Korn guitarist calls Chester Bennington suicide 'cowardly'

Post CommentSaying you've battled depression is not the same as being suicidal- so unless you've been there shut the fck up. It's obvious he hasn't. Bad timing bud.
Saying you've battled depression is not the same as being suicidal- so unless you've been there shut the fck up. It's obvious he hasn't. Bad timing bud.<---nice run on sentence, fruit cup....
Sage lord could not even spell "sympathetic" correctly,those dreads must have twisted his brain back to grade school mode- sempethetic <------------K0RNY!!!!!
He's not wrong, Chester has been an inspiration for beta male cucks for years and he goes out like the spineless beta male he was. The sympathy for this hack artist is sickening
sempethetic sempethetic sempethetic sempethetic He's a neurosurgeon now lol.
Damnit. Got beat out on making a "sempethetic" comment.
Was that "hung with" line intended to be humorous? If so...nah, still f_ck this dude and his dumb shit Jesus tattoo on his palm to keep him from playing with his meth-addled c-ck.
Hi friends it is me if only are sect would have knowed and reached out to this "Chester" we could have called him Chesbah Al Benadei fitted him with nice vest to put in crowd and be martyr now he weill miss out on the 72 virgins sad ~~Ramesh Abu Bakr~~
Someone should take a shotgun to his head and pull the fcking trigger
Damn, never thought I would agree with a nu metal band guitarist. But he's spot on. Listen to some Hatebreed and man up.
^To make sure he's dead just in case? Jeez get a grip
funny when people say shit like this. LP literally got so many people I know into music in general. It was like the first time hearing music written for me. sure i havent listened to them in a solid 10 years but still
Guy looks like the cowardly lion got a job peeping on underage girls in the changing room at hot topic. Also I like how he managed to shit on a dead guy and jerk himself off at the same time. "I'm better than him because I haven't killed myself". Jesus Christ this comment is too long for lambgoat
Saying you've battled depression is not the same as being suicidal- so unless you've been there shut the fck up. It's obvious he hasn't. Bad timing bud. < people who battle depression are generally suicidally depressed and often have thoughts of killing themselves. They don't all do it because for many it is the cowards way out. Those people although depressed do not want to ruin their family and loved ones lives by doing something so selfish.
not everyone can bitch out of their band for awhile when things get rough and find jesus then come back to make more money.
I used to have respect for this guy. I, like Brian suffered with drugs and his story of quitting drugs and quitting korn to be there for his daughter really inspired me. But now i lost respect. Brian claims to have went through depression/suicidal thoughts, but he makes an ignorant statement like this? I'm glad that he's clean and that religion helped him through it, but the religion really turned him into a judgmental c*nt.
I agree with Head 100%! yea he could have waited and been a little more sensitive towards the situation but what he said is true.. suicide is the cowards way out...point blank end of
I met Korn in '98 when i was 15 at a KoRn show. Genuine, caring, cool, dude. Now a days, he's so judgy and hypocritical. No respect for him. Yeah, i'm happy he's clean, but i liked him better before he joined that religious cult. Now all he does is preach God and criticize people. Korn is supposed to be a platform for depressed/suicidal people, people he's going against everything korn stands for. What do his fans think when they see this statement?
That's a common misconception, unless you have been to 'the end' you just don't know. The person rationalizes it and doesn't see themselves as a valuable part of their lives, or even truly sees themselves as a burden on them. As someone who has 'been there' and helps others I know. Saying 'man up' just shows you don't know what you don't know. Whatev- it's LB so Die and get aids gay.
Instead of using his platform as a musician to spread mental health/suicide awareness or offer condolences to Chester's family and friends, Brian criticizes and calls his "good friend" a coward? Brian claims to have experienced suicidal thoughts and depression, but obviously forgot what it is like to go through it. He doesn't know what Chester was going through personally. fck Brian. Korn better release a statement about this.
Seriously, what is the alternative to saying he's a coward? Yes, it's sad that he took his own life and leaves behind his family. But should we sit here saying "we love you so much, and will miss you so much, etc., etc" so that suicide becomes more glorified?
but praying to an old man in the sky for an afterlife instead of just accepting that we're all headed into the void is courageous...
^The alternative would be saying he is courageous I don't know if you've tried suicide but let me tell you it ain't easy it takes courage whereas a coward would get the rope all set up get on the chair and then hunker away being too scared to do it CHESTER WAS COURAGEOUS because he followed through and didn't cower away from his goal end of story and always remember no run on sentences bitches.
Who had the light ne'er rope? Robin Williams, Cornell or Chester?
Who had the longer rope? Robin Williams, Cornell or Chester?
Listen to some Hatebreed and man up.Listen to some Hatebreed and man up.Listen to some Hatebreed and man up.Listen to some Hatebreed and man up.Listen to some Hatebreed and man up. Their first ep only
Ive been there where u deoression and situation gets that desperate u wanna end it all, ya no one understands if u havent been there u just see black and no light after it, its selfish but u don't see it like that when youve hit rock bottom, fortunately i survived but i do regret it but even to this day it scares me that i would get desperate again
To anon that said it's courageous, that could only be justified if he didn't leave his wife and six kids behind. Maybe if he had no fam and no friends. But he did. Thus, he's a coward for not dealing with responsibilities, leaving behind his children. So he killed himself by getting rid of his demons and creating six more. Basically telling his family to fck off. Head is right. And in his all so Christian defense, he's entitled to judge lol
What some of you are failing to understand is that for many suicidal people, they believe that their loved ones would be BETTER OFF without them. That their existence has been a harm to their family and friends. Is that the truth? Almost certainly not. But you're not thinking clearly or rationally when you're in that state.
People who have never been there don't know. I've been there, struggled for years and come very close myself a time or two in the past. Not that I was a fan of Chesters music and of course didn't know him personally, but shit think of it this way- how much pain would you have to be enduring on a day to day basis to reach the point where you can't even face your family anymore? Taking your own life in that situation is a lot of things, but I guarantee you it isn't easy or cowardly.
Chester was a Forgotten, Runaway. In The End, he was One Step Closer to finding a Cure for the Itch. Maybe he thought, "By Myself, I'll find A Place for My Head."
People getting offended at this are too busy being general gays. I deal with depression and anxiety. I have and do seek relief from drugs and alcohol. I have contemplated suicide and gotten close too many times. It's all fcking pointless. You only hurt those who care about you. It IS selfish. Death is no relief. There is no shelter from the pain of existence. Deal with it. /endnihilistrant
that's a whole lot of !!!!!! must be on meth again
His misspelling of sympathetic is just pethetic.
fck you, big dumb jesus freak. you traded drugs for god - you need a crutch yourself. get fcked.
All these people on here butthurt because he said the truth. Chester had like what six kids and a wife? So he got really low and instead of looking for help, he killed himself and abandoned them. Sad to see him go, but that was a dick move.
I agree with anonymous. I get more anon than I get Head.
Well good thing its not about you or how pissed you are. fck you, bud.
Can get where he's coming from but just too soon
anonymous12 hours ago Saying you've battled depression is not the same as being suicidal- so unless you've been there shut the fck up. It's obvious he hasn't. Bad timing bud.<---nice run on sentence, fruit cup.... permalink | report abuse ^ hey! It's my retarded son again. Sorry guys, he has his mama's genes...
Dammit, Chester, why didn't you just find Jesus instead!? IT'S ALL YOU HAD TO DO!
lol at everyone is capitalizing off his death on youtube.
"funny when people say shit like this. LP literally got so many people I know into music in general. It was like the first time hearing music written for me. sure i havent listened to them in a solid 10 years but still" I wouldn't walk around telling people that.
Rum diddy dum rocker comments on another rum diddy dum rocker, no one cares. sport Rossini
This religious cult Brian's been so invested ruined him. He's so judgmental and a know-it-all. But really examining Brian's statement and his video he released on FB, i could tell he is going through something again. He's been spewing this shit, i wouldn't be surprised if he is on meth again or possibly pills or alcohol but not telling anyone. He is obviously hurting for some reason mentally. Korn really needs to address Brian's statement. They are losing fans and people are boycotting the band.
You're not aloud to kill yourself if you have kids - simple as that. Kill yourself whenever you've had enough if you are the only one truly depending on you, but not if you have kids
Hahhaha everyone defending head - Yeah real dick move! He's got kids! Oh wait he's literally gone forever now and your first instinct is to blame him? You're all sick in the head.
fck both theses jerks. 6 fcking kids and stacks of cash.... what a pssy.
Yeah, i'm sure Brian's using Meth again. He's been crazy lately. Did he not expect to get backlash over this? Even if he does believe this, why would he post it? now korn is losing fans because of Brian. I feel bad for the other members because they're getting ruined because of Head. Other dudes are nice. I Met Jon, Fieldy, and Munky back in '06 and they were genuine, caring people. Head obviously is fcked up again and is too pretentious and religious.
^ I met Head and the rest of korn a few months ago and Head, while he was nice, does seem weirder than he used to me. He always seems like he's using drugs or atleast drinking, even when i met him. He just rambles on about religion. He left korn to find God, and comes crawling back now that he wants money and fame again. I wouldn't be surprised if he's dealing with depression just like Chester is, but he's keeping it bottled inside. And i wouldn't be surprised if he's using again
I like how society demands an applogu from people who dont synpathize with suicide. Lol
your nickname is "head" dude. think about that for a second.
You're not aloud to kill yourself if you have kids ^*if you spell the word "allowed" like the way you did here,make yourself a playdough razorblade and cut your wrists vertically, not horizontally: remember kids, you cut *Down The Road*, *NOT *Across The Street*
I understand where he is coming from tho. Many deal with depression everyday and struggle.... Don't kill yourself, Chester's poor kids??
Hardly poor kids they are rich he's worth an estimated 30 million split 6 ways so would be exactly 5 million each imagine your a teen kid and you go from this: YOUR BALANCE TODAY IS: $6.32 to this: YOUR BALANCE TODAY IS: $5,000,000.00 and never have to do tedious things like being a grown up having to spend all day being a paid commenter on sites like this etc
He is not on meth but he is on a mix of ADD meds which has similar effects
Brian looks horrible. All the years of drugs caught up with him i guess. He's not even 50 yet. But yeah, i really doubt he's 100% sober. He's atleast drinking or taking some sort of benzo/ssri/adderall med. That may be why he's been acting like a c*nt lately. He's definitely dealing with depression, and may relate to what Chester went through which is why he is lashing out because he's in denial of his similar problems that Chester may have gone through
What kind of sane, religious, sober person says this about a "friend?" He must be bitter about his own life and his own troubles and is lashing out to Chester. But again, Brian was always a little fcked in the head. That religious cult must be fcking him up or as everyone else on here is saying, he might have relapsed and is feeling guilty about it. He may be expressing anger towards Chester's problems because Brian may have come so close himself.
Chesters wife was having an affair with someone in the band. I know someone who works for them. When this does come out, check back at this comment,
give *head* to the turd as it slides out my ass... Chester Bennington called Korn's releases metal music for JNCO jean wearing juggalo reject's
this guy will move from Christianity to Islam real soon. Expect that. He will sap it for whatever money he can get, then move to the next relgiion.
Yeah, Brian is too much with the religion. I respect his choice to be a Christian, but ever since he became one he has become judgmental and acts like he is some sort of expert. Brian thinks his own struggles are similar to what Chester was going through. But no one knows Chester's struggles and Brian should not assume that he knows. Just because Brian was able to get sober and get over his mental illness doesn't mean that "God" is able to cure Chester's.
He's absolutely right, take the easy way is the coward way. If you have no family and give a shit about your friends is one thing but letting your kids alone is the shittiest way to go out of life. f*ck this selfish guy!
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