Finally made it home. Was a wild few months.
— Zach Johnson (@ZachJayDTD) January 15, 2016
Post CommentDont you dare talk about TGI or ATB Brian Sankus
Shane from down in it here ! Listen to my band down in It we are bringing metalcore back in goth lol
^ are you bringing the retard back also shit for brains?
During outpatient treatment make sure you lube that jerk a minimum of 3 times a day. I'm familiar with voluntary manslaughter and the an@l gap that ensues once you face charges. I was lucky enough to have a cellmate who would bleach it before he took my brown card. - Randy Blythe
Why would anyone other than the driver face charges?
https://downinit.bandcamp. com -Shane , down in it
This isn't myspace, promote your shit wana be Harvest shit somewhere else gaygal. Your band is nothing new, just some kids playing a 4/4 with a bleh before a hot topic core breakdown. Stop trying to impress some slut from the internet that Nick D is already trying to slide into.
or fck whatever his stupid gay last name is.
Break up already, twerps. Before someone else loses a fcking leg.
lol..."down in it" think that gives you automatic street cred or something? yea man we're in the shit man. we're out there in the clubs and on the streets and we ARE rock n roll! *plays 1 basement show*
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Glad to get in before the bs. Glad you're home.