defend the actions of their favorite bands simply because they loved to be cucked by these painted shock rockers. If you wear a swastika in the fashion he did, no context, one should expect to be assumed an jerk or at least a idiot with a reprehensible taste in grim flare. While venues can't always dig deep on every artist you have to assume when someone is legitimately assumed to be a Nazi that they should not have the artist(s) play" Trump 2020 bitch
Q: how do you fit fifteen million jews in a volkswagon? A: check the ashtray.
Lol@The fact that they've already played in LA once and it was the hardcore kids that let them in ?????? Oops
Happy this makes you alt-wrong edgelords mad.
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Meanwhile, Talib Kweli has collaborated with Dead Prez who are racist.