Post CommentBASTARD FACT0RY Forums is the New Lambgoat Somebody mentioned www.BASTARDFACT0RY.com in here last week... they were all arguing about the place ... Well I joined it, it's an 'Anything' goes messageboard!! Mayhem & mass chaos reigns... its like forcing a boy to dress as Tony the Tiger for nearly eight years because you are a furry. www.BASTARDFACT0RY.com
Sign. Me. Up. "The show will include an after party with a VIP Meet & Greet available ($40), and feature Kayne spinning danceable heavy tracks by the likes of Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, The Cult, Rammstein, Ministry and more. "
Ugghh... can you just let sleeping dogs lie? Peter Steele's legacy doesn't deserve this
No one living where the hurricane hit can see this haha
^ lives where the hurricane hit that's why his internet double posted
The show will include an after party with a VIP Meet & Greet available ($40), Oh yeah, sure, I want to meet the new guy and the dudes no one cared about from the band. How can anyone think this is a good idea? Do these guys not have friends and family who'll tell them how sad it is?
Yeah, sorry. Entombed already did the AD bullsh*t....
Stupid ass shit... stupid ass shit AD. Doesn't make the name cooler at all
Can't think of any shit more remotely washed up, out of touch, and stuck in the past than anything related to NYHC. F.uck this.
PS. "Electrifying" live performance. PSPS. Additional "monstrous" support PSPSPS. "Mesmerizing and magical" Black Sabbath tribute band. PS x 4. They're having a f.ucking COVER BAND as an opener. What a god. damn. joke.
PS x 5. I read the press release yet again and found a few more Crown Jewels but I won't list them all. I'll leave it with these final two foods for thought: --Two different drummers listed. A press release for a band who's drummer can't even get time off work for all the shows they'll want to play. --A "VIP meet and greet". This is hideous.
This monstrous, mega, mystical and whatever the fck "reunion" is happening at a club that maybe holds 200 people. Very bigly.
Martyr AD or fck off Saaaaaave Meeeeeeee Aaaaaaa Plaaaaceee Iiiinn Heeeelllll Wiiiitthhh Yooooooouu View hospital
antifa is gonna love them - Have I returned to save the Jews Or to destroy them? Hear thee my fellow Nazolics Keep der race pure practice eugenics And swear to the holy swazafix I have returned Reich and roll! Hess to my left and Hitler on right
Who really gives a shit about Antifa? Their 15 minutes of fame is running out
Kids who think twitching tongues are good are stoked.
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After beating his balls black and blue Macus Carnival and his signature shriveled, lime-green dingus are hittin the road for a year long 'cram the country' tour. Says carnival 'I will cram both fists every night, in and out my dilapidated, contusioned jerk. My rear tissue tell the story of a lifelong battle and well I think it clear who came out on top :)" spinning his S,L-GD around like a helicopter for the camera, he jostle his fingies in and around his favorite cavity "im fggt" he says