Post Commentthis schizophrenic lineup is going to be trouble when all those 311 fans try and mix with their lower IQ peers
Wow.... the Dayglows. Been awhile since Blondies in Detroit. Great line-up.... well worth a road trip. Too bad can't bring shit across the border
Dee Snider solo? You couldn't pay me enough money to see that bullshit.
Will be there for Tons of Beer. I heard they rip live! XXX
Minor threat and fugazi? what the fck The fck face that books this does this every year. He has tribute bands play in a beer tent or some shit but bills it so looks like the real band is playing. It'll say "tribute set" in small print next to it. He's a complete c-ck.
LOL at sworn enemy and norma jean trying to hide all the way down on that list
why is Alexisonfire so high up they earn less than a janitor
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Will be there for Groovy Aardvark.