Post Commentgoing to go with a back on this one too. disagree? 3 things you'll hear... my spinning forces falconing your jaw, your body hitting the dirt and the breakdown from unbreakable playing in the background. 2K17 bringing back the casket drop riffs. 'Deathcore' Jon
Jon listen to me this is your mother. You will not be preordering this and bedroom moshing until you get a job!! And what are you doing on the Inter nets young man??? You are grounded for going to 7/11 without telling me. I will be monitoring these comments and what does falconing mean anyway??? Don't you mean Dr. Scholling!! Get out of my den NOW and go to your room. I put today's classifieds on your bed. 'Deathcore' Jon's Mother
Saw them live and Lukas Gaydar can't hit a single note sang on the record. Only thing that would've made me feel ok about losing my money is hitting any one of you hatchet wounds right in the god damn face. BIDAN ORCHARDS
I can't imagine that in 2017 there is much demand for a veil of maya album
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