Post CommentSry if that crossed a line :/ srs 'Rotten member'
Oh, boy, we get another new name in the ever changing lineup of nobodies known as Enfold Darkness. Y'all still play covers of the original album? ..because none of these dudes were even associated.
You guys are fcking sickening. Show some fcking respect for a fellow human being you pieces of shit!
God damn thats brutal. Suicide is metal as fck.
You guys are fcking sickening. Show some fcking respect for a fellow human being you pieces of shit! ^No. They did this purposefully. We're showing every bit of respect he deserves. Get the fvck off this board if you think we owe anyone a god damn thing you pu ssy. Cry about it at his crowd funded funeral.
Yo Lime Green Dingus guy- that was way too far, hope something bad happens to you.
^ hope your dingus turns lime green you baby bitch
Talking shit anonymously about a dead man. oh boy. I would love to meet you. - Sammy Slam
Anonymous ˜ Stupid nickname. No one cares but you, ya butthurt dork
Suicide is a serious issue. Enfold Darkness is a talented band who worked really hard on a very well thought-through concept album. You should show some respect for the dead - they aren't here to defend themselves. People are very sad over his loss. It's normal to be sad. You guys need therapy real bad. I'm sorry your sister broke your monster truck or your girlfriend dumped you for your porn addiction but it doesn't solve anything to lash out and think being a DICK makes you "metal as fck."
Guys, please tell your girlfriends to lay off leaving the boohoo comments in an effort to make us "get it" Wasted time, wasted keystrokes. My sister breaking my truck is way bigger of a deal than you understand and you're just fueling my resentment to troll more. Along with the tough-guy-wanna-fight-me comments from dudes across the country. No care, suicideflip. Get out of here if your feelings are tingling like your lime green dingus.
Piss of Charles. Come back when you can play to a metronome. I can't wait until Keith kicks you out.
Post more on Facebook Sammy you pssy nobody gives a fck maybe you should hang yourself too sjw gay
Just gimme 5 minute alone and L'll show you butt hurt. Gonna fit that computer screen up your ass. -Sam
You pieces of shit The man was known and loved here in Nashville and by his fans Of you have an issue with what I say , my name is Michael Johanson . a long time bassist in Nashville and I offer nothing but respect for his playing One day when you are at a low point I hope some helps you But for now shut the fck up and respect the dead
Wow, you just changed my perception of your comments on LAMBGOAT because you posted your name. Makes a huge difference. Good job. Super tuff. Bassist badass, here, everyone watch out. Be careful. Don't slip up and .........choke. :(
Is this what losers that masterbate to kiddy porn in their moms basement do to fell edgy and better about their pointless existence. At least he put forth enough effort in his life to have mattered to have been written about and to have people donate for his funeral.
. When you die the world won't skip a beat it won't be noticed except the removal of you being a burden to your disappointed mother. My name is Tara dunleavy I don't need to hide behind anonymity you piece of shit and think of that when your tying your own noose because past this moment I nore the world will think of you. A completely waisted existence. In every realm of philosophy your a fcking looser.
. I don't read what you wrote and think what a cool dude he's so metal. I read that and think what a resentful looser that could never man up and get over being picked on in school or whatever minuscule trivial thing that crumbled your weak inferior being. I take comfort in the fact that your worthless low fitness genetics won't dirty the gene pool. Even anonymously on line no one likes you.
Wait a minute, that guy ACTUALLY calls himself Sammy Slam? LOL
A man took his life and his friends are grieving. My friends included. Suicide hurts the one's left behind to mourn the loss of their loved ones. Let's hope Karma isn't real for the horrible trolls on this post. Be kind. Your parents should have taught you better.
Look at all these butt hurt babys trying to get attention by talking shit on a dead man. If only I could be as cool as you
You sad pieces of shit talkin' all this bullshit behind computer screens because you're still upset your horrible scene hardcore band's never made it back in '08. Doing it for the lulz is fine but when someone dies you show a little class or post a name and address if you're really "hard". Pussies.
You fools are 100000% feeding the trolls. You're just as pathetic, thinking you're going to change anything by taunting them because your feelings got hurt. Your friend killed themself. Either don't post about it on social media or put your big boy pants on and accept that the bottom feeders will troll about a fcking suicide. God damn babies all around.
They also don't get that by replying, they're causing more traffic for lambgoat, which in turn, encourages and enables more of this behavior. Drama = revenue. But by all means, my popcorn is at the ready. Continue.
Grown man living in mommy's basement gets mad when she grounds him from world of warcraft, goes on lambgoat to try and make himself feel less like a loser. That about cover it anonymous? lmao
How can anyone talk shit about someone who just took his life and not feel like a complete piece of shit? Would you say those things in real life in a room filled with his family and friends? No? Then don't fcking say it on the internet where those same people, who are absolutely devestated can read it. Don't you people have any sort of compassion? So unbelieveably disrespectful.
Keep it going, you guys are really making a difference!
Love me some raw minimalistic suicidal technical black slam hardmetal
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Very sad