Post CommentHAHAHAHAHA who??? Yeah, because books are cool.
Orchid should be on this. And maybe iwouldsetmyselfonfireforyo u
^ikr fingers crossed my post becomes a meme or animated gif
At a time when every corporation in the United States is endorsing nationwide LGBT/Gay Rallys, here we have a "punk" band reunited and endorsing these same LGBT/Gay organizations who are endorsed by these corporations.... Uhhhhhhh
The 'Getting trampled and smothered by 35 yr old men' tour.
anonymous9 hours ago Does my white belt still fit Depends on whether or not there are still studs on it, stud... *cue "You're the One That I Want", queers*
Circle takes the queer isn't on this? Also, I put in an offer for a billings date...
"I met my bf (now my husband) in a Pg.99 pit back in the 90's started fcking him up the ass right then and there with my big c-ck as he did spin kicks hot c-m flew everywhere (I'm a man btw, born female) #LGBT4lyfe" HAHHAAHAHAHAHA best comment goes to this guy/gal. This sums up most fans of this genre
why are people (mostly 20 year old kids) who just got into this band keep using the "pageninetynine" all spelled out in one word... you know they ditched that and went Pg.99 right? Like I know the returning fad is going to be spelling things without spaces (or putting periods in between each word) because ya'll missed out on 2001 so you want to keep pulling nuances from the era, but jesus christ.....
Does it make me gay to not know who the fck this is?
^their covered horse drawn-wagon they call a tour van may pull up to California, if they are not beating a dead horse by then...
typical old hardcore dudes... still hangin' onto something that belongs to a scene that belongs to 16 to 24 year olds. If you are over 24 and still wearing earth crisis shirts and hanging out with (literal) kids at shows you may need to re-evaluate your life
how will there be money for the causes when they have to break off 15 band members?
Glad some guy/gal/tranny c+p'd my post for the meme purposes so I can goez viralz I apologize to the kid who does the site who became offended and edited then after further consideration deleted haha is he going to post my ip in the comments again lol waaaaahhhhhh :**(
typical old hardcore dudes... still hangin' onto something that belongs to a scene that belongs to 16 to 24 year olds. If you are over 24 and still wearing earth crisis shirts and hanging out with (literal) kids at shows you may need to re-evaluate your life ^^^^^^ Ha-ha! You care about what other people do and think and wear. What a known gay.
Cool. Thanks for coming to California.
why are people (mostly 20 year old kids) who just got into this band keep using the "pageninetynine" all spelled out in one word... you know they ditched that and went Pg.99 right? Like I know the returning fad is going to be spelling things without spaces (or putting periods in between each word) because ya'll missed out on 2001 so you want to keep pulling nuances from the era, but Jesus Christ.....nice run on sentence, fruit cup....
Glad some guy/gal/tranny c+p'd my post for the meme purposes so I can goez viralz I apologize to the kid who does the site who became offended and edited then after further consideration deleted haha is he going to post my ip in the comments again? lol waaaaahhhhhh :**(<---fck off Chris Fronzak.for somebody who brags about money and riches,you spend an awful amount of time up here on Lambgoat... shouldnt you be getting ready to go volunteer at the local soup kitchen?
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I may have to fly back east for one of these shows.