Post Commentany band named after a wheel of fortune personality is a joke
anonymous14 minutes ago Vanna is one of my all time favorite bands I can't imagine the sad, sad life you live.
Then, wouldn't it technically be a hiatus, not a breakup? Like or not, I give it 5-10 years before they start playing shows again.
noone VANNA cared about the other news story last week, why the hell do you think we would VANNA care about your statements. Litteraly the only person in this world that cares is either Deathcore Jon or SRJ of sod-fame. VANNA CARE NP: DONT WANNA - VANNA CARE
lol remember when they begged fans for money and then got outed playing dice the same night? Lol ok idiots
Lou tanius here if u need a singer get atcha mang I'll pay u back bro I swear
Imagine a member leaving this band. "The former Vanna singer is starting a new band called Pat. As the new Pat singer he plans to step out of the shadows of his former band, Vanna."
Dear kid who does this, is there any chance you could ditch this sort of 'news' from your site? 'Vanna issues statement on break-up' is irrelevant to us metal heads and is just clickbait.
Is this really a story that deserves to be on a hardcore/metal site? Yes I know the it wants to be an popular but only to compromise it's integrity? I am convince now that they have a special team of cob reporters (don't laugh, you will hurt their feelings) who spend all their time looking for non hardcore/metal stories. Did the kid who does the site get dumped by some hardcore band and relies on this for money instead?
I'd rather listen to Chanel West Coast's dolphin laugh on repeat for 17 hours than read your retarded statement Vanna.
It's a hiatus. To anyone on here talking shit get a life! If you don't like the band or even care about the current status of vanna don't come here posting negative comments. If you don't like there music why the hell are you on here? You can 1. Stop coming here posting negative comments about a band you apparently don't care about or 2. Kill yourself and do us all a favor. Choose wisely
after everyone quit & they made a second album, it wasn't even Vanna anymore. this breakup is a long time coming
inevitable crowdfunded reunion and album in 2019. scott lee is stoked
About fcking time. Bunch of jerks in this band. Glad to see they are touring for the last time on a tour as lame as this. Karma is a bitch.
no statement needed. just break up. the world goes on, no one cares.
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