NewsAugust 24, 2016 1:56 PM ET17,468 views

Church Tongue sign with Blood & Ink, premiere song

Church Tongue Indianapolis, Indiana band Church Tongue has officially signed with Blood & Ink Records and will release a new record titled Heart Failure on October 21. This will be the debut full-length for the group, who formed in 2012. Today we're exclusively premiering a track from the record titled "Medicine Breath." The song features Davey Muise of Vanna and can be streamed below. Vocalist Michael Sugars comments:
"This song is in a constant battle for favorite song on the record for me. I have a lot of strong feelings about what bands stand for, do not stand for or fake. Art is a reflection of the environment and experience around you. If you fabricate it into a substance that is worth less than an expired microwaved hotdog, there's a good chance I feel strongly towards you. When I sent this song to Davey Muise of Vanna, he came back with a part written about snake oil peddling. I had no clue what that was, so I did some quick reading. A snake oil peddler is someone who sells fraudulent goods that prove to be of no benefit. It was a great tie in to the song and Davey made his part soar. Question everything, and have an awareness for who bands truly are. They are a lot of 'fake it till you make it' players out there."
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Prior to Heart Failure's release, Church Tongue will hit the road with Household for a two-week tour. Dates include: 9/21 Grand Rapids, MI @ The Upper Room 9/22 Detroit, MI @ The Ritz 9/23 Columbus, OH @ Donato's Basement 9/24 Montpelier, IN @ Like Minded Recordings 9/25 Evansville, IN @ The Wired 9/26 Louisville, KY @ Spinelli's Downtown 9/27 Nashville, TN @ That 70's House 9/28 Ringgold, GA @ Cloud Springs Deli 9/29 Apex, NC @ The Lodge 9/30 Lynchburg, VA @ Speakertree 10/1 Lemoyne, PA @ The Champ 10/2 Albany, NY @ Fuzebox 10/3 Kent, OH @ The Outpost


Post Comment

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:11:49 AM

Shane from downinit...., here. I don't fck with church at all but my band is bringing metalcore back check us out I'm sure you guys have seen me on lambgoat before. check us out on bandcamp my band is called down in it I'm sad.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:11:58 AM


anonymous 8/24/2016 11:14:11 AM

Heard the singer's neck tattoo is a beyblade because girls spin on his dck like a top

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:24:39 AM

So first this band lights themselves all on fire at every show for a year straight and then they get signed?! stupid.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:30:04 AM

Martin Shkreli here. Proud owner of Once Upon A Time In Shaolin and Hotelier super fan. This band has the heart of a champion. I pledge my numerous riches to Church Tongue's new album Heart Failure to the PayPal account chris.stepouttouring@gmail .com.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:36:41 AM

Danny Adams from Conveyer here letting you all know to please check out my band.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:38:00 AM

Good to see that Blood and Ink isn't only jeopardizing their artist integrity but also their salvation by signing a scene metalcore band who uses profanity in their lyrics. Shame on you Daniel White. Shame on you.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:39:00 AM

Cool music AND hot boys? Nope. I don't buy it

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:39:37 AM

Whoop whoop

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:43:46 AM

The yre idiot guitar player punch me at the Evansville show while Moshed hard at them in the house show. Bullshit

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:46:01 AM

Ryan Stephenson from Dwell here. So excited to have CT as our label mates! The only people who like this band are jailbait tumblr goths and you know I'm always trying to get my dck wet! HMU!

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:48:18 AM

I don't want to be identified but I'm sure Tony Blondin has tiny hands -Tony B.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:50:09 AM

hey william lennon livesay here, you know what band im from, this band is for fcking pussies ha. gay wads

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:52:41 AM

this is austin obrien from ghist key band stole our suicide gimick

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:53:55 AM


anonymous 8/24/2016 11:54:28 AM

Garett from Problem of Pain here. I'm having sex right now.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:56:20 AM

This makes me hate vanna more

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:56:25 AM

Own mah gawd.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:56:41 AM

Legendary artist manager Kyle Lusty here. Now that MY band Church Tongue is signed to such a major label, I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that I was heavily involved in all of this. This is my accomplishment. I've earned this.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:58:20 AM

Song is cool....but that shitty guest vocalist ruined it, sounds like elmo just shot up heroin that he sucked so much c-ck for.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:58:28 AM

Hey, Harambe's ghost here. I pledge to haunt Martin Shkreli until he sends $50,000 to chris.stepouttouring@gmail .com Avenge me!

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:59:04 AM

Christians trying to compensate for their innocence by cussing and getting guy from vanna, but they did not compensate at all. The only thing their guilty of is sucking dck.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:59:59 AM

Liked 'em better as Conquerors -Millz

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:01:21 PM

Band sucks.. On to the next one Daniel white

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:01:37 PM

Many Rooms here. fck ya'll.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:03:28 PM

Hello Garret from poured out over here, I take baths because my knees hurt sometimes

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:04:17 PM

jutfingerblasted myself to this....i am a guy

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:04:28 PM

Gary from Rival Choir. I got a big dck.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:04:41 PM

Hi it's me,your crush here 4 that damn kiss

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:06:15 PM

Daniel from Capsize here can we crash at your place?!

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:07:32 PM

Kyle Lusty here. Wish I had known this would happen so I can make more money to supply my hair dye addiction *rawr* XD

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:07:39 PM

Donald trump here, heard there's a small Mexican in this band. if you vote for me I will build a wall around it.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:08:16 PM

Davy moose from Vanna here, I just want to encourage you to go buy our album All Hell because money is the only reason we're doing this and I also need money to pay for my outfit that makes me look like I ride motorcycles but I don't. This band is bad, the Asian kid just wouldn't leave me alone about doing a guest vocal spot so I did. Yeah you know just trying to look like I care, please buy all hell

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:08:36 PM

Keyoung of Keyoung here. I just wish these ignorant fcks would do their dishes. - Keyoung

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:09:17 PM

fck You for your bull shit house show stunt. - Fire Marshall

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:11:00 PM

Grey X Gordon here, still turdball metalcore.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:12:18 PM

Josh from Crimson armada here, why didn't you guys let me shoot this performance? I need my banner back from the house. do the damn dishes.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:12:33 PM

Hi Kyle lusty here, That Tony guy is just filling in for MY band. Still <3 you all and I'll be back for my job soon

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:15:53 PM

Tumblr goth here. Waiting for my MerchNow CT choker preorder. This band is my daddies.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:19:51 PM

Mike stop playing so many video games it can really hurt your eyes. -Mom

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:21:16 PM

Now that's what I call dck-chump metalcore.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:21:28 PM

Hey, Johnny Bravo here.... DO THE MONKEY WITH ME

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:21:39 PM

His Grace This Hour here. Mike Sugards has never payed us back for the vintage big band mic we let him borrow for our house shows.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:22:44 PM

Hey guys! I noticed that this post has a good bit of traction so here's a little plug. My band Forevermore put out our new record called Integral recently on Soild State records and it would mean the world to me if you all could check it out. I used to be in Church Tongue and honestly Forevermore was clearly the superior choice, hope ya'll like it! FFO: Silent Planet, Garrett from Silent Planet, Everything was Sound by Silent Planet, being on the same label as Silent Planet - Hayden Darnall

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:27:02 PM

Johnny Frank of Attack Attack. Definitely pushed mosh a member of this band during a very intense Organ Salad set.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:32:09 PM

Hey, nice.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:33:24 PM

Great job

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:34:44 PM

Just In Slaughter of Ghost Key here. I slapped the shit out Mike Sugards at a party one time.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:36:38 PM

Mammoth Backdrops here check us out @mammothbackdrops on IG. This band would look real sweet with a backdrop of their name on a Xanax pill while rippin a gig.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:39:09 PM

Kyle Lusty, bassist and manager of Chapel Mouth checking to say I'm very upset my buds here didn't tell us we were signed :/

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:41:38 PM

International Midwest celebrity Geuph Stuckinhell of xKEYAANGx here just wanted to thank church tongue for using wildfire of Eden at that house show to hit it big!1!1!1!

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:46:53 PM

Hey it's Devin from Villians/Yüth Forever here! Really love the song! Keep it up!

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:49:12 PM

Matt Green here. New heart crew Indianapolis straight edge. glad we're label mates. Wish you sounded like youth of today though :/ Can I have a ride home?

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:50:46 PM

And also I'm vegan. -Matt G

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:50:59 PM


anonymous 8/24/2016 12:56:57 PM

I've seen ass play louder than this song.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:58:08 PM

Critch Saweeki here. This is going to be my last tour. Best of luck to Tony and the rest of the band.

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:59:16 PM

KEYOUNG herere. Neeko can suck my little Asian c-ck

anonymous 8/24/2016 12:59:23 PM

Should have been His Grace This Hour.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:01:30 PM

singer could put his tongue in my church anytime damn well time he pleases ;)

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:05:14 PM

ALEX MILLER of Indianapolis pop punk band SAFE HOUSE here to say that MILK SUGAR Got drunk and went to a local establishment, STEAK N SHAKE, drunk and then said DROGAN BAILz X was REEL SHout out to Jus Ten sLaughter for tHe VAP PIN

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:06:58 PM

Flat Earth theory is real please look it up before it's too late. There are plenty of YouTube documentaries and scientific papers backing the claims I'm making here. Our gov'ts and our leaders have been lying to us for years. Please please heed my warnings. -Chris Sawicki

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:11:16 PM

Thibaut Courtois here... fck Chris Sawicki.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:12:02 PM

Ty Berhardt smokes mids.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:17:43 PM

Steven Hendrickson from Church Tounge here. Come to shows and give me money so I can afford tattoos and stay in this band. BearTooth are my friends by the way.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:24:14 PM

Hey, guys! Stephen Hendriksin of Guilt Trip here! Just let letting you all know that I love my new job as permenant fill-in guest vocalist over here at Merch Tongue!

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:26:29 PM

nick the Russian from nc here...don't really care for the bands cause they don't have HOES

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:33:26 PM

"You fcking gays will bleed. You mother fckers mean nothing to me." - Kyle Edge

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:33:59 PM

I wonder how rich that native American kid is?

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:40:52 PM

My cousin Gary heard Jeff stuckle from the band x keyoung X ddropped acid to make this music video for them. Pretty rad huh?

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:42:06 PM

It's okay to curse on Blood & Ink now because abigail says fck now guys

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:43:15 PM

The drummer is the best part of this band.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:43:49 PM

Tim Lambesis from prison here. The fck you do to my scene queers?

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:45:01 PM

"If you fabricate it into a substance that is worth less than an expired microwaved hotdog..." yet, puts someone from Vanna on the track. lol

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:48:40 PM

*22yr old scene dweeb is artsy and thinks he knows how the world works man most likely a bernie supporter.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:49:00 PM

Bobby from Fit For a King here. I'll mosh on you while playing sick breakdowns.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:49:42 PM

Justin Quigley from Conquerors here inviting you all to my worship service this Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:51:01 PM

Justin Slaughter here. I think this song is great and really love and support my friends in Church Tongue!

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:52:55 PM

Tanner Westimeyer here from The Action Agency just want to see if any promoters are interested in booking church tongue at your venue next week for $700.

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:52:59 PM

these guys seem great! Stoked

anonymous 8/24/2016 1:54:53 PM


anonymous 8/24/2016 2:00:40 PM

Taylor Lumley from Beartooth here, Chris Sawicki and Church Tongue still owe me $700 to cover the cost of repairs on my Orange cab that I graciously allowed them to borrow at our Terra Haute houseshow last year. Their bullshit fire stunt singed my cab and none of them will return any of my attempts to contact them. If anyone has any of their personal information please let me know immediately otherwise I will be having the Red Bull legal team take care of the issue.

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:17:00 PM

Daniel Wand from Capsize here. Just wondering if you guys would tour with us if we admit to stealing from your house? Hit me up on Selfie group!!!

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:21:35 PM

Kayla Wyse here, where are my royalties for this song? If it weren't for me you'd have no writing material.

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:27:14 PM

Krystal Wade from selfie group here, Church tongue is soft, but I kind of like that. HMU for weed or cheap piercings. Whoop whoop

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:29:20 PM

Ridge Rhine literally jammed silverware up his ass at Church Tongues house. fck this song and Tony's tiny ass hands but I need that damn Crimson Armada scrim.

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:31:37 PM

Nicko Calderon's aunt here. fck Church Tongue. They get no room in my fridge. Please finally move the fck out of my house.

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:31:42 PM

Im still owed money from live shots. Name your price but also if it's not the number I'm thinking of Ill be taking legal action. -Errick

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:36:17 PM

Tropical Tanner here. Been looking for Jodie but only keep finding Travis's brother :(. If you see a 14 year old that has a shitty drawn on moustache and is addicted to Fireball Whiskey please call email chris.stepouttouring@gmail .com

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:39:02 PM

a shitty band gets signed to a shitty label? Sounds about right for Indy locals

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:44:59 PM

David Puckett here. It's a Devastator that Church Tongue won't be on For Today's last tour but their guitar player will always TAKE THEIR FLAME and IGNITE THE WORLD.

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:45:36 PM

Is this even still a band?

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:50:15 PM

I don't know who got burned more. The guitarist who lit himself on fire or blood and ink. You've failed again Daniel White.

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:57:08 PM

Justin Slaughter of Ghost Key here just letting you all know how excited I am for my friends in Church Tongue. Did you see that Ghosy Key is playing some shows with Vanna and how excited I am for them? Merch is in the back and I'm so glad to be on tour with Ghost Key.

anonymous 8/24/2016 2:58:20 PM

Once saw the vocalist of this band do screamo covers in a Minions costume :(

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:00:38 PM

First post.

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:07:17 PM


anonymous 8/24/2016 3:08:09 PM


anonymous 8/24/2016 3:09:19 PM

Danny Adams is a stone cold bitch

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:10:19 PM

Kevin from valleyheart here. is Nicko single ?

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:11:23 PM

I peed on Capsize's van, and I take the blame.

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:14:22 PM

They Say Redeemer were better. -Kurt Hall

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:45:06 PM

Did they get their name from Wedding Singer?

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:47:30 PM

"Did they get their name from Wedding Singer" "yup"

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:54:04 PM

Now that they made it big, can Critch at Step Out Touring manage Malibu Derrick's tiny hands?

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:56:04 PM

Nicko from Church Tongue here, Real stoked to quit my job at Little Caesars so that I can be in a shit band and not even be able to afford a hot n ready.

anonymous 8/24/2016 3:57:33 PM

Okay cool, you're famous now. Can I have the rest of the money for the fcking van? -Hayden's Dad

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:07:37 PM

Literally anyone talking shit on this band is a pssy that would die if they tried to fight me

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:07:43 PM

Church Tongue is a HORRIBLE band name. Medicine Breath is a HORRIBLE song name. Come on guys, what the fck.

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:19:41 PM

"shit on this band is a pssy that would die if they tried to fight me" - Shut the fck up you fcking pssy

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:23:52 PM

Mitch Vice here just wanted to say that Steve Hendrickson's gutturals in this song were fcking sick as hell

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:31:56 PM

Hi, Daniel from Capsize here. Just reminding you that I try to fight local openers until their bassist is bigger than me! Also I harass girls.

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:34:19 PM

jake from everyone leaves here, thanks for giving me the album last year! Hoping you guys delay the release so I can tell more people I have it.

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:35:48 PM

Hey guys, thanks for letting me do the art for the video, my mom said I did a good job! - some 12 year old.

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:38:26 PM

I saw you guys play in Oneonta your bass player and drummer can fcking rip

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:41:27 PM

Hey guys what's up this is God! Just wanted to know you're all going to hell for changing your name and denouncing Christianity. Long live They Say Redeemer! PS. Mike you were going to hell anyway for getting a beyblade tattoo you dingus.

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:41:49 PM

Travis Porter here I book for Knocked Loose I made them huge Go with me or you won't be worth any money in any market!!!

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:52:07 PM

There haven't been any comments about Martin Shkreli PayPal-ing Chris for a while, so just a reminder for you, Martin (because I know you've been following this thread like all of us), to PayPal $1,000 to chris.stepouttouring@gmail .com

anonymous 8/24/2016 4:58:40 PM

Hollow Earth here, touring with you guys was gay and dumb, thanks for ripping us off.

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:03:41 PM

fck Obama

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:19:22 PM

Meatle from nine inch nails here. Your God is dead

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:32:56 PM

Church Tongue saved my life

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:36:05 PM

Church Tongue smoke mids

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:38:56 PM

Church Tongue is(nt) a Christian band

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:40:03 PM

Toy story 2 was ok

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:44:05 PM

Fronz here... I remember hearing about this kid lighting himself on fire and told how fcking sick he is. It's cool that his band is doing stuff but they kinda suck. Also, Davey from vanna can suck my balls. - Stay sick.

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:46:02 PM

I matched with the short one on tinder. Weird..

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:46:56 PM

Tinder here, wondering where Nicko has been :/

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:54:40 PM

Jared Paris here, wondering if you guys could put in a good word for us to Blood and Ink? That would really help us out. Hope to see you guys on one of our headliners next year!

anonymous 8/24/2016 5:58:34 PM

Hey Ty from Preservation here. My band is opening for you in a few weeks. Please make sure to watch my band! We play right before you. Make sure you watch us!

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:00:20 PM

Travis porter here your bands not worth more than 10 dollars

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:02:19 PM

Jason Dunn here, Poured Out's new record will be better than Church Tongues. fck you, Daniel White.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:05:15 PM

What's up? One of the 200 friends the church tongue fcking idiots sent their record to last year, remember when they had that gay singing song? Anyways not pre-ordering the album because mike sugars is a bitch and Ty sounds like a druggie.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:09:08 PM

Shane from dowNINit here lol heard his band got heir van from one of their dads? ?? Do U think he would buy one for us? We're bringin metal core badk but none of our dads like or respect us cuz we paint our nails black and wear chokers lol but idc. We know old wounds

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:10:54 PM

Ryan from dwellXXX here. Off topic but I just got a new civic. Great gas mileage and better for the environment for all my fellow vegans who care. So I'll be following this tour in my new whip for all the MCR lovin anime hunnies. Hmu. Peace RY

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:11:24 PM

Gage Susler checkin in

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:13:09 PM


anonymous 8/24/2016 6:15:39 PM

Hey guys! It's Seth Sugars! I really don't know why people are roasting my big bro so hard :/ I love CT and it's cool to have a real rocker in my family. Lay off guys.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:15:57 PM

Matt from poured out here.... fck this band! Do they wanna be melodic hardcore pssys or new jack hardcore?? Surprised Daniel signed this band. But then again not really because Mike Sugars is an edge breaker just like him. Anyways! Facedown family bitch! Faith! Family! Friendship! Forever!!!

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:16:46 PM

Hey Mikal Suagrds mom here. Still waiting for Just In Slaughter to bring me some vapor juice. Also I remember when Moke was still shitting in diapers and one time I walked in on him jerking it to anime.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:35:01 PM

I smoked a cigarette with Chris once. - Grey X Gordon.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:43:26 PM

Kayla Wyse here again, I regret cheating on mike now that he's famous. Take me back?

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:45:04 PM

lar from invoke here my drummer looks like a bird whats up with that neck tat gays listen to shattered realm

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:46:16 PM

Hey guys. No fingers gay Mcgee here. Please play Down to nothing again. Also advent. Just play covers only. Also I have no fingers. -nubb x lyfe

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:49:45 PM

The Beautiful Ones here. We heard Capsize swiped some good shit when they stayed at your house and we'd like to get in on that action.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:51:29 PM

Garrett of Straight to the Guillotine here, my band isn't cool enough for this plug to work but you gotta start somewhere.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:52:21 PM

Megan Pyles here, fck Chris Sawicki.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:55:55 PM

Dylen Glendening from The Acacia Strain here.

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:57:50 PM

Mike's dck here. Just feelin kinna alone :/

anonymous 8/24/2016 6:59:14 PM

Cory Brandan here. Martin Shkreli owes me money. Chris Sawicki can fck off.

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:00:00 PM

NBW's dishes here. Just like Mike Sugar, no one will do me :/

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:00:45 PM

Steel Weekland from Ghost Key here Who wants their ass kicked?? Also can I get a nibble of that??

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:00:56 PM

It's been since November :|

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:01:14 PM

Bri go wash your fcking dishes you aren't fooling anyone

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:03:14 PM

Hey Fusian Sushi here. Just to let you know Mike Sugars you will never escape this place. Sushi for life you little bitch.

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:04:25 PM

Daniel White from Rise Records here You guys can cuss all you want God doesn't give a shit

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:05:56 PM

Bri Hunt from Many Rooms here! Wish this song was out when I took my boyfriends virginity! I would have loved to jeopardize my sanctification to this rockin song!

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:07:24 PM

Tumblr??Goths??Keep??This? ?Band??Even??Remotely??Rel evant??

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:09:56 PM

Aaron Lunsford from As Sawickis Burn here. All shows are cancelled. Also, Brianna Hunt hurt my feelings.

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:10:58 PM

Hey guys. Hayden Darnell here. I heard Church Tongue is leaving for a west coast tour in a couple weeks. I'm glad my band is touring with you right before hand so you can make some money before you head west!

anonymous 8/24/2016 7:24:43 PM

Hey guys NBW here. Please chill on the negative comments. It's really tearing us apart.

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:13:13 PM

Corpsegrinder here from cannibal corpse... These guys are as tight as my grandmas butthole. I put my blood, sweat, and c-m into these guys.

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:26:52 PM

Dudley from Poured Out here. Still waiting on that hand job. And I don't want to hear anything about my botched circumcision.

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:39:30 PM

Gage Sulser checkin again. Eating dirty jerk makes you tough.

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:39:37 PM

Zach Dear here We welcome the tongues to Midwest Blood Welcome home

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:39:51 PM

Have a RARE Die Wild shirt in XXXXL BEFORE the blood and ink signing. $100 shipped or willing 2 trade. Looking 4 Kenny Chesney and/ or Uncle Kracker. HMU!!!

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:41:37 PM

fcking Steven Glansberg here

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:43:17 PM

Steel Weekland, Of Weekland Steel :) If you need a bushel of steel, I'll give you a deal. Don't be an jerk.

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:44:45 PM

does 8=D~~~ anyone 8=D~~~ want 8=D~~~ to 8=D~~~ buy 8=D~~~ a 8=D~~~ bag 8=D~~~ of 8=D~~~ spiders 8=D~~~

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:45:31 PM

So proud of Mike Glucose, what a guy

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:48:02 PM

Ty's jeans are bluer than Ridge Rine's balls

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:49:21 PM

Josh Haynes checking in just trying to find my hardcore mommy :/

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:53:00 PM

Hey guys. Rob here. Seems like there is a lot of attention being brought to this status. So I'm going to take advantage of this. My band Until We Are Ghosts just put out a new record back in May called Detach Me From You. I would really appreciate it if you would check it out and maybe pick it up! We will be playing South By So What in October so keep your eyes peeled!

anonymous 8/24/2016 8:55:06 PM

Hi guys, Mike here!I know that my turtle tat is too much. I'm sorry tongue gospel and friends

anonymous 8/24/2016 9:04:16 PM

Hi, guys. Kristopher Sawicki suck my c-ck here. Just reminding you that if you don't die wild you're a pssy ass poser. Eat me while I'm hot and grab a fcking c-ck. Can't believe we are signed. Can't wait to bring back mall core and wear tighter pants than all of your girlfriends pussies. See ya in Europe in 2012 fcking nerds.

anonymous 8/24/2016 9:05:50 PM

Hey CT, The New Age here. Just wondering if you guys would be free to open our headlining full U.S. tour. We can offer you $7 a night and as soon as our Go Fund Me finishes maybe a custom song written about Mike's neck tattoo and Chris' Citizen tattoo. Feel free to hit up our manager or agent, but not after 8pm because my dad has to work early.

anonymous 8/24/2016 9:17:36 PM

Chris Bayless here. Have you seen the pics of me taking people's fake IDs? How about a pic of me with a dildo? That shit sure is funny. Did you know I take people's fake IDs? Sure do love taking fake IDs. Anyway congrats on the signing. One time I took Daniel White's fake ID. Man do I love taking fake IDs.

anonymous 8/24/2016 9:22:33 PM

y'alll hecked up

anonymous 8/24/2016 10:17:23 PM

Bri from many rooms here, I brutally friend Zoned Nicko for the talkative Gilchrist brother because he's taller aand loves Jesus more

anonymous 8/24/2016 10:23:14 PM

There are two types of people People that have tasted their own c-m and fcking liars

anonymous 8/24/2016 10:54:17 PM

fck ISIS, I will destroy ISIS.

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:17:40 PM

Many Rooms up in this wet sloppy c*nt of a post Anyone have graham crackers for me to spread this cheese?

anonymous 8/24/2016 11:20:02 PM

Joe from Comrades here! VOLVO

anonymous 8/25/2016 12:28:42 AM

Hayden from Forevermore here. Just letting you know that I quit this band for the loose pssy but now it looks like I just play in the worst band based out of Indianapolis including new heart. Anyway, fck me. My band is awful and I saw Mike Sugars say f*ggot at a bane show once.

anonymous 8/25/2016 5:24:31 AM

Hey Kyle Edge here, just wanted to say fck all of you and that I am horny.

anonymous 8/25/2016 5:30:17 AM

Has Sara seen this?

anonymous 8/25/2016 5:32:08 AM

Matt Green here, I just wanted to say isn't it so cool how we're all brothers and sisters in Christ? I'm astounded. I'm not sounding too fake am I? I don't wsnt people to know the truth.

anonymous 8/25/2016 5:34:45 AM

Mattie Montgomery here. You guys will never be as big as my band or my dck. It's like an elephant's trunk. Also when you buy my albums it means I can buy lube for me and my wife.

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:03:09 AM

Matt Green here, I'm on the phone with my Fiance,Did you know I have a spooky fiance? Oh AND I'm also fcking vegan and better than you

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:20:31 AM

band members spamming the comments section no other way there would be 200 comments for these no name scene goobers

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:28:55 AM

Bri Hunt here again, not much new to say but I need attention + to pretend I don't want it so here's another comment. Did I mention I'm dating the guy from Dwell?

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:44:15 AM

DJ Tanner here. Come check out the new season of fuller house. Am I still married to Pavel Bure's brother?

anonymous 8/25/2016 8:17:45 AM

Also, we do more for Blood & Ink than they have done for us. Stop lighting yourselves on fire, don't want to watch a friend up go up in flames. - Matt G

anonymous 8/25/2016 8:46:46 AM

Saw this because Tony shared this on facebook he Used to work for me and he's a great kid. Very hard worker and that shows with this too. -Heavy D

anonymous 8/25/2016 9:03:34 AM

Matt G again, anyone wanna spot me on some food?

anonymous 8/25/2016 9:39:45 AM

Miniature Rooms here, hi everyone that is a friend or not goodbye noe

anonymous 8/25/2016 9:54:10 AM


anonymous 8/25/2016 9:56:15 AM

Gage Sulser back again. You're all retards. I would know.

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:09:49 AM

Jake for Everyone leaves here, sorry would have joined in sooner but we were in CANADA because we're fcking sick. Make sure you check out my blog: Hella Gay DIY. Also ask my about that rapist that was in our band. - stay sick

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:15:02 AM

Why is it that bands/people from Columbus suck off any band that does something more than tour for a weekend in your mom's van? Honestly there's only good band there and we all know what it is. Anyways, stay fresh and fck you sister. -The New Age

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:15:28 AM

Noreelle here, please stop making fun of my super godly fiancé. He's better than anyone ever will be and is actually the second c-mming of Christ.

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:23:02 AM

Matt G here, maybe church tongue will now be big enough to open for us on tour, lol Headrush still isn't though.

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:25:04 AM

I saw Mike sugars in a minion costume, I pleasure to that memory every night

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:32:25 AM

Matt Green back again, Thanks Norelle for being so hot and spooky for me and letting me blast on your belly. Love you and idk if you knew this but I'm Vegan. Love u

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:43:08 AM

Mike Sugars here saying reading all of this is hell :/

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:43:32 AM

Matt Green here again reminding you that I said Church Tongue wasn't a hardcore band in 2012 and that comment still stands today. I should know, I'm Mr. Hardcore.

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:54:10 AM

Mr. Hardcore here, want to clarify Matt Green does NOT hold that title, Grey X Gordon does. Anyway both of them are vegan

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:03:20 AM

Danny Adams here from counte.... Conveyer! (Maybe you heard of us) we sold out a 40 cap venue. Lemme book your band! It'll be lit!

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:04:01 AM

Garret Jett checking in, I heard Norelle's name and I came running :/

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:06:00 AM

Matt Green here, sorry I misspoke. I lost that title to Grey fair and square in a no holds barred tumblr match. Anyway the fact still remains that I'm a hardcore legend.

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:06:22 AM

Matt g and norelle here, we did the math and we have been with the same number of guys.

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:21:48 AM

Which is 46 each, I'm also vegan

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:28:15 AM

Garrett Jett here, can we please stop talking about Matt and Norelle? I'm still not really over it and I'd just really like if it if you stopped thanks

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:39:15 AM

Garret Jett here, gonna kill myself

anonymous 8/25/2016 12:00:37 PM

The real Kyle Lusty here I'm a legend and I dye my hair cuz I'm gay.

anonymous 8/25/2016 12:03:23 PM

Trae X Roberts here just want to chime in I wish I was in Bunglr

anonymous 8/25/2016 12:06:13 PM

Jake Luhrs here. CT is my favorite Christian, non-christian band. Also, check out this rad band called Between Now And Then

anonymous 8/25/2016 12:12:36 PM

Eric Presz here! Please buy my bass!

anonymous 8/25/2016 12:42:55 PM

Anyone got a used Boss Metal Core or Digitech Death Metal peda they'd be willing to part with? I'm trying to write sick screamo like this, but I need one of those pedals to take my Line 6 Spyder's insane setting to the next level. I know it's a lot to ask one of you to part with one of these sacred pieces of gear, but I can't write sick screamo for Steve Hendrickson to do guest vox on without it.

anonymous 8/25/2016 1:25:31 PM

Dawg, it's Chris Lane here. Have you heard about how Headrush is doing stuff? Nah, you just want spicy mayo on your roll? Alright dawg.

anonymous 8/25/2016 2:18:13 PM

Church tongue. More like coolest band I've ever listened to tongue

anonymous 8/25/2016 2:19:39 PM

Anyone got some used drumsticks I can buy

anonymous 8/25/2016 2:20:26 PM

This thread aside, this band is unfckingreal. This song is so good. I can't wait to hear the whole record.

anonymous 8/25/2016 2:20:41 PM

I'm a vegan

anonymous 8/25/2016 2:26:33 PM

Fronz here

anonymous 8/25/2016 2:38:58 PM

Jacob Bialosky from the notable regional touring band, Everyone Leaves here.

anonymous 8/25/2016 2:44:50 PM

Matt G back, trying to figure out why people stopped talking about me.

anonymous 8/25/2016 3:11:29 PM

Matt Buell here. I'm going bald and seeing a front man like mike gives me the confidence I need to live honestly in this bald-shaming world. Also. Critch is fat now so that's cool.

anonymous 8/25/2016 3:16:32 PM

John Beach here, want to do a podcast?

anonymous 8/25/2016 4:21:04 PM

Hey, Jason Delong here. I'm in xenos..... I hope you like my drumming.

anonymous 8/25/2016 4:23:58 PM

Johnny Franke here. I'm over priced unless you attend my church.

anonymous 8/25/2016 4:28:03 PM

Mike Sugars coming back to tell you all that if you don't buy this album and help my shot ass band tour Canada again with another failing shit emo band then I'll be left with no choice then to get a hand tattoo and start working at k-marts, please for the love of (maybe there is a) God buy this bullshit.

anonymous 8/25/2016 4:28:58 PM

Jason Delong here again, I have a girlfriend now :) lmao here's do gay photos of Windows!

anonymous 8/25/2016 5:03:07 PM

You new bassist moshes like an jerk. He isn't out there for fun, He just likes to fcking hurt people.

anonymous 8/25/2016 5:54:26 PM

Let's Get Jet's! -Alex from Legion

anonymous 8/25/2016 6:56:47 PM

Alex Miller from the Hoosier dome house band, safe house, FIST ME

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:06:35 PM

Matt Green here again, just wanted everyone know I just scored a FREE VEGAN meal. Thanks to my main man Jesus Christ! Well, gotta go just saw a smol doggo.

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:10:27 PM

Matt Green's pastor is stoked

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:11:21 PM


anonymous 8/25/2016 7:13:55 PM

Matt Green's fixed gear is stoked it got stolen.

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:14:11 PM

Nathan Evans here. I hate Matt G. Did you all know I got married?

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:15:56 PM

Issac from Knocked Loose here. We go way down on the fret board.

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:16:01 PM

Kevin Adkins here. Any fat girls tryna fck? Also The Jïg sucks and I hate Matt G.

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:17:55 PM

Trey Schilffarth here from Full of Hell, I mean Pissed On, did you know we've opened for Knocked Loose 60 times?

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:28:21 PM

Bryan from Jïg here. I wish I was in Spine. I spray painted your bathroom while you read this.

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:31:48 PM

wait before I got I gotta apologize to Ryan Storey again

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:40:49 PM

Bryan Prosser here. I love Midwest Blood but also I hate it. Tell your 16 year old sister I said to add me on Snapchat.

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:43:00 PM

Kevin Adkins here, did you say 16 year old?

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:48:27 PM

Ryan Storey here. Me and Jim Barron still hate kids and shade anyone that isn't 30 like us. Youth crew is totally in right now get stoked on Supertouch bro! I broke edge with my druggy girlfriend

anonymous 8/25/2016 7:51:39 PM

Cody Dussia here. Can Chipped Teeth hop on this signing too?

anonymous 8/25/2016 8:02:56 PM

So glad I'm not popular enough to get mentioned in this shit-show of a post. -Everyone else in the Midwest.

anonymous 8/25/2016 8:13:42 PM

Kevin Adkins here , I tried to kill myself because the Jïg made a post about me trying to fck an 18 year old. I'm a fat pathetic Internet troll who does nothing but shit talk everything and talk about shit noone cares about.

anonymous 8/25/2016 8:46:55 PM

Bryan prosser here, vocalist of the jig. I'm straight edge and like to fck 17 year old girls. I think my band is the hardest band ever.

anonymous 8/25/2016 8:55:11 PM

Silvia pereda here. I died of cancer to get away from Kevin Adkins.

anonymous 8/25/2016 9:45:46 PM

test post here

anonymous 8/25/2016 9:58:10 PM

Testing testing

anonymous 8/25/2016 9:58:11 PM

Sean from verse here just to let u know I'm straight again again

anonymous 8/25/2016 9:59:39 PM


anonymous 8/25/2016 10:23:28 PM

Another dead end band on a dead end label.

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:31:30 PM

Every irrelevant troll talking shit on everyone on these comments is a coward and should go public with all of it. Come out from behind your repressed self-image issues blanket. You're talking about people in a culture that isn't supposed to act like high schoolers. Get out. Stay in your little internet world. Or keep it up, if you need this to validate yourself and get sleep at night. I'd be embarrassed of myself if I were you

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:37:12 PM

^ pssy

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:42:01 PM

Hello, my name is Aaron and I'm one of the administrators. We're all very confused as to what exactly is going on here and would like to politely request that all commenters show some respect to our site and to the bands being reported on. We pride ourselves on being one of the premier sites for hardcore/metal news, reviews, interviews, etc. and don't particularly appreciate slanderous material such as what is seen here. Thank you all for viewing our site.

anonymous 8/25/2016 10:59:20 PM

Eat shit "Aaron"

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:03:26 PM

Hi I'm Kevin and I make up shit on the Internet to get attention because I have 0 real friends because I Lie All the time

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:09:05 PM

Hey, guys. Matt Fox here. Just trying to stay relevant.

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:13:21 PM

I think Aaron's a lying ass bitch if you ask me

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:14:53 PM

I have the feeling that this is lowkey just like 3 jerks talking to each other and themselves thinking there's hundreds on this thread.

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:15:52 PM

Harambe here, miss you guys.

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:17:42 PM

Martin Shkreli here, I'm trying Harambe.

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:19:41 PM

Anonymous commenter here. fck ________. I don't like them because of ________. And also fck _______ because they also support _______. Eat my ass.

anonymous 8/25/2016 11:20:57 PM


anonymous 8/25/2016 11:23:21 PM

I know for an actual fact that Mike Sugars has tasted his own stuff for fun before.

anonymous 8/26/2016 4:00:34 AM

Leela from Futurama here. Where the fck is my other eye??

anonymous 8/26/2016 5:06:04 AM

Matt G here, sorry for before, I was pretending to be Aaron. I just didn't realize people knew the real me. The douche bag me.

anonymous 8/26/2016 7:00:27 AM


anonymous 8/26/2016 7:13:47 AM

Ryan Storey here again. Just want to let you know I don't condone anyone that isn't my friends to come out to shows. Posers aren't allowed. Wait I did break edge..... I can't satisfy my girlfriend who will dump me again

anonymous 8/26/2016 7:56:35 AM

Mike Sugars uses Extenze

anonymous 8/26/2016 7:59:51 AM

Aaron from Lambgoat here. If you gays would stop commenting on articles we could have some journalistic integrity.

anonymous 8/26/2016 10:21:14 AM

Zach Fulton from Force Fed here just letting you all know I broke edge and I'm a pssy but I reclaimed... Also my band force fed is opening for hatebreed on their next tour because we sucked them off. Check us out at force fed . Band camp . Con

anonymous 8/26/2016 10:24:46 AM


anonymous 8/26/2016 10:29:56 AM

Dyke breath from family force 5 here I wanna sign you to my label cause ur fckin gay

anonymous 8/26/2016 10:37:16 AM

Half expected to see donald trump get fcked by a gaint dick.

anonymous 8/26/2016 2:15:30 PM

Indianapolis here, we moved on from these guys when they changed their name for the 12th time.

anonymous 8/26/2016 2:16:27 PM

I wonder how many other bands parents had to pay for their record deals.

anonymous 8/26/2016 2:23:35 PM

None of you guys even listen to have heart anymore.

anonymous 8/26/2016 2:26:11 PM

Hey Louisville chill the fck out

anonymous 8/26/2016 2:28:06 PM

Lou Koller from Sick of it All - stop being a bunch of p-says and get heavy. You're the problem with the scene. Generic

anonymous 8/26/2016 2:37:01 PM

Not sure how EMO kids that cut themselves end up on Blood & Ink.

anonymous 8/26/2016 2:48:16 PM

That's not how you speak in tongues :/

anonymous 8/26/2016 3:37:28 PM

Ever since you signed this shit band it's been storming in Indiana.

anonymous 8/26/2016 4:01:10 PM

Looks like jealousy is a bitch. This band is so fcking great.

anonymous 8/26/2016 4:59:58 PM

TRAE X ROBERTS HERE everyone go like my band bruise. But really don't. We're an actual blistered rip off band.

anonymous 8/27/2016 9:02:50 AM

Daniel White here. This was a mercy signing. A place for Church Tongue to get comfortable and slowly waste away until they are nothing.

anonymous 8/27/2016 9:04:02 AM

Can anyone confirm or deny that the Mongolian kid in the band has a big dick??? Please respond.

anonymous 8/27/2016 9:48:21 AM

Your favorite fcking teletubby here fck You tubby custard

anonymous 8/27/2016 9:51:16 AM

Hi,Chris Lane here dawg, You ever heard of a band called head rush? We are a touring band. two out of town shows every two months count. Yes they do dawg. I just tour tour tour. Touring is so hard. Those couple weekends I was gone were hard. fck

anonymous 8/27/2016 10:22:22 AM

This thread is insane hahahaha Great song guys and congrats

anonymous 8/27/2016 11:32:16 AM

no wonder hardcore is trash with all these mouth breathing mongoloids. Cant wait till trump makes you all great again AKA dead.

anonymous 8/27/2016 6:35:51 PM

Make the scene great again #MO$H

anonymous 8/28/2016 4:27:34 AM

See you all at Quiznos boy, you know this album isn't going to make any money either.

anonymous 8/28/2016 8:34:58 AM


anonymous 9/3/2016 10:54:13 AM

Here's one for the time josh Kettery got his monster sucked by Jess brown

anonymous 9/3/2016 5:38:35 PM

Kal from SERMOS, MESS, and D O O M C O W. Just wanted to say SICK song. I loved the video bc I watched it when I was high on weed hahaha did you know that I smoke weed hahaha I'm in DOOMCOW and I actually wrote the songs about weed hahaha anyways still a cool video to smoke weed to. Hahaha

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