NewsMarch 15, 2017 3:33 PM ET15,453 views

Grindmother tour dates announced

Canadian grindcore band Grindmother, featuring their much-discussed 68-year-old vocalist, has announced an early spring tour. Dates are as follows: 3/23 Valapariso, IN @ Big Shots 3/24 St. Louis, MO @ Fubar 3/25 Oklahoma City, OK @ Thunder Alley 3/26 Dallas, TX @ So What?! Festival 3/28 El Paso, TX @ Rockhouse Bar 3/29 Mesa, AZ @ Club Red 3/30 San Diego, CA @ Brick By Brick 3/31 Pomona, CA @ PBW 4/1 Las Vegas, NV @ Eagle Aerie Hall 4/4 Salt Lake City, UT @ Metro Music Hall 4/5 Thornton, CO @ Trailside Saloon 4/6 Springfield, MO @ Lindberg's 4/8 Murfreesboro, TN @ Autograph Studio 4/9 Cincinnati, OH @ Mad Frog


Post Comment

anonymous 3/15/2017 12:36:44 PM

See You Next Tuesday is stoked.

anonymous 3/15/2017 12:42:14 PM

WAH WAHH WAH :*( I'd rather die than hear another one of your manufactured bullshit 'so-and-so is stoked' comments.

anonymous 3/15/2017 12:53:31 PM

I'm stoked you're dying.

anonymous 3/15/2017 12:54:05 PM

^^ that guy is not stoked

anonymous 3/15/2017 1:10:59 PM

well this gimmick will surely never get old

anonymous 3/15/2017 1:19:56 PM

holy shit-read that as "much-diseased 68-year-old vocalist"

anonymous 3/15/2017 1:31:12 PM

Lmao tell SHAVO bout the grand mother and he say "so what" xD lmao SHAVO the mind of a innocent child and well it what the world need now :) srj tmkn-sod fame. All the fans and Twitter blabblim they mouth wads off bout the gimmick and the gimmes! Well we all take a tip from SHAVO ass hole and put an end to the hatred and the denial of the Turks xD lmao den Mlkn say grand mother fckin stupid gimmick too

anonymous 3/15/2017 1:32:28 PM

They should totally package this band with Unlocking the truth, along with a transsexual band for a "much-discussed bands" tour.

anonymous 3/15/2017 1:46:11 PM

Imagine a member leaving this band. "The former Grindmother singer is starting a new band called Bluegrassfather. As the new Bluegrassfather singer he plans to step out of the shadows of his former band, Grindmother."

anonymous 3/15/2017 1:56:00 PM

Jesus Christ on the cross this ship hasn't sailed yet? A video or 2 was funny but making a tour out of this is just way beyond bullshit just stop.

anonymous 3/15/2017 1:58:17 PM

came for a serj comment. was not disappointed.

anonymous 3/15/2017 2:22:35 PM

Sworn In trying to figure out how they can steal this band's gimmick to revive floundering sales

anonymous 3/15/2017 2:42:42 PM

I am waiting for srj to leave his laptop so den and SHAVO can hop on. I have to flip burgers in 18 minutes tho so hurr.

anonymous 3/15/2017 2:56:07 PM

Of course there's a break after Vegas. The old bag will probably be playing slots the whole time.

anonymous 3/15/2017 4:54:15 PM

the backing band are the biggest posers to walk earth making weekend nachos seem like last days of humanity with the dead grinding

anonymous 3/15/2017 11:07:32 PM

will be there with bells on

anonymous 3/15/2017 11:08:15 PM

STILL not as bad a gimmick as Wovenwar

anonymous 3/16/2017 6:03:58 AM

Serj is a "fluffer" for Richard Simmons and his sexercise videos-Dong Huffer...

anonymous 3/16/2017 7:42:21 AM

someone plz book my band xTOURNIQUETx on this. 18v stole OUR riffs don't believe the naysayers

anonymous 3/16/2017 9:08:31 AM

Lmao tell SHAVO bout the grand mother and he say "so what" xD lmao SHAVO the mind of a innocent child and well it what the world need now :) srj tmkn-sod fame. All the fans and Twitter blabblim they mouth wads off bout the gimmick and the gimmes! Well we all take a tip from SHAVO ass hole and put an end to the hatred and the denial of the Turks xD lmao den Mlkn say grand mother fckin stupid gimmick too<--- Serj,you are the pot calling the kettle, "black." fck OFF, MORON.

anonymous 3/16/2017 9:11:49 AM

came for a serj comment. was not disappointed.<--- you came here, to read your own comment? here's a box of crayons and a Dora the Explorer coloring book, amuse yourself....

anonymous 3/16/2017 10:26:36 AM

Lol all the goofy little pussies at South by So What aren't gonna know what to think

anonymous 3/16/2017 5:21:39 PM

^LOL whatever that wack fest is, there will be a ukelele singer/songwriter or a vaporwave laptop set about 5000x more brutal and intimidating than fcking grind mother

anonymous 3/24/2017 10:20:12 AM

This is some gay SICK SHIT eque gimmick fck them

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