Post CommentWAH WAHH WAH :*( I'd rather die than hear another one of your manufactured bullshit 'so-and-so is stoked' comments.
holy shit-read that as "much-diseased 68-year-old vocalist"
Lmao tell SHAVO bout the grand mother and he say "so what" xD lmao SHAVO the mind of a innocent child and well it what the world need now :) srj tmkn-sod fame. All the fans and Twitter blabblim they mouth wads off bout the gimmick and the gimmes! Well we all take a tip from SHAVO ass hole and put an end to the hatred and the denial of the Turks xD lmao den Mlkn say grand mother fckin stupid gimmick too
They should totally package this band with Unlocking the truth, along with a transsexual band for a "much-discussed bands" tour.
Imagine a member leaving this band. "The former Grindmother singer is starting a new band called Bluegrassfather. As the new Bluegrassfather singer he plans to step out of the shadows of his former band, Grindmother."
Jesus Christ on the cross this ship hasn't sailed yet? A video or 2 was funny but making a tour out of this is just way beyond bullshit just stop.
came for a serj comment. was not disappointed.
Sworn In trying to figure out how they can steal this band's gimmick to revive floundering sales
I am waiting for srj to leave his laptop so den and SHAVO can hop on. I have to flip burgers in 18 minutes tho so hurr.
Of course there's a break after Vegas. The old bag will probably be playing slots the whole time.
the backing band are the biggest posers to walk earth making weekend nachos seem like last days of humanity with the dead grinding
Serj is a "fluffer" for Richard Simmons and his sexercise videos-Dong Huffer...
someone plz book my band xTOURNIQUETx on this. 18v stole OUR riffs don't believe the naysayers
Lmao tell SHAVO bout the grand mother and he say "so what" xD lmao SHAVO the mind of a innocent child and well it what the world need now :) srj tmkn-sod fame. All the fans and Twitter blabblim they mouth wads off bout the gimmick and the gimmes! Well we all take a tip from SHAVO ass hole and put an end to the hatred and the denial of the Turks xD lmao den Mlkn say grand mother fckin stupid gimmick too<--- Serj,you are the pot calling the kettle, "black." fck OFF, MORON.
came for a serj comment. was not disappointed.<--- you came here, to read your own comment? here's a box of crayons and a Dora the Explorer coloring book, amuse yourself....
Lol all the goofy little pussies at South by So What aren't gonna know what to think
^LOL whatever that wack fest is, there will be a ukelele singer/songwriter or a vaporwave laptop set about 5000x more brutal and intimidating than fcking grind mother
This is some gay SICK SHIT eque gimmick fck them
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See You Next Tuesday is stoked.