Post CommentIs the listening party at McD's so they can keep flipping burgers /party same time.
live in san jose. have never heard from them and won't be now. hard pass
So you think it's hard to play a song fast do you?? This song shall be a testament to the gods. Following the stars is no short journey
boring music for pretentious guys with neck tattoos to act like they're all excited about
All the hipster queefs jock these guys now
sleep? ha. what a fitting name. what will all of the hipster, power violence SJ dorks do now? PS, those neck and face tattoos all say "unemployable."
Guys chill out. I'm 21 and I grew up listening to sleep. I recommend listening to Volume 1 instead of posting pretentious comments. It's a good band, don't measure them by their audience. Can't wait to hear their new album ;)
^^^ hahah. Yep, a san jose scenester to be sure. Such passive stance to take, Beat it, kook. Your rent is overdue at Santana Row.
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Damn. These guys are puting out albums faster than I throw chicks out of my bedroom.?