Post CommentDon't get why people like Vein, what's the deal
I thought it said main vein like my piece OOOHHHHH
It very controversial back in the day naming the phillodelphi based metal quintet "JESUS NOW LIES IN PIECES (on the bathroom floor soaked in blood) and no one ever seen parentheses on a band name before so when the metal outfit drop they first demo and the public finally get a taste of what been cookin in the months since first hearin rumblins bout a new phillo based metal quintet welll let's just say the rattled more than the family baby's rattler was rattled that day lmao (few cages were too)
And so it came to pass there already another band name that back home in Japan! Well these thing happen it the time before the internet and well bands from Japan not v popular in amrica back in this time so the band avoid the lawsuit and drop the name down to a few basic letters arranged as "JESUS LIES IN PIECES NOW" and the carry on "BAU" biz as uje but they had to change they merch so biz a lil diff now speakin terms of THA GREEN lol hundreds of dolla bills! XD
Well time go on now JLIP on the floor is rakin in the $ as rock star celebrity do-when who give the money boys a jingle jangle on the cell but the boys in VAIN! Turn out they embark on the year long north amrica world tour in February and well? turn out as luck have it they lookin for the opening act to set the stage and prep the crowds for the death defying stunts,musical numbers of VAIN set! The Jesus boys drop the lunch meat they packin for a lil hike that weekend and huddle around.
yeah no way man. it's not breakdowns. it can't be. we're hardcore dudes.
We really gonna do this shit holmes? One of the member rumored to have asked. We don't have a choice they black mailin us remember? One member also rumor to reply. "Oh yeah let's do it!" They say on the phone to VAIN that one confirmed. But they hear static and "ERRERRERR-were sorry the # u try to reach unavailable.." turn out one the member connect to the internet during the call lmao so the call was dropped 'it was dial up internet' a member recall at 2007 press conference.
'We disconnect and call em back haha it all good holmes!" And so it was on! The band pick out the finest garments from a local shop and hit up "GUITARS CENTER" for a few gear! Like hm mabe they buy couple of issues- "RELVOVING MAGZINE' for the road, coffee mug mabe say sometnin like-'DRUMMER DO IT WITH THEY SHRIVELED LIME GREEN STICKS' haha xP and 1 the guitarist pick out a freshly strung electric guitar to learn to play before they set. Mabe spend hm 20 mins and hit the register to pay!
With several copy "revolving mag' and mabe 2 new strap lmao can't afford 1 for bassist 'rich wayfield' so he have to hold it on stage or he could sit down and play. They meet up with the boys for the 1sf time in a quiet dusky town of ALBAMA. They say hello and 1 member apply for albama university while there and request football scholarship- a full ride! He denied and meet up with the rest the boys at the parking lot of the 1st gig!
"The owner of the pub tell me load in at 6 of clock' lmao and I lookin him plum in the eyes tryna get a feel for the man behind the glasses- and I say square in his melon- 'I drop my load 6 times while u watch for 20$ a c-m!' He look shock at me but he respect my hustle and straight forward attitude!" The member overheard recallin outside a bar last winter. "He look back at me and say 'I'll give u 15 a c-m but u gotta squirt the package, the load, plum square in my baby blue peepers!'
He take off his brown spectacles n reveal 2 baby blue eyeballs 'these ones' he confirm. 'Say hey u really do have the blue peepers! Okay u have the deal of some lifetime-now u have the cash?' He pop his glassses back on his face 'I got da $ u got enough loads in ur b-sac for dis shit?' He ask. I re affirm his worries 'I got loads I could show u right now. See, blood floods my spongey tissue through my arteries, this all down in the shaft, as stuff is deposited near the top my urethra,' i explain
"When ball deep in ur wife soaking wet, tastey n tight puss hole, signals from my brain tell my c-ck and balls that I arroused sexually and the process start. After the c-m deposited on top my urethra-the c-m reveal itself when my muscles around my rear/corroded rectum begin to contract-and shoots out rapidly, in bursts normally in ur wife wide-open puss or in her bum-snatch, but this time I guess it be ejecting square in the cornea and pupil mostly of ur baby blue set of eye ball.
^ Woof. Shut the fck up and go away again, Srj.
'How can i be guaranteed that the milky load will land plum square in the middle of mah aqua eyes, hitting the bullseye every time resulting in a load of my own? U done dis kinda fun and games before?' The man raise some good points and for 20 a try well he has some right to be concerned but I reassure him. 'My rock and roll star life brought me all around a globe on this world tour and I done some things well i not proud of but I tell my mama bout it she absolve me of my sin..
Special windbreakers for "friends only" are stoked
..and well anway the point is-I continue, some men talk the talk and well still others can walk and walk AND they can talk but where I c-m in in all of this? Not in ur wife increasing damp rectal ass. No. It's straight, plum square in the black abyss of ur pupil. In ur blue iris makin me think thoughts of the ocean sky! All over ur bone white sclera, glazing and encasing it in my milky soft serve. That pretty, light yellow tint ull notice? Don't worry it ain't pee-pee, even tho urine and stuff
Travel through the same tubes around ur testes, during ejaculation the bladder will tighten and contract, cutting off the pee-piss in ur bladder to make way for the salty sweet styling of old America stuff. No the yellow tint jus one of the side effect of smokin that sweet lady Tina. Mm mm when I sit down with that baby all my trouble float away in beautiful thick cloud of smoke, the crystals glimmerin under the lamp as the light hit it jussst right-just as my stuff boys will catch ur eye
Jesus Piece = great guys, good band Vein = 19/20 year old sparkly ponies who know how to float on trends very well. To Vein, keep doing your thing as long as you can. Your time in the limelight will quickly run out unless you stay ahead of the trend curve. Good luck and God speed, unless that doesn't work with your pretentious beliefs, and then I'll just say good luck.
^ That is the most jealous thing I've ever read
Vein is great, trap them is great too and so is converge.
All comments 2 long. Happy thanksgiving u turkeys.
^ ur commentary is too long - check it, i side swipe my competition wit ease my foes check yo selves they end up on dey glass knees-I make an example of they disloyalty, cant forgive level of treachery my sageaf*k fck yo apology! I whip out, my cat o 9 tails ya it neva fails, whip out my gangsta lime green dingus now ur lookin pale-but I rip ur eyelids off so u gotta see- I slip that lime green monsta str8 down ur god damn asophogy!! I thrust, my powerful thighs-back and forth to the beat!
Now ur lookin sad u was all talk bout an hour ago! My monsta dingus thrustin in n out ur fckin throat! Ya bitch I'm boutta c-m, bangin u like a f*kin drum! U f*kinfggf u takin my whole shit inside u-yum!!! I bet u thinkin that, bet u wish it neva ends but when I'm done, c-min that's where we start the real fun!! I tie u up and strap u in a rubber suit and then, u can't see but u can breath through the mouth hole I leave! It's not for breathing tho - it's for takin gangsta loads! Mine yo!
Jesus piece makes music that is not good. Not sure how they got as big as they are...
Merch swap, hc twitter and people who won't care about these bands in 5 or less years are stoked
Jesus Piece are only popular because the singer is black and they know Joe Hardcore
This must be the "how many rapists and abusers can we fit on this tour?" Including merch guys. See me after the show to get herpes ladies.
if a Vein Windbreaker fell in the forest and didn't make a noise, did you hear it?
Everyone who commented on this has a tiny c-ck
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YO what up world it ya boi Rick ya lyfe and shouts to my girl wit the proper nice toes minadelphia see u at da show in tha camo