The Ghost Inside issue statement, unable to play Warped Tour

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Post CommentTheir debut was pretty decent, I heard them back in 2010 I was one the first ones to find them. I was the first to find them.
I can picture these 5 at the Exxon on North Main in Los Angeles CA easily...
This fcking group with a huge audience earn less than a janitor
i heard jim wasn't even upset that the B's let Claude Julien go
horrible band, horrible people, not horrible accident. Wish the van accident did the job successfully. These fcks don't deserve shit
Sounds like a better offer came to the table. Why would you want your first tour back after such long recoveries to be one of the most unorganized, chaotic tours in existence. A nice easy headliner sounds about right. Really cash in. Your management should fired for even allowing Warp Tour to be thrown in as an option.
I know for a fact that they are doing a Stadium tour eventually cause they were just booked them at the Stadium my cousin works at but it hasn't been announced. Same Stadium where TGI was seen getting cheered on by fans at the Kings hockey game. Set for July and as far as opening acts A7X and Volbeat were rumored. I have no other info on additional opening acts but as long as the Ghost Boys are playing that's all I care about lol. But it will be a Stadium tour later this summer for sure. - LK
He looks less cool when not caressing his own hand.
asia here. You should have never toured china. Even they claim their country's a curse for metalcore bands. Look at what happened to Mitch in suicide silence after their Asia tour
They're going on tour with Metallica instead you fcking idiots. Christ.
^You an internet shill for them or something? Probably...
trust me, we were all on the edge of our seats anticipating this announcement.
a lot of you are c-ck fcks for saying what you say,
I really hate hoodies and hats. Reminds me of the 90's. I never wore them back then but these silly hipsters think it's 'ironic" to wear crap outfits.
This jerk was hitting on me in a LA club a few days after the accident I am a girl btw
I have a question for everyone on here what about if they read these comments one day or what if they read them now?
I want really big t-ts, out to here, so the audience can see 'em get all cut up and crushed on the dashboard.
The "Mulholland Drive" reference previously posted above should be nominated for the lambgoat comments hall of fame.
I have a question for everyone on here what about if they read these comments one day or what if they read them now? ^ I did some marketing with TGI in 2012-2013, still my friends and they get a kick out of the neg. comments
since the bush crash we're all hooked on pain pills and can't function, sorry.
What the fck is wrong with all of you. You guys are why I hate humanity
Lmao first and foremost as a business executive - srjical strikes records- I feel the "bus boys rockin a windbreaker and mesh shorts drummer" ghosts aside should be fined 1.5 mil in damages and well they royalties stripped away! Lmao srj tmkn sod fame.. It ture I gave the boys the chance of they lifetime back in h&m..96 xD scrapin plaque off den mlkns bicuspids before each show lmaoo 5 bucks a night!! XD
First time I heard them I thought 'Wow, who's this?'. Then they got steadily worse, till I lost interest.
Something is sneaky and slippery about them, pretend to be crippled and then miraculously are in fine health after the check cleared.. It comes too natural for them man. No integrity, would never trust them man.
to the anonymous insensitive piece of shit about 20 comments up, fck you.
Unable to play warped tour because the drummer HAS NO fckIN LEG
Heard they don't even have a pot to piss in since the accident.
have you even listened to them? It's pretty heavy
I can't believe this. How much longer do we have to wait?!?! Keeping my fingers crossed we'll hear from David Gunn soon..
i like that the singer still has the same haircut as he did before they broke up, makes me feel secure, makes me feel safe.?
i like that the singer still has the same haircut as he did before they broke up, makes me feel secure, makes me feel safe.
fck that! I want my rockstars dead! I want 'em to fcking play with one hand and put a gun in their other fcking hand and go, "I hope you enjoyed the show. Bang!"
Freddie Mercury was swimming in a pool of AIDS and still played if that tells you anything
I wonder how many of these pieces of shit that have made shitty comments since the accident have gotten a nice dose of karma and been in their own accidents and found out what it's like.
Only scumbags wish death upon people. Go join Isis!
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Another give me money post is coming. The only one who is recovering is the drummer..... The rest of y'all can eat a dick pussies