Post Commentdeathcore kids who went xHARDCOREx are stoked #notalent #fightmeindapit #nikeairmax #acthardforinstagram #stillivewithmymom #brokeassbitch
Tough Love is gonna be so much better than this
If this line up doesn't interest you (so far) then you might just want to stop listening to hardcore.
I'd check it out if tickets were in the 20-30 dollar range. Not for $80. Not happening.
add RAW DAWG and END OF FLESH two hardest bands in Cali probably ever
I was at this fest once and the moshers tried to stick dildoes in my butt as a proud heterosexual I was offended #hardcoredudesaregay #gayfest #banthedildomosh
I used to be a fan of this fest. Then motorcycle-mosh happened. Not anymore.
decent start add desolated, absolute suffering, power trip, culture killer, left behind, forced order and NAILS
^not fooling anyone. Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend is your tempo
^ typed that from his mom's laptop in a pair of creamsicle orange flip flops and lime green sunglasses.
same bands that crossing over hipsters will attend to shoot with their film cameras for likes on instagram.
Great guitarist though. I can play most their stuff.
I used to love him. Now he's the worst! All I can think of is his warty, infected, pus oozing pecker now. I can no longer look at him without thinking of crotch critters. He's got a teeny shriveled weeny that's as green as a zucchini. Even his horse won't let him ride bareback anymore.
So Dangers writes an anti fsu song and complains about being threatened and is now playing a fest run buy fsu ummmmmmm ok
get yourself jumped if you talk about our rapist drummer.
The "Brokeback Mountain" reference previously posted above should be nominated for the lambgoat comments hall of fame.
Another year of Krimewatch's garbage ass music getting a pass cause "hey, girl singer"
*ferociously image search Krimewatch* *barfs* *weiner retracts inside body forever*
krimewatch n firewalker LOL those bands fcking suck so bad hahaa but hey they got popular scene girls.
^^^ Foreal, L7,Hole, 7 year bitch. I guess they weren't trust fund babies and were actually mad about some shit. Fresh leather jackets are stoked
Krimewatch/Firewalker. Chicks who look like Dawn from WELCOME TO DOLLHOUSE are stoked.
Not a single band worth seeing so far. And I assume Harley isn't performing, but just stabbing people.
It's going to be funny in 5 years when these FSU guys are in their 60's and 70's, going to shows on their rascals and wheelchairs (for those FSU guys with no health insurance), I'm gonna push them the fck over and doc marten stomp their heads in.
The same shit on every fest year after year. Who fcking likes this garbage??
I thought I asked zeebalba to break up and smuggle drugs in Marshall cabs.
The fat dood from that dead set on life show in vice just said no warning is playing sound and fury can the green weenie confirm ?
Let's be fair: Krimewatch is pretty solid throwback hardcore punk (that happens to be chick-fronted) and Firewalker is just confusing and bad. Like punk and black metal had a gross baby.
The dawn from welcome to dollhouse comment is a+
haha all these new jacks butt hurt because they got beat up by some og's. the thing they dont realize is they they are tourists in this scene they will prolly be in it maybe 4 years while some of us have already been in the hardcore scene for 15+ years.
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I know people post on LambGoat to troll and joke, but seriously the line-up for this fest is just garbage.