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Post CommentIf these irresponsible twats couldn't be bothered to backup 9 years worth of work then they deserve zero sympathy. Hooray for Italy!
Loses $10,000 worth of belongings, only asks for $5,000 from fans to replace "life's work." Hmm, I'm no detective, but this smells fishy to me.
Sucks the get your equipment stolen I'm sure, but the browning is a terrible fcking band. Hope they take this as a sign to break up.
"our show files lived on 3 laptops" I see the robbers also stole their base player with them.
"our show files lived on 3 laptops, " I see the robbers also stole the bass player too.
"We literally have no way, to play our music live as our show files lived on 3 laptops, and 4 separate external hard drives, all of which were stolen" Wait.... we're supposed to feel sorry for em or something?
this band's name is hilarious, big league. sad!
Sad state of rock n roll when a band mentions their music gear is stolen and only lists laptops. This shit is broken, can we start over?
for a band that's made it this far you'd think they'd be smart enough to leave someone in the fcking van when they're in an area they are unfamiliar with. serves em right. fckin dweebs.
Usually bands get robbed IN Kansas City, not bands from Kansas City getting robbed. Backwards Day!
brb guys, gotta take a browning. that means a poo.
Italy is awesome. Been there twice. Excellent food and the women are hot!!
Couldn't have borrowed equipment from the openers or another band on tour? Pretty ridiculous that they can't play a show without laptops and hard drives.
They took their fcking clothes too? Pretty hard to tour without a change of under ware..
Guys I think a round of applause for Italy is in order. *Applauses
Why wasn't the band name on those hard drives
That's what you get for having electronics as 90% of your songs you dummy!
1st mistake: naming your band The Browning. 2nd: not backing up files. 3. Being a BAND and not being physically able to play a show without tracks? Vanflip forever on these retards.
They already conned 7 grand out of their fans, good for them lol
I moved to Italy 2yrs ago and I'm never coming back. The US kinda sucks and so does this band.
The Browning isn't from Kansas City. None of us kansas citians even know of them.
Take this as a sign guys, hang it up, it's worrying that a group of serious-sounding adults can be so blissfully unaware how strange and awful their music has always been, like finally committing that family member to the looney bin who shits on his bedroom floor Every bday. Everyone's let them get away with the joke for so long it's worrying now
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This will be incredibly difficult to recover from. Cody and "I both make 100% of our living on the computers that were stolen. Not only did we lose our computers but we lost irreplaceable files and the past 9 years of my life's work gone, potentially damaging The Browning forever." this is why you back up things you care about. retards.