NewsMarch 29, 2017 8:38 PM ET14,199 views

The Ghost Inside guitarist to undergo 'major' surgery

The Ghost Inside guitar player Zach Johnson will undergo a significant operation in two weeks in an effort to properly fix his broken femur, one of many injuries suffered by Johnson and his bandmates in their 2015 tour bus crash. Johnson had this to say about the procedure:
"So I'm sure some of you know my femur hasn't healed. I had a small surgery in September, and since then it's hurt like fucking hell. Our plan of action didn't work. "April 13th I'll be going in for my twelfth surgery (a major one). They'll take all the hardware out of my right leg, take bone from my right tibia, and fuse it where the break is. Then put a metal plate over it, put a new metal rod running the length of my femur, and 2 screws in my knee, and 2 in my hip. I'm honestly not that stressed about the actual surgery, I've had so many it just seems normal to me now. What DOES suck is I'll be taking huge steps backwards in recovery, and will be off my feet for a few months. But I just want to get it done, and in the past. From there I can finally make permanent progress. "I can't thank you all enough for being in my corner throughout this fight. It means the world to me! #TGIforever"


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anonymous 3/29/2017 5:44:19 PM

when I say 'crowd', you say 'fund' fcking fruits

celine 3/29/2017 5:46:33 PM

hope he dies

anonymous 3/29/2017 5:49:23 PM

How many more signs do they need? Break up already

anonymous 3/29/2017 7:01:19 PM

lol @ these comments. trolling is so cool. i hope surgery is the answer for him. i bet he would be super bummed if he lost his leg. the thing is with these injuries is that he'll likely be living with pain forever.

anonymous 3/29/2017 8:34:10 PM

Trolls like that ^^ are the perfect example of the world being long overdue for a mass genocide.

anonymous 3/29/2017 10:24:41 PM

Jfc, these dudes must have the most ballin ass insurance crowdfunding can buy. (In all seriousness, this sucks and it's a shame they still haven't been able to get back on their feet. Pun intended?) Captcha: demetrio volvo

anonymous 3/30/2017 1:41:43 AM

Jesus Christ; the hit keeps coming for these dudes. Best wishes to them on their recoveries, both physically, mentally, and financially.

anonymous 3/30/2017 2:01:11 AM

Not a fan but really hope they put out some amazing album after all of this and prove the trolls wrong

anonymous 3/30/2017 2:58:09 AM

Once the word pop they float like brown fish, eyes bulgin like that one gold fish O_O LOL sry anway what I trying to say is the allegation are rampant but it finally time to clear the smoke from mine own eyes. Srj tmkn-sod fame. Many accusing my client (Tmkn&Mlkn at law) one SHAVO-crashing into the "ghost boys rocking white cast, dressed wounds" on purpose, one of his famous tour prank! But it not ture, he was with me and den that night I taught them to scrabble they own eggs! Open and shut xD

anonymous 3/30/2017 3:03:35 AM

It is me the defendant SHAVO and it with heavy heart strings do i type (thank u for teaching me den Mlkn) this I admit it was NOT me (lmao sike sry to the family) me who crash the bus! My lawyers tmkn-mlky say i do not need to take the stand but I choose to so I can clean the smoke from mine own eye! It very dusty and smokey in my room that what srj was talkin bout ^ lmao we all sleepin at my place tonight kinda fun different cause we always at srj lol he say he save his $ so he get big house>:/

anonymous 3/30/2017 3:07:50 AM

I didn't want to feel left out finally it me den Mlkn up to the stand and the bases are loaded lmao Naw just kiddin around we all at SHAVO tonight kinda kickin back srj usually boss us round make us listen to his opera but he bein cool tonight! Lol xD so we all havin fun SHAVO dronk couple beers offer me some! Srj duznt like the beer so he drinkin juice but it fine haha just a couple brothers baby blue!! I put on my iPod play some tunes lmao think srj pass out

anonymous 3/30/2017 6:16:49 AM

Here is too a quick recovery! I have you all in my thoughts! Such a shame you have a few setbacks but you get yourself in top shape and come back with a vengance!! Much Respect xxx nicole

anonymous 3/30/2017 7:06:28 AM

fake srj and the boys (den Mlkn, SHAVO?) again... trained LG eyes know all the true comment board personas

anonymous 3/30/2017 7:17:09 AM

don't need a femur to play guitar...suck it up cupcake.

anonymous 3/30/2017 1:31:39 PM


anonymous 3/30/2017 2:18:27 PM

These poor guys can't catch a break, can they?

anonymous 3/30/2017 2:38:33 PM

^ Wow, that was so brutal! You be the new Carlos Mencia or somethin'

anonymous 3/30/2017 4:10:09 PM


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