Marshall Beck's Reign Of Vengeance premiere music video

Post CommentWhy are they posting about this idiot snowflake?
Marshall "f***ing" beck is a weapons grade douchebag
^Ah. I see. I have yet to sample it myself but by your comment I might stay clear from it myself then. Appreciate your thoughts.
this is the kid who does the site. that is exactly how I want the comments to be. polite, succinct, and proper grammar. inaccurate descriptions, libel, slander, and spamming the comment sections are no longer tolerated and could possibly result in an ip ban just so everyone knows. why you all ask? I'm cleaning up the site in hopes of clearing the $5k/yr hurdle I've been stuck at since day 1. -jon (founder of site)
^ Literally noone knows what exhumed blues is-nice try ur joke fell flat on its face, just like yours when ur ugly obese cousin divorced you. Sitting at home, 3 am- girls gone wild commercial on. Ice pick your disease rid pecker, discharge like milk spills from the top, fingers caught in twisted, filthy pubic hair, crabs everywhere. Other hand goes for your dirt button-tapping it like arcade game. Mom calls ur phone and u pick up, finish huge as she tells u how ur sick father is doing in the ER
The edge is strong with this one. So "controversial" except nobody has ever heard of this.
this guy is such a massive red pill turd. band sucks, he sucks, his facebook is a shit pile of sadness. fck everything about him.
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This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen and read.