Post CommentOh shit you know who would love this album, nazis and third reich people. look at that album art, nazi bullshit. lambgoat don't stand for this alt right bullshit, hope webby got paid to the max for selling out to trump
1. fck The Recession: Kill Those Who Caused It Lololol kewl titles
down swing isn't funny or witty. try hard loser
^ you talk like one of those straight edge losers from the other boards
i bet u don't even drink tbh, that's how u talk
Lyme disease is nothing. How about you carry Sheetrock every day for 10 years and see what kind of chronic back pain you have. Is your Lyme disease bullshit gonna cause you to start getting legit oxys from the dr? You gonna fruitlessly visit chiropractors for years? Your Lyme disease ain't nothing compared to what real men deal with every day
Who the fck cares if I drink. You talk like someone who vapes.
. You talk like someone who vapes.. You talk like someone who vapes.. You talk like someone who vapes.. You talk like someone who vapes.. You talk like someone who vapes.. You talk like someone who vapes.. You talk like someone who vapes.
You vape like someone who talks. You vape like someone who talks. You vape like someone who talks. You vape like someone who talks. You vape like someone who talks. You vape like someone who talks. You vape like someone who talks.
fck YOU. first your an idiot and actually every one on this post is a fetal alcohol syndrome victim. second if you use nicotine free e liquid then its not drugs its total legit sxe so that argumen t is gone.
^ fck you. First, you're an idiot. Also, it should be mentioned that every person on this post appears to be a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome. Second, if you use nicotine-free e-liquid then it's not considered a hard drug, making it acceptable under sXe rules and regulations, leaving your argument null and void.*
^ why the fck would you vape if you are straightedge?
^ Because he can't suck a c-ck if he isn't in love. It is the closest thing to fellatio that he can partake in.
vaping helped me quit cigs for good, its a fck ton healthier now im a beast on the treadmill, give it a try
I'm sorry, you can't just quit smoking and then keep vaping and call yourself straight edge. That's not straight edge. That's quitting smoking.
god damn this site is all meathead mother fckers all the way down. Where my college prep goats at?
No one here is higher than a BS and even still most are below associates
nO oNE HerE iS HigHEr thAN a bS nO oNE HerE iS HigHEr thAN a bS nO oNE HerE iS HigHEr thAN a bS nO oNE HerE iS HigHEr thAN a bS nO oNE HerE iS HigHEr thAN a bS nO oNE HerE iS HigHEr thAN a bS nO oNE HerE iS HigHEr thAN a bS
Ending all my comments with -The Illuminated Man now. -The Illuminated Man
Everyone's moved past making fun of your shitty music Upswing faaaggots
the illuminated HAM. This is fcking garbage and I don't even vape.
The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are coming for you all!!!!!!!!! The Iluminated Man
Hey R.O.F Molotov Solution called they want their gimmick back
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You know who else has a new EP coming out? Downswing, baby! fck Reign of Vengeance.